Concerned about future pregnancy - is it vanity?



  • gemma1675
    gemma1675 Posts: 44 Member
    I didn't get stretch marks during pregnancy but I did get them from losing a load of weight ten years ago.....
  • Pascal56
    Pascal56 Posts: 53 Member
    It's ok to be concerned, but don't let it stop you! I had my third baby 2 months ago. This was the only pregnancy where I concerned myself with eating well and working out, and I gained 26 pounds (I gained 35-40 with the other two). Now I am 5 pounds above prepregnancy weight, and want to lose about 30 more beyond that. You CAN lose the weight, so please don't worry about it. I did, with both of my older kids and am so close now. That said, there will likely be some permanent changes in your body. In my case, I got some more stretch marks, a slightly larger shoe size, and more tendency to carry weight in my stomach, although my thighs and butt still take the cake in that department (yay).

    As for working out, talk to your doctor, but basically you should be able to do anything you did before, as long as it isn't high risk or high impact. I worked out on the cardio machines and did Zumba at the gym all the way until 41 weeks, when I delivered. I lifted weights using the machines until about 37 weeks. I would have continued, but had a rib injury from a bad bout of bronchitis, so I had to stop due to pain. I returned to exercise after my six week checkup--only a few weeks ago.
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    I'm in the same boat as you!! I've been super worried because now, without kids, the weight is coming off soooo slowly and my waist barely changes.
    Pretty mcuh every mom here has said that it is way harder to lose it post-baby than it was pre-baby. Is that because of lack of time or your body just doesn't change that quick?? Because right now I barely lose any weight, so I wonder if I'll just stay fat after pregnancy.
    But yeah generally, I think that if you eat healhty and remain active during the pregnancy, it should be easier to lose it afterwards.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I may be able to provide a different viewpoint here. I got pregnant, I went full term and gained 18lbs total. My daughter passed away at 38 weeks, and I had a c-section. She weighed 7lbs 3oz, and she was beautiful, perfect in every imaginable way.

    The initial 18lbs dropped off quickly, but I gained 10 of it back because I ate terribly, couldn't sleep, and wouldn't exercise. But now I am devoted to being a better me, for myself, for my daughter, and to my future living children.

    So, here I am, with a floppy tummy, stretchmarks, a c-section scar, and all the time in the world to exercise, eat smartly and sleep deeply. A terrible silver lining, right, but the weight is coming off. Now, what my body shape (especially my tummy shape) will look like in the future is a mystery, but after just 2 weeks of running, my excessively, embarrassingly jiggly tummy has gotten better. It still moves, but it's less of a Jello jiggle and more of a thick custard wobble. That's progress.

    So, from my own experience (I know every woman is different), I do believe that if you make time to lose the weight, you will lose the weight. I know I am capable now. And I do believe that when I have living children, my body will be capable of bouncing back again, especially if I go into the pregnancy at a healthier weight. I don't believe fat-cells become stickier after you've given birth.
  • I had my first baby in December and am working on getting the weight off. I gained 54lbs (doc recommended 25-35) and have lost 19lbs of it since then.
    Diet: you need 500 cals more while pregnant. Protein and fat are very important for baby's brain growth. 500 cals more is in no way "eating for two people," it's eating for you and an infant that, at birth, will probably weigh around 7-8lbs. Yes you'll put on weight, just don't allow yourself to pig out (like I did), drink a lot of water even though you have to pee every 30 mins lol, take prenatals religiously (I also took fish oil to make sure I was getting enough omegas for healthy brain development since I didn't eat very much fish then). Overall, be smart about how you eat.
    Exercise: my doctor told me I could safely continue with anything I was doing exercise wise before getting pregnant, just don't increase and be mindful of what your body is telling you. If you hurt, have a harder time catching your breathe..ect, ease up. That said, I was pretty active, and at about 6 months along moved to a different house. Moving put way too much stress on my body because I tried to do it all myself (like I'm used to doing) and I got diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure, swelling.. BAD for baby.. we discussed inducing early if my blood pressure got any worse). That only made me gain more weight and then I had to take it really easy- lay with my feet above my head for 4hrs a day, couldn't do hardly anything, although I did take short 10-20min walks almost everyday which was allowed. Overall, listen to your body and yes, you'll probably have to ease up a bit towards the end.
    Stretch marks: Supposedly they're hereditary, although there are ways to lessen them. Drink a lot of water so that you're never dehydrated, use moisturizer everywhere (arms, boobs, belly, butt, thighs, back of knees) at least twice a day and especially right after you get out of the shower... moisturizers that worked best for me were Bio-oil (specifically for stretch marks and helped afterwards too since I didn't really have any until after I gave birth), coconut oil, shea or cocoa nut butter/cream. I personally do not like palmer's stretch mark cocoa lotion since it smells really chemically.

    If you do happen to gain a lot, like I did, you can work it off. Remember it takes 40 weeks of growing to gain the weight so allow yourself some slack and realize that 40 weeks to get it off is reasonable.

    Good luck on your pregnancy :) Add me if you'd like.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    @oneforthyone...thank you for sharing your story; i am so sorry for your loss. you seem very determined to get your mind and body strong and healthy. I am inspired. my mother lost her first baby (a girl) at full-term. she was struggling during labor, and the doctors didn't do a c-section soon enough. she went on to have three girls.

    changing topics...

    also, i see a few shout outs for BioOil. I do think the product is helpful in the overall health and integrity of the skin. i have used it after pregnancy as well...and i use it on my son's dry skin.