Keratosis pilaris - red blotchy skin on top of arms



  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Hmm, I've never heard of it happening because of being overweight...I'm not overweight & I have it too & a lot of people I know have it too, who are smaller than me. I read before that like 60-70% of people have it. Make sure to put lotion on it each day, moisturizing it helps. I used to be super embarrassed by it but now I'm just like ehhh, whatever.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I have it, too, and I hate it! I'm actually more self conscious about it now than I was before I lost the weight... maybe being insecure about my weight distracted me or something. I hate to think that I would have to exfoliate everyday and apply creams twice everyday to maybe see improvement. Ugh. I'm so jealous of the girls that get to show off their smooth, sexy skin :grumble:
  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 100
    I used to have it on my thighs. I started soaking in Colloidal oatmeal and washing with a rougher than standard wash cloth and using pure coconut oil afterwards. After two weeks the bumps were gone. Clear for over three years now.
    Edit: When I slack on the regimen, the bumps start to come back, so it is not a cure, but something you have to continue forever. When I first started the regimen I thought I could get away with skipping steps but I only risk about two or three days of skipping soak for a quick shower but I never skip coconut oil.
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    yep had that for years... gets worse when skin is dry.

    I use exfoliating and moisturising body washes, and a body puff or loofah.. A moisturising salt/sugar body scrub once a week is good too. I live in a humid climate which is great for my skin, and I've found that since exercising more and sweating lots the little blotches and pimples have reduced a lot. I've had to take some time off exercising because of being sick and actually found them getting worse again. When I drink less water they seem to get bad too. Moisturise your skin at night (if your skin is really dry then do it mornins as well), a cheap Vit E cream is all you need.

    I dont get people commenting on it so I rarely notice it or pay much attention. Caring for it doesn't take any extra out out of my day either because everything I do is part of my normal routine.
  • PaulBeach89
    I have it and it is currently improving where before when the bumps were scratched they would just recover as before they now allow for the hairs to emerge, however most of the hairs are emerging on their own. I have recently been doing some quite strenuous triceps exercises so it may be recovering due to increase blood flow although it could be the oil in my diet moisturizing the skin or both or something else entirely. But it is definitely recovering predominantly towards the top.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I have KP. When I get enough omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) it goes away completely. Completely. I take Nordic Naturals, but there are other brands out there. You can find omega 3 fatty acids from various brands. I used to do lactic lotions, but when I traveled overseas and didn't bring it, I realized my skin was smoother than ever before. I was in a country where people ate a lot of fish. So when I came back home to the US, I started supplementing with over the counter omega 3 fatty acids. My skin lost the skin colored bumps. If I slack off the EPA/DHA in omega 3 fatty acids, I get the bumps again.
  • amylg05
    amylg05 Posts: 89 Member
    I used to have it on my thighs. I started soaking in Colloidal oatmeal and washing with a rougher than standard wash cloth and using pure coconut oil afterwards. After two weeks the bumps were gone. Clear for over three years now.
    Edit: When I slack on the regimen, the bumps start to come back, so it is not a cure, but something you have to continue forever. When I first started the regimen I thought I could get away with skipping steps but I only risk about two or three days of skipping soak for a quick shower but I never skip coconut oil.

    I've had this all my life and only last week discovered that it was an actual thing after googling it! I have it on the tops of my arms pretty bad and also forearms...I read that coconut oil in the shower is the best thing! Do you put it on and rinse off? Or leave on? I'm going to try to get my hands on some! Also, where did you find the stuff?
  • lbach
    lbach Posts: 1 Member
    use coconut oil as a lotion. i've had KP for as long as i can remember. my dermatologist recently told me that other than a gentle loofah, you should not do a rough exfoliate for KP. eating enough omegas is good, staying properly hydrated is good. but the coconut oil has lauric acid in it naturally and that breaks down the dead skin cells and they MCT fat hydrates the skin. I've been using coconut oil as moisturizer for a couple of months and my KP is basically gone.
  • rebeccawesterfield5
    rebeccawesterfield5 Posts: 132 Member
    I used to have it on my thighs. I started soaking in Colloidal oatmeal and washing with a rougher than standard wash cloth and using pure coconut oil afterwards. After two weeks the bumps were gone. Clear for over three years now.
    Edit: When I slack on the regimen, the bumps start to come back, so it is not a cure, but something you have to continue forever. When I first started the regimen I thought I could get away with skipping steps but I only risk about two or three days of skipping soak for a quick shower but I never skip coconut oil.

    I also have begun using coconut oil on mine about 3 weeks ago and have noticed a dramatic reduction in redness and bumps. I think coconut is a miracle oil, I even use it on my face. People have begun telling me I have beautiful skin! I think it has helped my skin firm up more quickly as I lose weight. Good luck!
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Is that what that is? I don't have patches that bad, mine are usually small but they happen everywhere. Only hurt when I scratch at them. Weird.
  • WallsA123
    WallsA123 Posts: 9 Member
    COCONUT OIL!!!!!!!

    I also have this condition. I had it as a child and was told it would go away in my thirties. It did not. In fact I think it got worse. I can keep the symptoms in check by exfoliation and coconut oil! Yes, the kind you eat! After showering and exfoliating apply the coconut oil like a lotion. Smells great and will help with the symptoms if done daily. I buy mine in bulk at Bj's wholesale.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I used to think it was like the skin of an orange. Had it as a teen, on my thighs, and remember always picking at my legs, when bored. I believe, noone else had it, and it looked worse, after sun bathing. Now, I'm 49 and am still not used to having different 'looking' skin on my legs. It's not as severe, but has an 'older' look. I've tried applying body lotion, but gave up after a couple of days. I exfoiliate, on a regular basis, as it helps to stimulate the lymphatics. Eating healthy, keeping well hydrated, as well as keeping warm, and exercise, are all important factors.
  • brookemart81
    brookemart81 Posts: 62 Member
    I have this too. AHA lotion all the way! It's the combination of chemical exfoliation and moisturization that helps keep it at bay. You do need to use it basically every day- if you get lazy, it comes back. I prefer glycolic acid specifically- there's a product called KP Duty that I think you can buy at Sephora that's made specifically for KP, which I've used in the past. Right now I'm using a glycolic acid lotion from Paula's Choice. They also have a salcylic acid lotion that they claim is better for KP, but I didn't find it to work as well as the glycolic.
  • KettleTO
    KettleTO Posts: 144 Member
    Mine improved with weight loss. Weight loss, strong moisturizer and a little sun seem to keep them at their best.

    As I've put back on some weight, they've started to come back.
  • laceylucas86
    I've read that it's a symptom of gluten intolerance
  • abrockhausen
    abrockhausen Posts: 35 Member
    My husband and daughter both have it. While getting my husband to exfoliate and moisturize can be tricky, my daught has had a lot of improvement with hers. We found that Amlactin lotion (recommended by her dermatologist) works best for her.
  • PriscillaLaine
    PriscillaLaine Posts: 124 Member
    Got it on the tops of my arms, and my thighs. I always wear tights, even skin coloured ones in the summer, as I hate it. My sister also has it the tops of her arms. I just try and ignore it now.
  • willowdragonfly
    willowdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    I would definitely recommend Coconut Oil as well,I had it mildly on the backs of my arms and after using coconut oil for about a month it disappeared.You can whip the coconut oil with a hand mixer so that its more of a lighter consistency and hence easier to apply.I just put mine in a small jar and kept it in my bathroom and applied after I got out of the shower.You may also add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    My daughter has that. Exfoliation and moisturizer help enormously, and for her it seems to be somewhat stress-related too.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I've read that it's a symptom of gluten intolerance

    Probably, as bread was eaten in large quantities every day, as a kid. I don't eat bread now, as it just makes me bloated.