

  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Good Morning to all,

    One of the things I committed to myself to include after Christmas was exercise. But trying to get exercise done and encountering challenges:
    :ohwell: It is a very cold day here so going our for a hike in the ravine is not a good option today.
    :embarassed: My Wii is set up in the family room and yesterday when I used it I provided too much entertainment for my mother and father who are still visiting with us. I think my exercise is too much comic relief (I am probably a little to uncoordinated and clumsy) so today I will forgo Wii.
    :grumble: The new yoga for weight loss DVD is not working (skipping?) on my computer. Tried to do this in the privacy of my bedroom: no luck!
    :happy: So I will try another DVD (more Christmas gifts) on my computer in my bedroom and see how it goes.

    I want to thank all for posting about the challenges and successes when getting back to healthy input following the Christmas eating. I am finding this very difficult and hearing others doing it is very motivating. Though I have been successful in getting eating under calorie goal as set in MFP, the extra sugar I had is still influencing me and I am craving sugar. Though calorie stat looks okay, the rest of my nutrition stats are not looking good and I know I can't maintain this and be healthy. Hopefully this will sugar craving will ease soon.

    Posting about the ideas or "tricks" people are using to manage/promote healthy eating, like not buying peanut butter if needed, is very helpful for me. I really gain from these reminders: because of course often our "tricks" are things we do know but forget in the moments of craving or temptation or frustration or family pressures or tiredness or any of the things that make us (me) overindulge. So again: thanks so much and know the sharing really is helpful.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I got back on my treadmill today - just for half an hour, but wanted to make sure I did something. Of course, after half an hour I was coughing like crazy. Obviously I will just have to ease back into exercise gradually until I'm bronchitis-free.

    It is my gorgeous son's 28th birthday today. Where did those years go?? It's gone by in a flash.

    My DD#2 told us a little fib (to try to protect us). When she was in hospital recently, it was not to have her endometriosis 'zapped'. She actually had another go at IVF. Sadly it didn't take. This is her ninth attempt and she is broken hearted. It tears me apart to see her go through this so many times. Her DH and her would make the most amazing parents and have been trying now for over ten years. I think it is a little harder for her as my elder daughter conceived the twins on her first go of IVF. I would give anything, even my life, to let her have a healthy and successful pregnancy.

    Anyway, time for water and some paracetamol.

    Love and luck to you all.

    Amanda x
  • debieanne
    my thoughts and prayer for your daughter amanda x debi
  • debieanne
    hi karlene i know the family and the wii ours is broke so i have not been on in awhile but when was i hit the early morning while everyone is sleeping and evening when everyone went to bed they just on't get it we have the fun time inbetween debi
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Welcome Cindy! So glad you're here!

    Well, I looked at the Bob Harper DVD and it really appears to be more of a weight-pumping DVD so I did an hour of step today. Tomorrow (Wed) yoga and then deep water.

    Got my hair colored and trimmed today (Tues). Took them lots of cookies and some of the chocolate cheesecake. I'm not so much tempted by that, but I'll give the rest of it to the people at the Y. Did manage to get rid of one of those bags of Dove chocolates, tho. Today according to MFP, I am about 100 calories under. So I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

    Kathy - I'm feeling the same way that you are -- not very many veggies in the house. I was trying to get lots cleaned up so that I'd have room in my fridge for Christmas Eve foods. Now the fridge looks bare....lol

    Yesterday (Wed) I did an hour of yoga and then an hour of deep water. I totally forgot that the locker rooms would be closed to get new carpeting on the 29, 30, and 31. Fortunately, I didn't have to get out of the pool, the installers were there but they weren't working on the lady's locker rooms yet.

    Today (Thurs) I did an hour of a Jari Love DVD. I was going to do a Jillian Michaels DVD tomorrow, but instead I think I'll do the stairmaster since the Y is pretty empty right now. After next week, things will be jumping with all the "new years resolutioners"

    I stopped at the food pantry today. All along the woman in charge has been saying "do you need something for your tax records?" I've been saying "naaaahhhhh...it won't reach $500". Well, for the heck of it I added up all my donations. They came to over $1,000! So I gave her the printout, she gave me a card of thanks saying that I should fill in the amount.

    Warning: rant to follow. Skip if you aren't interested.
    I just saw a post on Facebook that Denise made. SFB's mother had posted "Merry Christmas" to her. I would NEVER think of posting on my child's page unless it was something real bad, like they were unconscious and that's why they weren't answering people. Anyway, in her post she says that she wishes she could spend the holiday with her "other family". She spends every freakin' holiday with that family. Out of 365 days in a year, we get to see her for a total of 3. At this point, we're thinking that perhaps this "other family" should pay her college tuition. Well, as far as that goes, we'll just see what happens. Did I tell you that his mother cosigned for an apt for them (after being stuck for $2,000 for the first apt she cosigned for them). To me, that says "we don't want you (SFB) in our house, so we'll cosign just so you're not in our house". Denise asked the realtor not to tell us that SFB was going to be living there, but the realtor felt bad. Did I tell you that she's driving on a suspended license? When she was down here, she brought Melanie (the cat who "got hit by a car" and the stray she took in). We took Melanie to the vet. She didn't even go. We think it's because she's embarassed that she hasn't given her cat vet care. Well, the cat needed its rabies shot at least. The kitten hasn't been taken care of, either. When Melanie was here last, she was much more friendly. Now she reminds me so much of the way Lexi acts, if I come near her, she runs away. Yet, she'll let me pet her as long as she's at the same level or higher than me. Lexi was the cat that was severly abused. I don't think Denise can take the kitten to a vet, the one vet she doesn't want to go to since she's the one who called the SPCA and reported the abuse, the other vet (the one we used) she hasn't paid the bill. I guess should something happen, the only thing she can do is take it to the emergency vet care place. When Jessica and Denise drove down here, Denise told Jessica she'd be at her place at 2. Never showed up until 5. Jessica had been up since 5, she called us about 11 since she couldn't keep her eyes open. Denise SAID she couldn't drive at night, she couldn't see. So Jessica called us, we met them at the NC/VA border and drove home. Yet, Sun. when they left we told Denise to spend the night at Jess' and leave early the next day to miss the snowstorm. Well, she was bound and determined to go to West Chester. So here she is, in a blizzard, driving at night. Yet, she made it. Of course, she called us multiple times. One time she was lost in DC. Another time she was lost in DE. Now why she didn't call this "other family" (who is much closer than we are) I don't know.

    Welcome Darlis -- you've come to the right place for lots of support. You, too, everydayep.....

    Viv and barbiecat - I hear ya about the peanutbutter. Honestly, I don't like peanutbutter, but Healthy Choice Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. Forget it. By the time I get done with it, it's no longer a Healthy Choice. I think one serving is a cup, for me one serving is a carton....lol For that reason alone, it's been a looooonnnnngggg time since I've had it in my house.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening.

  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for the welcome.....went grocery shopping today....yuk! But stocked up on healthy stuff, lots of veggies....I love fresh but it was sooooo limited, that I wound up with lots of frozen, still so much better than most canned!!! My Mom was with me and said I segment on "The Doctors" last week said during this time of year frozen veggies might be your best option because the "fresh" had been in shipping for so long that the flash frozen were better for you. Good news for my purse!

    Working for the next several days, including 1/1/11......nothing like having to work on New Year's Day to keep you away from New Year's Eve parties and over indulging in snacks and junk! But I an so looking forward to the coming year and hopeful improvement in my health in so many ways!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Today was a great day…..when I got to line dance this morning three women came up to me and asked me to help them with the dance I’ve been teaching….I reviewed it and then the teacher put the music on for us…..then she added my dance to the dances for the day so I got to reteach it to the whole class.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I hope you feel better soon…..I’ve had bronchitis and it was awful…..I am so sorry to hear about your daughter’s difficulty is conceiving

    :flowerforyou: Viv, you are so right about logging food ahead of time and finding out how many calories…..some things are such a surprise but I’ve found that the longer I do it, the better I am at predicting the calories

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, it’s so good to see you again…..I hope you’ll be posting regularly….I’ve missed you

    :flowerforyou: Darlis, it sounds like you have the kind of attitude that encourages me…..looking for what you can do rather than fretting about what you can’t do……your family sounds great….I buy a lot of frozen veggies….sometimes I have a whole bag as a snack

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, what a romantic story about your son and his fiancé

    :flowerforyou: Debbieanne, what a great idea to get pedometers for all your kids

    :flowerforyou: Everydayepiphanies, welcome to the group…..now that you’ve posted, you are a member….we look forward to hearing more about you

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I hope you’re having some success at finding your mojo…..you’ve been on track before, you can get back again.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I do the same thing you do, I keep three separate shopping lists for the three stores (sometimes four) that I shop at.

    :flowerforyou: Karlene, I wish you success in finding a good place to exercise…that is a constant challenge for me…….one of the tricks I use for drinking water is to require myself to drink eight ounces of water before I can log onto MFP:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Michelle, isn’t it nice to have your MFP pals to listen to your frustrations? I understand about ice cream…..it has been years since I’ve allowed ice cream in my house…..the last time I ate ice cream was at the Lavender Festival in July…..I had one scoop of lemon lavender ice cream and then thought about going back for more all weekend.

    :bigsmile: It is 24 degrees F here (minus 4 C) right now but it was sunny and beautiful in the afternoon so the dog park was full of people and dogs who don’t usually come to the park ,there should be similar weather tomorrow.

    :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: Don’t forget that we will start a new thread for January…….I will start it either late tomorrow or early on Saturday
    since our members are from so many time zones (I think there’s eight hours between the ladies in the UK and me) no matter when the new thread starts it will be either early or late for someone,
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hello all of you,

    Barbiecat, I must say that it is so good to come on this site and see you here. If makes me feel as though I came home.

    I have been doing fairly well. I have been messing around with the same ten pounds for the last 2 months. I have been doing the vegan thing. I feel that I should be eating this way for my personal health issues.

    But, I have been messing with sugar and flour. So I decided to go back to my Food Addicts diet only supplement the meat for beans and such.
    I talked to this lady online and she said something that really hit home.

    She said once she eats sugar, flour, she no longer has a choice in the foods she wants to eat. It sets her off on a binge she can't get off of. She also can't control the amount.

    Wow, I know I've heard this before but somehow it really hit home. It made me understand why I can't eat like a normal person.

    Anyhow, I have decided to stick to the program. Today is only the 2nd day of getting rid of all sugar, flour, bread, gluten and unbeliveably artifical sugar. I have gone for a walk with the boys and today, I felt awesome.

    Thank you God!

    Well, I hope to share with all of you as often as I can. My life has taken a slower path and I hope to have little more time. Be blessed, kc

    here's to 2011 in health:flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    To all my lovely friends - both new and old.

    I am just about to leave to go to the eye hospital for my glaucoma appointment. As they will put drops in my eyes it will be difficult for me to see the computer screen clearly later on today. So - I want to say thank you for all the support and advice I have received from you throughout the year. I'm not a big one for 'support groups' per se, but this thread has been a constant source of useful information, empathy and camaraderie. Without it I would have stumbled far more often than I have and also felt isolated in a world where people have little time to care for others.

    Thank you, each and every one of you. I have learnt so much from you all and I truly feel as if I have forged some sincere friendships within this diverse group of strong females.

    I hope to 'see' you all in the new year. Until then, have a wonderful final day of the year and let's all look forward to a rewarding and healthy 2011.

    God bless you.


    Amanda x
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    My very dears, how I have missed you all!
    Not reading posts did NOT work, still no gutt 'n'butt... so must rethink.
    The good news, compared with last year there are 20 pounds gone for good!
    Wishing you all strength in your struggles, comfort in your trials, healthy and happy choices throughout the New Year.

  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Welcome to the start of a new day, and clean slate!

    We got back yesterday from being in Florida for 2 weeks with my parents!! It made many things much easier for me being away! My mom has a dog that has to be walked...so off I went every morning for a 2 mile walk! :) They eat very simple food, my dad does all the grocery shopping, and the kitchen is open to the living area...all make it for less snacking and eating! I actually lost 5 pounds while I was there! But coming back yesterday I didn't walk...I was cold and tired...so it didn't get done! :(

    So this morning I put on my "walking" clothes and walked down to the tread mill and did my 40 minutes of walking! And I have to say, I feel much better and it is such a good feeling to have my walk behind me and done for the day!! I am going upstairs to put a star on my calendar to remind me that I did something good for me!!!! Hurray!!!! If you like to see positive reinforcement, I invite you to go out and get some stars or stickers, if you don't already own some...and join me in some good old fashioned patting yourself on the back!!!! Here we go...tomorrow is the New Year!!!

    The best to you all...I know that you can do it too!!! We will all do it together! :)

    Hugs {{{{ }}}}
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Hi all!

    I have joined my first challenge, 5 pounds this month. If I lose 5 lbs a month I will be perfectly in my goal of 20 pounds by May 3rd, my next appointment with my MS doctor! Wish me luck!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I road my bike today! It was fun but a bit cold and windy. Not too bad but bad enough that I did the shorter version of my ride. The nice thing is that they are done working on the bike trail I use so I didn't have to go out on the road for part of it to get around the bit being worked on. Plus, it's got shiny new asphalt and it's a pleasure to ride on that part. I now hope they repave the rest of it -- there are quite a few bulges and bumps to navigate in one section.
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Hello to all,

    Thanks to all for the ideas on exercise and finding private spots to exercise. The feedback has helped: I am now happily exercising, lead by my computer DVDs/links, in the privacy of my bedroom. Works great!

    I will confess that I have also been a bit mischievous with Mom & Dad. After providing my Mom & Dad comedy relief when watching me work on the Wii, I thought that maybe they might like to do some easy exercise (and see it really isn't that easy!). So, I taped "Sit & Be Fit" from the PBS station (an exercise program for seniors) and have been putting it on for them to do. Mom predominantly watches as she is still recovering from her fall, but Dad (with encouragement) is participating with the TV exercises. Dad has been a very good sport and is becoming a convert that this "easy" stuff really isn't as easy (or funny) as he first thought! So I have been a little tricky as I have been polite and presented exercise for them as very good for each of them for balance, but I will admit to you that I may have been feeling a little vengeful:devil:

    Mom is recovering nicely and things look good for them heading home in a few days. I have loved having Mom and Dad visit but I am ready to have my quiet household back.

    To Amanda - I send out good wishes for you as you go through surgery and recovery.
    To Darlis - Glad to hear you have joined a 5 pound challenge. I find these challenges really helpful. I did one for December (that died off??). I signed in weekly to record my weight on Fridays. Today on the last day and I was very happy to record that I had lost 4.8 pounds in December. Must admit - with my health problems, what seems to be an ever slowing metabolism and Christmas eating - at beginning and some points through month did not think 5 pounds was possible. But I am very happy to report it is possible and I did this. I have now signed up for a 10 pound by February 14 thread that looks very active: so I am trying a challenge again too!
    To Kathy (pmjsmom) - Thanks so much for the resources in the PM. Fantastic! Best to you!
    To Debieanne - Here's hoping for working & accessible Wii machines in the new year!
    To Michele - Wow your commitment to exercise is inspiring. So sorry for ongoing interference from other families as you move forward in trying to parent your "adult child". I hope the New Year will see your girl recognizing and valuing the benefits of her (your) family influence.
    To Barbiecat - your dedication to this thread is very appreciated. I like the trick of H2O before treats (which in this case is MFP).
    To kcwriter - I eat glutenfree for health reasons/allergy. Many of my favorite GF websites are vegan. If you want I can forward to you.
    To all on this thread - I am sending out the hope for a healthy and happy 2011 all year.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    don't post any more on this thread......this is the link to our new thread

  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Happy New Year everyone. I've just skimmed through weeks of posts by all of you. I joined mfp right after Thanksgiving and was quite consistent up until people began giving me delicious and decadent, home baked goods for the holidays. I have an uncontrollable sweet tooth. One of you posted about giving up sugar and flour because otherwise there is no control. I feel that way a lot. And every nutritionist, acupuncturist, holistic practitioner says the whites are bad for you. So I gave up logging in to my food diary and posting for these holiday weeks, consciously, not defeatedly. I'm not beating myself up over it, that's just how it was. But I'm back and I am re-inspired by those of you who have mastered the cookie conflict. I probably have to change the weight on my ticker because I'm pretty sure I gained a couple of pounds. Those should come off with my return to mindful eating....plus the sweets are all gone, now.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    don't post any more on this thread......this is the link to our new thread
