Male, Age: 23, HT: 5'7, WST 41,WT 180 BF% 24-28

I used to be 150 in high school and over the years I have racked on the pounds. I joined the army in 2012 at 168. And as of 2014 I'm 180.

I have some decent muscle but all of my fat is on my stomach and it shows on my neck. I want to knock about 10 inches off of my stomach.

Diet, diet, diet is my weak point. I'm a procrastinator and I'm lazy when it comes to making food and finding out what I need to eat. I usually work 50 to 60 hours and I get stressed out from my job and I'm convinced that i eat emotionally.

If need some advice on shopping and to eat better. I think the best thing for me would to cook all my meals for the week in one day and store it in containers.


  • hllday
    hllday Posts: 11 Member
    Good idea on the stock cooking!
    As a student, I find it pretty easy to cook every 3 days and then when I have a bad day I don't have to come home and cook.
    Frozen meals are pretty convenient too - although they are expensive Innocent Veg pots are really good, and you can always just flash grill some chicken or pork to go with them if you need to keep your protein up.

    Also alcohol - cut it right down and you'll see a swift difference.