I'm a bad eater.

I'm a horrible eater. Not in the way that I eat junk...but in the way that I don't eat at all. It's a bad habit that I've been struggling with for a long time. I don't intentionally starve myself...well I don't think I starve myself at all but i always find it hard to fit in 3 meals a day. Most of the time it's breakfast or lunch that I miss simply because I'm either sleeping (in the morning) or really busy at work (during lunch). Is this going to affect my progress? How do I work on this so I make sure I get all my calories?


  • tigerlily_
    tigerlily_ Posts: 32 Member
    Why not set a reminder on your phone? And pre-prepare meals and snacks to bring with you so that they only take a few minutes to actually eat.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    The number of meals you eat per day & meal timing are irrelevant to losing weight. As long as you meet your calorie goals for the day (consistently) then you will be fine. If you're saying that you are not hungry and don't eat enough per day - then that may be a problem. It's very hard to meet your nutritional needs when you consistently under eat .

    ETA: Eat more calorie dense foods (olive oil added when cooking, avocados, nuts, peanut butter, etc.). At the end of the day, a couple of spoons of peanut butter would fill out your calories without filling you up.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    It's OK to eat just a couple of meals a day, as long as you get all your calories in, so the downside means you'd need to eat large meals. If that is a struggle, carry calorie dense snacks such as nuts, seeds and dried fruit to eat on the go. Use full fat dairy, add oil or butter when cooking, have a glass of milk with meals,
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm a horrible eater. Not in the way that I eat junk...but in the way that I don't eat at all. It's a bad habit that I've been struggling with for a long time. I don't intentionally starve myself...well I don't think I starve myself at all but i always find it hard to fit in 3 meals a day. Most of the time it's breakfast or lunch that I miss simply because I'm either sleeping (in the morning) or really busy at work (during lunch). Is this going to affect my progress? How do I work on this so I make sure I get all my calories?

    No, it shouldn't affect your progress. My normal eating pattern is between 10:30 AM and 6 PM, often consisting of grazing and one meal (dinner). It didn't affect me losing weight and others have reported narrow eating windows haven't affected their weight loss either. It really doesn't matter when you eat as long as you eat a minimum of 1,200 calories per day.
  • fidelis118
    Thank you everyone!!! This has been very helpful. I will try to work on it.