rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • PriscillaLaine
    PriscillaLaine Posts: 124 Member
    When I was 15/16 my friend's mum met me and instantly said "You can tell this one doesn't not eat!"
    It's not the worst thing on this forum, but hurt a hell of a lot, especially as I had an Eating Disorder at the time.

    My Grandmother, every time we see her without fail, will always say "When I was younger I had your face, but was thin, like your sister." I'm sure she doesn't mean it in a horrible way, but it kills my every time, as I've always compared myself to my sister.

    My Grandfather once said "You need to get some sun on that chubby little face of yours"
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I have already told some of my story, but I would add one more that has been bugging me a lot recently and that is I have been told that goodlooking fit men don't want a girl my size, that I have to 'settle' for fat men. I hate that statement for sooooo many reasons. I have never been shallow, but I have also never have been with a guy I was attracted to and I have been single 6 years. So apparently I have to accept that I am too fat for guys I find attractive.
  • PriscillaLaine
    PriscillaLaine Posts: 124 Member
    Just remembered another one that's stayed with my for years. It wasn't so much about my weight, but I was a friends house and we were all having sushi. Now I didn't (still don't) like eating in front of people due to my ED when I was younger, and anxiety that people will judge me. I literally picked up about two grains of rice after everyone had finished, and my friend's boyfriend said something along the lines of "You're indulging yourself today." It doesn't sound bad, but the tone was so judgemental. I've hated the word indulge every since.
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    When I was 19 (6 months after heart surgery that allowed me to exercise for the first time in my life without the risk of collapsing or dying), I found a really pretty dress that I wanted to buy. My uncles response was "No, that's for normal sized people. You'd look like a whale in a sausage skin". I only started wearing dresses again last year, aged 25.
  • beenbad43
    beenbad43 Posts: 17 Member
    dear, you are fretting about what an *kitten* thinks... and while it hurts because you have self identified that you want to lose weight, she is just an *kitten*...
    feel free to whack her in the head for me
  • beenbad43
    beenbad43 Posts: 17 Member
    I don't know how old your grandfather is, but pre WWII ( when my parents were born) a chubby child was a healthy child. he may mean it as a screwed up compliment.
    My grandmother won fifty dollars in 1918 or so because my uncle was the fattest six month old in town, it was considered healthy
  • beenbad43
    beenbad43 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree but would go one step further cause I am a *****, " I can diet and lose weight, but there is no cure for stupid" but I have a tendency to alienate people, I wonder why
  • beenbad43
    beenbad43 Posts: 17 Member
    I am a nurse and have found the polite thing to say is " do you have a family?' if someone is pregnant they will say, "this is our second," but if they aren't they will say " I got a sister in Ohio"
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Random stranger at the gym, pats my tummy and says suck it in. Seriously. I was livid!
  • The rudest thing said to me whilst still overweight was " can you make that disgusting fat c**t go home it's turning my pint sour" the rudest thing since losing weight was "omg your so thin you look amazing. But oh your face is so wrinkly. You look about 50" I'm 37. Ugh!!
    I'm European it's not why she's so ignorant she's just got a nasty dark soul!! Chin up darling..
  • buttercup68110
    buttercup68110 Posts: 86 Member
    Some might not see it as rude but I was in the bathroom at my job washing my hands and this lady told me I dress pretty for a big girl. I told her why couldn't dress pretty as a woman. It might not seem big but I don't want my fashion to be defined on my size.
  • When I showed my mom the Blogilates girl on Youtube and I said I wanted the top she was wearing, my mom replied with, "oh, honey. You'll never be skinny." Saying that to a 20 year old college student who is trying desperately to be slim--NOT skinny--really hurt. Especially coming from your mother.

    She's also one to tell me that I need to lose weight then turns right around and offers me ice cream and candy and other unhealthy foods. Then, she tells me "just eat a salad."
  • asha8907
    asha8907 Posts: 26 Member
    You go girl!! That's awesome. Makes you feel even better every time doesn't it?
  • asha8907
    asha8907 Posts: 26 Member
    My ex the firefighter said the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me, which is a pretty big accomplishment to win over the a-holes who tortured me in high school. I've never repeated it verbatim but the comment involved paramedics throwing their backs out / being unable to lift me to get me out of the house on a stretcher.

    It's cool now. He eats those words every time I run into him and his coworkers talk about how great I look.

    You go girl!! That's awesome. Makes you feel even better every time doesn't it?
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    some body told me id gained a lot of weight since birth and if i didnt lose it, it would kill me :explode:
  • A part of me is spiteful and I want to lose weight because of a rude women who makes snide comments at my weight.

    This women is European and she thinks all Americans are fat lazy and uneducated. She married my boyfriend's brother and she would constantly talk about my weight.

    One of the craziest things shes ever said to me was when I told her I got a second job. I was so excited to have another source of income because I was really struggling for some time.

    instead of congratulating me she said " that's you less time to eat"

    She said this in front of my boyfriend and her husband and they didn't think anything of it. I felt like i had gone insane.
    Her theory is BS; I am european, lived in east-block country till I was 11, most of my family had weight struggles. I've now lived in Canada most of my life & once had a woman (a mutual friend) comment on how she has the same "european knees" like me. Meaning pudgy. I didn't think it was funny, since I had been at a fairly low weight at the time and always struggled with weight. Thanks for pointing that out.
  • Cashier says"shoukd you really be drinking" (*staring down at my bellly) my reply "yes its only twins" ...... Grrrrr could of punched herin her face haha
  • WolfChylde
    WolfChylde Posts: 50 Member
    My father has said to me, "You'd be so pretty if you just lost the weight."

    My grandma has poked me in my love handles and said," You're not gaining all that weight back are you?"

    My mom once took me jeans shopping in high school and after I tried what felt like a thousand different pants, and none fit, I cried. She told me to stop because I was embarrassing her.

    After swim class, I was in my english class and a boy that has been in swimming with me (while sitting right next to me) said to his friend,"This girl has a fat *kitten*."

    So yes, people are very cruel. Sometimes it really gets to me when I remember these things, but I try to keep my head up. I look at them now, they've all gained weight and I'm losing it so joke's on them. :happy:
  • k1ttyk1tty
    k1ttyk1tty Posts: 86 Member
    My step mother referred to me as a whale a few times and that really hurt. I'm very glad I moved out.
    Another one was a guy that I thought about dating. He told me his biggest fetish and when I said I wasn't comfortable with it he said that "It's only fair that you put up with it, if I have to be with a fat girl". He was such a *kitten*. If it wasn't over txt I would of punched him right then and there. That was at my lowest weight, when I was finally comfortable with my body.
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    My mom is the source for any and ALL of the rude comments I have ever gotten.
    "You'd be so pretty if you lost some weight."
    "You looked so pretty back then...what happened?" (Again, talking about me gaining weight)
    "You're never going to get a boyfriend"
    And then various comments of parts of my body that are too big. Also she will look me up and down and make this horrible disapproving noise.

    That's ridiculous, I would get away from her fast!