Shorties Unite!!! 5'3" and under!!



  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    5'2 CW240 GW140
    ANYONE feel free to add me. I need the motivation and I love giving it back!
  • I'm 5'3 156 lb. goal is 130. Hope to get there soon!
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    Hey Guys! 5'1 here - about 30ish lbs to lose. Love seeing so many shorties!!! :)
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    I'm 5'3.5".....SW 210 (highest); CW 188ish; GW 160s (that may change) :smile:
  • dynellthomas12
    dynellthomas12 Posts: 16 Member
    5'2...SW 184 (highest I've EVER been, including both times I was pregnant...YIKES!), CW 170, GW 135-140. Feel free to add me!
  • Hey!

    I'm 5'1" (and a half :)

    Starting Weight - 130
    Current Weight - 121

    I'm very happy where I am right now. I'm just working out hard and trying to reach PR's as well as recomp my body a bit more. It is very difficult to lose weight when your so short though! Every portion practically needs to be cut in half. I am constantly taking leftover food home from restaurants LOL - I mean I COULD eat it all, but I don't want to!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • karenh
    karenh Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 43 y/o. Been mostly heavy ever since having kids...I tend to yoyo. Anyway, here are my stats:

    sw 196
    cw 163
    goal 135ish

    More than 1/2 way there and still going which is already pretty good for me! Need to keep the motivation and healthy lifestyle to keep losing and keep it off!
  • 40 years old (41 in June)
    SW: 121
    CW: 114
    GW: 108

    The weight comes off a lot slower as I get closer to my goal weight. I weight myself every day and it's amazing to me how much it fluctuates. I'm still looking for a pattern!
  • craftydoll
    craftydoll Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'3"(and 1/2, ha), 135lbs, looking to burn some body fat and build muscle. Anyone may add me if you wish because I'd love to have more friends for support and motivation (giving and receiving!).
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    27 yr old 5 ft 3 SW: 160 CW:150 GW: 120

    My body stays stuck at 150-145 I have been here for much too long. But not ready to give up....
    I guess I would like friends with food diary that is open so I can get ideas what people my size are eating and calories consumed because that is what I am having the most troubles with. Working out isnt a problem for me its finding that balance between eating enough to fuel my workouts and eating enough deficit to lose weight.

    Feel free to add me but tell me you seen my post here...

    Good luck on your journey all!
  • fishsquishy
    fishsquishy Posts: 35 Member
    5'2" 47F
    Hi everyone, I just hit a plateau and would love more shorty friends. I love zumba and soccer and getting back into rollerblading. Need help and motivation on lifting. Dislike running and leg lifts... maybe someday I will be light enough that I end up liking both ;) Please add me, I joke around a lot on MFP. Trying to keep it honest and funny.
    SW - 205
    CW - 181
    GW- 138 (college weight)
    UGW - 115 (high school weight)
  • Just_Bina
    Just_Bina Posts: 12
    Hi everyone


    SW - 150
    GW - 115
  • vegtabully
    vegtabully Posts: 11 Member

    SW: 176
    CW: 155 (but I got as low as 147 at the beginning of the school year)
    GW: 125

    Losing weight was so easy at first. Count calories in/out. It's not so easy anymore, and I've been stuck for awhile. I've been cutting out processed foods, and I've seen some results. However, it's like the moment I put anything not 100% healthy NEAR my body I gain 5 lbs, while I work my *kitten* off to lose 2 lbs. I'm going crazy over here!
  • anhellena
    anhellena Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I am 5'2" SW was 233.6 CW 208.0 GW 140 Feel free to add me
  • BunnieMommie
    BunnieMommie Posts: 680 Member

    43 yrs. old
    SW: 182.8
    CW: 157.2
    GW: 130
    UGW: 120-125, though that depends on how my body looks. I'm slowly getting into weight training. So, how toned my body is means more to me than the number on scale.
  • I'm 5ft 2. Currently 132lbs. Initial GW of 120 and then we'll see, just because I'm not sure it's possible/healthy for me to be the 110 I was before babies!
  • ismiseclare
    ismiseclare Posts: 1 Member
    hi everyone!
    5ft 3,
    SW (2 years ago) was 173, got to 140 using weight watchers

    CW: 141.5
    GW: 131

    I want to lose 10 pounds by end of June max!!
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I'm 5'3"

    SW: about 150
    CW: 128
    GW: 124ish
    My goal is really not about weight anymore; it's about getting my BF to 18% and getting stronger :)
  • pbass1
    pbass1 Posts: 9
    Hi. I am at the 1200 also. I lost more weight than stated amount for most weigh ins. I do find I need to add some exercise to the mix. I walk about 1 hr daily. I walk at a pretty good pace. Watching the calories is really the trick. Good Luck.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am 5' 2".

    SW: 199.5
    CW: 158
    GW: don't have a goal weight
    Current Body Fat: 35%
    Goal Body Fat: 25%

    Whatever weight I am at when I get to my goal body fat is fine with me, the body fat % is important, don't want to be skinny fat. :)