


  • PrincessPoi
    PrincessPoi Posts: 3 Member
    Isagenix is not a pyramid--those schemes are illegal. It is network marketing. The product is expensive but you are not spending more money in the grocery store--you get to eat what you bought. I started the 30-day program to kick start weight loss as I was "stuck" after losing 20 pounds this year. I lost 10 pounds in the first month and I am on to my second. I have people telling me I never looked better--even my skin looks better. They wanted to know what I was doing so I tell them I work out at the gym and am on the 30-day Isagenix program. They signed up with me. I have tasting parties and invite my friends and they sign up, and they sign up friends. No pressure, just share what we are doing and leave it up to them to make their own decisions. After I reach my goal weight I will be using Isagenix mostly for maintenance, and using the protein powder because it is a really clean and healthy product. For people who gain back the weight, it is not Isagenix's fault or any other food/product--it's the program you have planned for yourself and your own accountability. For me, Isagenix is keeping me on track. I am not hungry, I have lots of energy and I sleep well at night. The company is supportive and answer any questions I have. I only need to prepare 6 meals a week-- healthy, clean meals--so I spend less in the grocery store.That one meal a day can be spread out during the day too, so no need to feel starved. At least in this business, when you become a sponsor, you are just sharing info and giving your friends the chance to try something new that might help them. My friends are grateful and looking good. Nothing wrong with that. And I don't have to stock product or deliver it--everyone orders their product from the same place and can change their monthly order anyway they want. As a sponsor, the company is paying me--Isagenix has the best comp plan in the network sales world. Getting paid to share what I have and to consume what I buy is the extra bonus I get for staying on my program! That's a good thing! I say when you want to lose weight, pick a program and stick to it. Whether it is Isagenix or Weight Watchers or your own plan--you must stick to it if you want to see results. I love that MFP has Isagenix products in their menu data base so I can track what I eat quickly. Thank you MFP!
  • PrincessPoi
    PrincessPoi Posts: 3 Member
    I love the Fit Yummy Mummy Program by Holly Rigsby and took a 10-week challenge in my home town--great work out program. At the end I got a certificate that said on the bottom: "removed 10 lb and 14.75 inches." So it's just new language. Removed, Released...maybe it's a more positive way to say you lost weight because you did it with intent. If it's gone, I don't really care how it went away--just glad it isn't with me anymore!
  • I030426
    I030426 Posts: 1
    I use isagenix and it has been very effective for me. I found this thread because I am checking for longer term sustainable alternatives that won't break the bank. I used it in combination with exercise and have lost 27 pounds over 40 days. That is obviously not sustainable but is a great kick start for making long term changes. You have to be very careful and make sure you're not starving yourself while on isagenix or any other nutrition plan. I am sure there are cheaper alternatives that are just as effective and while it worked for me my wife was pretty much over it immediately. If you are depending on shakes alone to lose weight you will be doomed to fail long term regardless of what nutrition program you choose. I liked it because it established an eating plan with structure. We followed it and are now just making better eating decisions and it is very helpful. Using MFP, a shake or two a day and just eating healthier is making a huge difference. We go eat out on occasion and eat what we want, we also walk and jog together and it is fun and good for our relationship. Isagenix is expensive, it can work very well but I only see it or similar programs as a kick start or just one part of the overall nutrition plan. Find something that works for you and make sure you add exercise and you should be able to make slow, healthy long term change
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member
    One of my friends has just started selling this stuff. She actually started selling it before she had used it which really says a lot about the marketing I guess!
    I only really have two issues with it.
    1) its over priced, They carry on about it being cheaper than food, but it is more than what I spend on groceries for my whole family, let alone just me.
    2) it doesn't set you up for long term changes. Probably useful if you're looking for that "jump start" but as for a long term weight solution its useless, unless you can afford that forever.

    My friend in particular is bugging me because she's posting about how eating good natural food can fix almost any health issue (which I mostly agree with) but then is promoting this. Seems very contradictory. Just eat well. Taking pills and drinking artificial shakes won't do what real food will.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It's overpriced protein powder sold on a pyramid marketing scheme so people can use their friendships to con people into buying it. 'Nuff said.


    I questioned a sales person on FB the other day about it. Apparently it cleanses on a "cellular" level. :laugh: