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it's going to take over a year, how to get motivated?



  • Starhaven
    Starhaven Posts: 9 Member
    I am grateful to you all taking the time to post. I had no idea how supportive this community could be (and appreciate the attitude/perspective adjustment many have given me). Thank you all.:smile:
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I need to correct your thinking, it will take you much longer than a year. It will take you the rest of your life if you intend to keep the weight off. I don't say this to be discouraging, just the opposite. You need to have the mindset of someone who wants to be healthy for the rest of her life, not just for a year. That's part of why it's important to develop new habits slowly, to make sure those new habits are livable.

    Exactly what I was trying to say.
  • kittikat1119
    kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
    Setting small goals is the most helpful for me. Started by saying I am going to get under 210 (started at 212.5), now I am aiming for under 205. Only 1.5 away from that, and I should be there in about a week :happy: . If I stop and look at the big picture it gets a bit overwhelming but those small goals are doable. Of course, if I think about the rocking body I will have next summer that can also be a big motivation.
  • Heirgreat
    Heirgreat Posts: 262 Member
    "a year from now you'll wish you had started today" don't be that person just start today-if you even just stay same weight at times better than gaining fat- wish i would have started 20 yrs ago but hey doing great now and so can you
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Small weight goals and rewards along the way definitely help. But what I really need to do is change behaviors and build new habits. So I have 2 daily goals : (1) eat under my calorie goal, (2) exercise at least 30 minutes. Each night before I go to bed, if I have achieved those two goals I drop a pebble into a jar. I get a sense of satisfaction from seeing the number of pebbles in the jar grow.

    I focus on these behaviors for two reasons. First of all if I do those two things each day, as long as my calorie goal is a deficit the weight will come off. Second of all, these are two things I will need to do one I have lost the weight to maintain. My calorie goal will be a maintenance level and I still want to aim to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. I don't anticipate it will be as long or intense as it is now in my weight lose phase, but exercise needs to be a part of my life if I want to maintain.

    I have lost and regained weight my entire life. I need to do something different this time if I want to succeed not only in losing but maintaining. As you start this process look at it as an opportunity to train yourself and develop new habits that will help you be healthier the rest of your life.
  • I'm on a 1 year journey from 310 to 200.... my old diets were like being lost in the woods, knowing you had to walk 15 miles to get out, you worked hard but you couldn't always see progress, all the trees looked the same, eventually you give up because you never knew where you stood....

    I am so motivated now, with MFP I always know where I stand... How many calories I've consumed today, how many I have left, I enjoy eating smaller healthy meals all day long... I don't feel deprived or hungry all day...I depend on some good diet products to keep me on track, WW Smart Meals, Slim Fast Bars and Shakes etc they have a beginning, middle & End, not like home made spaghetti, you can eat 2000 calories if your not careful

    So now picture being lost in the woods with a GPS.... You know you still have to work hard but at least you know you are heading in the right direction...

    Another way I look at this journey is I have gone in Debt of 375,000 Calories.... I am paying down my debt to the tune of 1000 calories per day, if the odd day I only make a payment of 500 Calories or maybe even none, that's OK...On a weekly basis I am still paying 6000 + calories towards my debt

    Lastly, I remind myself that in this journey I am making progress on 3 Fronts 1) Weight 2) Inches & 3) Health... We tend to only measure weight and than get disillusioned when you plateau or gain a bit.... But at the same time you are losing inched and improving your health.... Measure all 3 and when you see no immediate progress in weight and inches, remind yourself of the benefits you are getting to your health....

    I have lost 27 of 110 pounds and have never been so focused and convinced that I will succeed... So can you, MFP is your GPS...work hard, stay with it and you'll get out of the woods

  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Maybe do a backwards countdown...365...364...etc. As others have said, you'll be amazed at where you are in year but you have to start to get there! Good luck.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Small goals. Feel fre to add me. I am on everyday.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm on a 1 year journey from 310 to 200.... my old diets were like being lost in the woods, knowing you had to walk 15 miles to get out, you worked hard but you couldn't always see progress, all the trees looked the same, eventually you give up because you never knew where you stood....

    I am so motivated now, with MFP I always know where I stand... How many calories I've consumed today, how many I have left, I enjoy eating smaller healthy meals all day long... I don't feel deprived or hungry all day...I depend on some good diet products to keep me on track, WW Smart Meals, Slim Fast Bars and Shakes etc they have a beginning, middle & End, not like home made spaghetti, you can eat 2000 calories if your not careful

    So now picture being lost in the woods with a GPS.... You know you still have to work hard but at least you know you are heading in the right direction...

    Another way I look at this journey is I have gone in Debt of 375,000 Calories.... I am paying down my debt to the tune of 1000 calories per day, if the odd day I only make a payment of 500 Calories or maybe even none, that's OK...On a weekly basis I am still paying 6000 + calories towards my debt

    Lastly, I remind myself that in this journey I am making progress on 3 Fronts 1) Weight 2) Inches & 3) Health... We tend to only measure weight and than get disillusioned when you plateau or gain a bit.... But at the same time you are losing inched and improving your health.... Measure all 3 and when you see no immediate progress in weight and inches, remind yourself of the benefits you are getting to your health....

    I have lost 27 of 110 pounds and have never been so focused and convinced that I will succeed... So can you, MFP is your GPS...work hard, stay with it and you'll get out of the woods


    Congrats Carlos!! Your on the right path!! (I personally don't agree with weight loss products like slim fast, but that's your choice not mine) anyway, I love your post and know you'll succeed with that attitude!!!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Learn to appreciate the small victories. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet, improving your fitness, take measurements, the number on the scale isn't everything. Realize that this is a lifestyle change and not temporary. You will feel better every day and thank yourself later that you didn't wait. Also remember that it didn't take a year to gain the extra weight so a year is not really a long time. It took over 16 years to put the extra weight that I carry on, I know it's going to take a while to get rid of it, but every pound is a small victory.
  • jenn2mann
    jenn2mann Posts: 8 Member
    Don't think of it as a one year journey. It may take longer :), but that's OK.
    I agree with others. Exercise is key here. Not just for its weight loss benefits, but as a true part of the journey to being a healthier person.

    I started with walking. I was able to add in running. I have a long history of arthritis, so I progressed with the running slowly.
    I got a FitBit, and it really motivated me to see my steady exercise -- similar to the person who puts pebbles in the bowl for each day she meets her goals

    You might notice the weight loss before your friends do. First, in the way your clothes fit, a bit later, new sizes. Its all exciting. I'd lost a good 45 pounds (I'd lost 15 before I joined MFP) before some people noticed. Strange. But, kind of fun.

    I recently aggravated an old neck injury with pilates. I really miss the exercise, but I'm starting back with 10,000 steps a day and it really helps.

    Have a great journey!
  • I find that I have to step back and say, it just can't happen overnight and if I wear myself out trying to overdo it right away then my end goal wont be achieved. Set goals that are not huge, smaller ones, like a pound a week. Start by saying, I am going to walk X amount of days for 30 minutes. Things that are not so insurmountable that if you have a rough day or week you can't still maybe get yourself to do them. Later, when you are meeting your basic goals you can start pushing yourself and the new goals wont seem so overwhelming.
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    The time is going to pass either way. As far as what keeps me motivated? I acknowledge that I have goals that are out a few months, or towards an event or holiday in my life or even where I want to be at the 1 year mark. The most important thing I do though, and I really do do this, I concentrate on today. That is all. I just want to do today really really well. And I do that over and over and over again. The next thing you know over 290 days have gone by and I have logged on to MFP for every single one of them and I have lost almost 90 pounds. But I did that by only working on making today a really really strong and healthy day.

    I highly recommend just concentrating on the here and now......if you do that the long term will take care of itself.

    Good luck...you can do this!!!!
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I honestly found that my best inspiration and motivation comes from the mfp buddies that I "friended"
    Seeing and Commenting on their progress keeps me focused and in trying to motivate them, I motivate myself as well.
    When I am disheartened or have gone off track they pick me up. When I do well they help me celebrate.
    Try to make a few mfp buddies who have been, or are, where you are. you won't regret it.
    Try the mfp twin threads to find some new buddies.
  • akagoldengirl
    akagoldengirl Posts: 18 Member
    I need to correct your thinking, it will take you much longer than a year. It will take you the rest of your life if you intend to keep the weight off. I don't say this to be discouraging, just the opposite. You need to have the mindset of someone who wants to be healthy for the rest of her life, not just for a year. That's part of why it's important to develop new habits slowly, to make sure those new habits are livable.

    I really agree with this and couldn't have said it better myself... The important thing is not to deprive yourself, but to begin exploring new and delicious foods that are easy to whip up... That's why you have the calorie counter too, so you gage which day you want to have that nice piece of chocolate cake for instance, ... Rather than seeing it as a restriction it can be used it as a fun tool for freedom. So you can, to a point, eat what you want - just with smaller portion sizes.... I also take my calories sort of week by week, if I go under a few days then I don't fret if I have an extra 100 calories another.

    If it helps, it's worked for me because the other day was special because I went for my wedding interview, so we went out for lunch after - I had an amazingly rich 700 calorie steak meal with blue cheese and port sauce - it was amazing! I had the MFP app and I logged it immediately, loving every calorie I got to eat! At the end I adjusted for what I didn't eat.... If it wasn't for the calorie counter I would have blown off exercise that night... But instead I was inspired to do a fun workout, have a nice healthy snack and I still met my calorie goal...

    Other days I will exercise harder cos I know we are having dessert (and sometimes now I don't even feel like it when it's come)....

    But you gotta get the nutrition first and the good fats.. Things like avocado are really important. You can eat one or half every day or other day. Also chia seeds!!!!, ground flax seeds, flaxseed oil, omega 6 fish like wild salmon and halibut... The mono-unsaturated fat in it is necessary to process your fat, (so it HELPS you lose weight), also you need it vitamins and it will give you long lasting energy. Avocado will fill you up and gives you long lasting energy too... I also eat a lot of spinach, salads, vegetables , small portions of brown rice and quinoa a few times a week and I love my meat too...

    Anyway, I used to crash diet years ago and it ruined me... So even though it seems slow, you will notice great short term benefits. The more I exercise, the less I want anything greasy or bad for me too... So I really suggest to find things you love doing, like group sports, or hiking, swimming, even trampolining or acrobats! Whatever is fun, go for it! :-)

    Hope this helps
  • dimplz1965
    dimplz1965 Posts: 105 Member
    I need to correct your thinking, it will take you much longer than a year. It will take you the rest of your life if you intend to keep the weight off. I don't say this to be discouraging, just the opposite. You need to have the mindset of someone who wants to be healthy for the rest of her life, not just for a year. That's part of why it's important to develop new habits slowly, to make sure those new habits are livable.

    You are so right; it will take the rest of our lives to keep the weight off. I was fortunate to have lost 70 pounds after I completed my childbearing and I managed to, over the years, put 50 pounds back on. I'm bound and determined this time to get those pounds off and keep them off - LIFELONG! Thanks for the reminder :smile:
  • Lovinglish
    Lovinglish Posts: 55 Member
    A year will pass whether I lose weight, gain weight, or maintain my weight. I ask myself which outcome will make me happiest.

    Love this
  • SeeJaneShrink
    SeeJaneShrink Posts: 6 Member
    Think about what getting to a healthier weight will mean for you. Will it mean having more energy to keep up with your children? Will it mean sleeping more soundly? Will it mean increased strength and flexibility?

    How will losing weight affect your day-to-day life? If you can think of the possibilities, motivation will come.
  • i love this idea im def going to try this!:smile:
  • A year will pass whether I lose weight, gain weight, or maintain my weight. I ask myself which outcome will make me happiest.

    This! ^___^