What am I doing wrong?

I've been at this for almost a year now, and I am growing increasingly frustrated.

When I started I had the normal BIG drop the first month, and lost steadily for a few months after that. In Nov I had my wisdom teeth pulled and then admittedly fell of the wagon through the holidays. I've been working hard since January though...and the scale just will not budge.

Anything I eat at home, I weigh on a scale (preferably in grams--though sometimes it's logged as TBSP or whatever). Everything I cook at home gets weighed and measured out into the recipe builder so I can track as accurately as possible. Whenever we eat out, I overestimate whatever I eat just to be safe (for instance, 2 bites of cobbler is logged as 1/2C...1 bite of refried beans is logged as 1/4C) since I've no way of knowing caloric information most of the time.

I've worn a Fitbit for almost a year and recently switched to a BodyMedia armband. This last week was my first full week wearing the BodyMedia. Whatever it gives my for a burn at the end of the day I subtract 10% to account for any errors as I know it's really just a good estimate. {{when I first started wearing it I still wore my HRM during exercise to see the difference...it was off by only a few calories, so I trust it for the most part}}. I try to work out at least 30 minutes a day (restarted T25) doing cardio, or dance workouts, or running the stairs in my building.

My problem is that it just doesn't seem to be working anymore. This week I ate 10,324 calories and according to my BodyMedia I burned 16,627 (18,475 - 10% to account for inaccuracies)--a 6,303 calorie difference which means mathematically I should have lost over a pound. Instead I've gained 3.

I know many of you are going to tell me that I'm not logging accurately, or that I'm eating too much...but I AM logging as accurately as I can. You should see how frustrated my husband and friends get waiting on me to weigh every. single. thing. You should see the tears I cry when I know we have to eat out and I'll have no way of weighing things. As far as eating too much, maybe...but I try not to go over 1600 calories. I just can't imagine having to lower it to 1200 to lose...but I'm beginning to think that's my only option.

I just need help. I can't figure out where I'm going wrong. I do have hypothyroidism, which could make this a little trickier, but my doctor said that with my numbers being good it's like I *don't* have hypo, so it's not my thyroid causing the problems. (I will say though...Last year when I was easily losing I wasn't good about taking my Synthroid...)

Thanks in advance for any advice!


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,425 Member
    I just glanced at a few days of your diary and you're not eating enough IMHO. You say you don't eat over 1600 but your goal is closer to 2300 and the 3 days I saw were all under 1500.

    When you set up MFP you told it how much you weighed, how active you are (which you now know by your body media if you chose the correct setting) and how much you wanted to lose per week. You probably chose the default of 2 lbs per week and then MFP gave you a calorie goal to eat. This goal includes a deficit so when you exercise you should eat back a fair amount of that.

    Not eating enough is as much a problem as eating too much. Also be mindful of the role of sodium. I noticed takeout yesterday (not hating-I eat it too) and takeout/ restaurant food is loaded with sodium and that's going to show as an increase on the scale.

    Take your measurements and take pictures. The scale is the worst thing to use since it can fluctuate so wildly.

    Try and increase your intake to a little closer to your goal and see if that helps. This is a process of trial and error. I get not eating everything but I think you need more fuel for your body.

    Go find the thread "guide to get you started on your path to sexy pants" and read it. Lots of good information there. Good luck!
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    I just glanced at a few days of your diary and you're not eating enough IMHO. You say you don't eat over 1600 but your goal is closer to 2300 and the 3 days I saw were all under 1500.

    When you set up MFP you told it how much you weighed, how active you are (which you now know by your body media if you chose the correct setting) and how much you wanted to lose per week. You probably chose the default of 2 lbs per week and then MFP gave you a calorie goal to eat. This goal includes a deficit so when you exercise you should eat back a fair amount of that.

    Not eating enough is as much a problem as eating too much. Also be mindful of the role of sodium. I noticed takeout yesterday (not hating-I eat it too) and takeout/ restaurant food is loaded with sodium and that's going to show as an increase on the scale.

    Take your measurements and take pictures. The scale is the worst thing to use since it can fluctuate so wildly.

    Try and increase your intake to a little closer to your goal and see if that helps. This is a process of trial and error. I get not eating everything but I think you need more fuel for your body.

    Go find the thread "guide to get you started on your path to sexy pants" and read it. Lots of good information there. Good luck!

    The past few days I've had an awful head cold and haven't been eating much more than absolutely necessary. (Don't want to eat when I can't taste the food! Haha!)

    My MFP settings are "lightly active" as I'm a stay at home mom and only work out about 30 minutes/day, and my weight loss goal is 1lb/week.

    I just really don't understand how eating even more is going to help me lose. I got fat by eating more. Isn't the whole point of this that calories in need to be way less than calories out? *sigh* this is so confusing. As for the sodium, my doctor says not to worry about it too much since I've got hyponatremia (low blood sodium) thanks to my hypothyroidism...though I suppose it still plays the water retention card in my body regardless of how much gets into my blood...

    I do measurements and pictures on the 28th of each month, so that's coming up in a few days.

    Thanks so much for the advice! ????
  • MelissaBoydston82
    for the past few days i've been doing this: eating high protein, high fat, sorta low carb, and almost all of my alloted calories (which i found using a TDEE calculator, minus 15%). I lift weights and workout hard 5 days a week. I've noticed that my food choices are much different when i try to get in enough protein. and fats. more nutritious choices are made. After only like 2 or 3 days of doing this, I finally am noticing the scale go down and (to me) my tummy looks less poofy. lol. After like 50+ days of not losing, I'm about to be back down to the lowest weight i got down to a couple of months ago.
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    for the past few days i've been doing this: eating high protein, high fat, sorta low carb, and almost all of my alloted calories (which i found using a TDEE calculator, minus 15%). I lift weights and workout hard 5 days a week. I've noticed that my food choices are much different when i try to get in enough protein. and fats. more nutritious choices are made. After only like 2 or 3 days of doing this, I finally am noticing the scale go down and (to me) my tummy looks less poofy. lol. After like 50+ days of not losing, I'm about to be back down to the lowest weight i got down to a couple of months ago.

    Oh man...I can't imagine eating all the calories it gives me! Haha!

    Yay for finding something that works for you! :)

    I've been trying to get more protein...but I just can't be gnawing on chicken all day long...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    If you are not losing weight you are not in a calories deficit. Eating more is not the answer when you're to losing.

    Based on your OP, have you had your thyroid checked?
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    If you are not losing weight you are not in a calories deficit. Eating more is not the answer when you're to losing.

    Based on your OP, have you had your thyroid checked?

    I am dead serious when I say I weigh everything at home. Everything. Unless you're in my kitchen watching me, you really don't know that. Unless you see the arguments my husband and I get into because I'm a freak about weighing everything, you really don't know. Whatever my HRM/Fitbit/Body Media tell me I burn during exercise or during the day, I subtract 10% from it to account for any errors. Between that and logging my food as accurately as I possibly can--it shows I'm in a deficit nearly every day. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as rude--I don't mean to. I just don't understand why people seem to think I'm lying about this. What good would it do me to lie? I'd only be harming myself.

    And yes, I've had my thyroid checked. I currently take Synthroid for that and have my TSH levels tested every 3 months. They've been good for awhile now. I'm under the care of a doctor for my healthcare problems...so no worries there. :)
  • annatherouxling
    Maybe try lifting weights or doing some resistance training? I noticed you do a lot of cardio which is very good, however combined with muscle training, your body will have a high metabolism, and will burn more even after the workouts. There is nothing wrong with eating protein like chicken, turkey, low fat greek yogurt, beans, quinoa, etc because they are all QUALITY calories rather than empty calories. To avoid your insulin levels spiking up every time you eat, try combining those proteins and fats buy carbs like raw veggies and fruit. That way your body will have a nice balance and you will feel fuller longer. Also, I find that sugar really slows down my weight loss process. I recommend Low Glycemic index fruits, like berries, and avoid eating high Glycemic index foods later in the day. When eating those fruits, remember to combine it with a fat or protein!
  • MaeMaeSashay
    MaeMaeSashay Posts: 7 Member
    First, great job on not giving up. Most people would have stopped using MFP and just the heck with it. Congrats. Second, I'm just going to share with you what my trainer has told me. Every week you have to do different types of cardio and weight training so your body and muscles will get shocked. Also changing out your foods will also help keep your body from getting used to the same thing. Third, don't just rely on your scale. Sometimes you will lose weight and other times you will gain or stay the same weight. Measuring and tracking your bodyfat (every month) is more accurate. Lastly, just keep at it. No matter what, you are still doing your body good by having better health. Many blessings to you!
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    Maybe try lifting weights or doing some resistance training? I noticed you do a lot of cardio which is very good, however combined with muscle training, your body will have a high metabolism, and will burn more even after the workouts. There is nothing wrong with eating protein like chicken, turkey, low fat greek yogurt, beans, quinoa, etc because they are all QUALITY calories rather than empty calories. To avoid your insulin levels spiking up every time you eat, try combining those proteins and fats buy carbs like raw veggies and fruit. That way your body will have a nice balance and you will feel fuller longer. Also, I find that sugar really slows down my weight loss process. I recommend Low Glycemic index fruits, like berries, and avoid eating high Glycemic index foods later in the day. When eating those fruits, remember to combine it with a fat or protein!

    The program I'm doing right now...the second and third phases of it are very heavy on the weights, less on the cardio. I'll get there. :)
    Thanks for the advice! ????
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    First, great job on not giving up. Most people would have stopped using MFP and just the heck with it. Congrats. Second, I'm just going to share with you what my trainer has told me. Every week you have to do different types of cardio and weight training so your body and muscles will get shocked. Also changing out your foods will also help keep your body from getting used to the same thing. Third, don't just rely on your scale. Sometimes you will lose weight and other times you will gain or stay the same weight. Measuring and tracking your bodyfat (every month) is more accurate. Lastly, just keep at it. No matter what, you are still doing your body good by having better health. Many blessings to you!

    Thanks! I've tried and quit a million times before...but this time I just can't bring myself to quit.
    I do take measurements and photos every month...that's a few days off yet, but hopefully I'll see some changes there!
    Thanks! ????
  • rach9655
    rach9655 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I have a thyroid problem and have similar issues. I have read that drinking more than the recommended amount of water is essential if you have thyroid problems. I have being drinking eight glasses plus and lifting weights. This has helped a lot. I have found that it is difficult to strike the balance but slow and sure will win the race. Calorie wise maybe you could go down by 100 or up by 100 just to see if it's under eating or a very small additional deficit plus water water water may help. Best of all I am getting fit which is great and stronger, this helps me passed the sad no weight loss times. You work hard and you will get to achieve your goals, well done so far. :wink:
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    First, great job on not giving up. Most people would have stopped using MFP and just the heck with it. Congrats. Second, I'm just going to share with you what my trainer has told me. Every week you have to do different types of cardio and weight training so your body and muscles will get shocked. Also changing out your foods will also help keep your body from getting used to the same thing. Third, don't just rely on your scale. Sometimes you will lose weight and other times you will gain or stay the same weight. Measuring and tracking your bodyfat (every month) is more accurate. Lastly, just keep at it. No matter what, you are still doing your body good by having better health. Many blessings to you!
    I couldn't have said it better myself, nothing to add! x
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    OP, I'm wondering if *you* have a gut feeling of what is off. I know you are hoping for other people's ideas, but what has been nagging you in the back of your mind that maybe could be the reason for the stall? For me, I always know that multiple high sodium days slow down my weight loss, but within a few days of eating less sodium-filled-foods I drop again. It would be very frustrating to not lose for weeks and weeks and seems so unlikely if you are eating less than you burn.

    I will offer just one suggestion. Maybe you should set your activity level to "sedentary" for a couple weeks and eat that lower amount of calories that MFP sets, without exercising and just see what your body does. Maybe its as simple as needing to eat a bit less for a while.

    Good luck in figuring it out.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    If you are not losing weight you are not in a calories deficit. Eating more is not the answer when you're to losing.

    Based on your OP, have you had your thyroid checked?

    I am dead serious when I say I weigh everything at home. Everything. Unless you're in my kitchen watching me, you really don't know that. Unless you see the arguments my husband and I get into because I'm a freak about weighing everything, you really don't know. Whatever my HRM/Fitbit/Body Media tell me I burn during exercise or during the day, I subtract 10% from it to account for any errors. Between that and logging my food as accurately as I possibly can--it shows I'm in a deficit nearly every day. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as rude--I don't mean to. I just don't understand why people seem to think I'm lying about this. What good would it do me to lie? I'd only be harming myself.

    And yes, I've had my thyroid checked. I currently take Synthroid for that and have my TSH levels tested every 3 months. They've been good for awhile now. I'm under the care of a doctor for my healthcare problems...so no worries there. :)

    Do you feel euthyroid or have you had any symptoms of being hypo resurface? Do you know what your free T4 and T3 levels are? Have they changed at all? Something is off. If you're weighing everything and ending in what *should* be a deficit - then the next most likely culprit is your hypothyroidism. Your dosage may need to be tweaked.
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    If you are not losing weight you are not in a calories deficit. Eating more is not the answer when you're to losing.

    Based on your OP, have you had your thyroid checked?

    I am dead serious when I say I weigh everything at home. Everything. Unless you're in my kitchen watching me, you really don't know that. Unless you see the arguments my husband and I get into because I'm a freak about weighing everything, you really don't know. Whatever my HRM/Fitbit/Body Media tell me I burn during exercise or during the day, I subtract 10% from it to account for any errors. Between that and logging my food as accurately as I possibly can--it shows I'm in a deficit nearly every day. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as rude--I don't mean to. I just don't understand why people seem to think I'm lying about this. What good would it do me to lie? I'd only be harming myself.

    And yes, I've had my thyroid checked. I currently take Synthroid for that and have my TSH levels tested every 3 months. They've been good for awhile now. I'm under the care of a doctor for my healthcare problems...so no worries there. :)

    Do you feel euthyroid or have you had any symptoms of being hypo resurface? Do you know what your free T4 and T3 levels are? Have they changed at all? Something is off. If you're weighing everything and ending in what *should* be a deficit - then the next most likely culprit is your hypothyroidism. Your dosage may need to be tweaked.

    I still have pretty much all my hypo symptoms, but since my TSH is in the "normal" range the doctor insists that my dosage doesn't need messed with. And I have military healthcare on a teeny foreign base with no other options than the 2 doctors who insist I'm fine. My regular doctors ignored me for years about my thyroid--it was a visiting OBGYN that finallty listened and ran the tests on me a couple years ago. I don't know any numbers for the free T4 or T3--I'm only able to get my TSH checked here I guess. My husband works in the laboratory and has tried to explain to the doctor that they *can* test for it???but they just won't order it. Gotta love it.

    I'll call on Monday and make another appt. There's supposed to be a new doc coming in July...maybe I can get in to see her.
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    OP, I'm wondering if *you* have a gut feeling of what is off. I know you are hoping for other people's ideas, but what has been nagging you in the back of your mind that maybe could be the reason for the stall? For me, I always know that multiple high sodium days slow down my weight loss, but within a few days of eating less sodium-filled-foods I drop again. It would be very frustrating to not lose for weeks and weeks and seems so unlikely if you are eating less than you burn.

    I will offer just one suggestion. Maybe you should set your activity level to "sedentary" for a couple weeks and eat that lower amount of calories that MFP sets, without exercising and just see what your body does. Maybe its as simple as needing to eat a bit less for a while.

    Good luck in figuring it out.

    I do actually have a gut feeling. I'm afraid it's my thyroid...and I'm also thinking I don't "NET" near enough each day...looking over the last week, I netted less than 1200 every day...I *know* that's not a good thing...but I just can't bring myself to eat more. I KNOW I'll gain if I go over 1600. It just does not make sense in my brain that people can eat 2000/day and lose weight. :/
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    first off eating more calories is not going to help you lose weight...logic.
    2nd you don't have to change up your exercise new exercise causes water retention and glycogen stores which masks weight loss...which is even more stressful...
    Speaking of stress...you got it and you need to relax...raised cortisol levels in women due to stress can cause you to retain water...


    Chill out and relax...esp when eating out, to cry because you can't weigh...and tell your husband to stop stressing you out about the kitchen scale...it is no different than measuring cups when you make cake and he doesn't get on you about that...

    You already indicated you have issues with your thyroid so that's where you have to look. Dr can be very adament but you are the patient ie customer and you can insist on having certian tests done etc. That is where you need to look first.
  • catbell2
    catbell2 Posts: 6
    I'm learning too. I have a Fitbit and never understand how at the end suddenly I'm given all these extra calories and no time to use them. According to my food chart, I'm under most days. I'll try harder to get enough in but its often hard esp when my exercise points keep me under. I started this 12 days ago and have only lost half a pound. I was up to 144 back in November but now I'm 130.00. I want to be 125 to 128...so just a few more to go...just can't get there. I'l try body measurements to see if that helps.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    If you are not losing weight you are not in a calories deficit. Eating more is not the answer when you're to losing.

    soooo tired of this droning mantra! why don't you just say "liar, liar" and be done with it.

    YOU aren't in our kitchens, homes, work places, etc. It's become obvious to me the people that post this kind of answer have really no idea of each persons struggle. so if you can't be truly helpful then just stay out of it.