EARLY Morning shifts

I often work at 5:45AM. I tend to like to wait a few hours before I eat.. mainly because if I eat at 5 then Ill be hungry again at 7 and 9! And the calories will just keep adding up before lunch even hits!

Is it ok to wait a few hours to eat breakfast?


  • maureenh0709
    maureenh0709 Posts: 16 Member
    More experienced users may have a different perspective but it's probably more important to focus on what you're eating rather than when you're eating.

    Having said that, what about trying a smoothie first thing in the morning? I know this isn't the recipe board but I thought I'd share my favourite. It's pretty high calorie so it's meant to constitute a full meal. I like it because it feels light (I don't like eating first thing in the morning) but is very filling. It keeps me full for hours so you may be able to make it until an early lunch.

    Chocolate Banana Breakfast Smoothie

    1 banana (frozen or fresh)
    2 tbsp peanut butter
    2 tbsp unsweetened cacao powder
    1/2 cup water (or to whatever consistency you prefer)
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    I so understand that I'll end up half way through my calories before noon. I do a protein shake split in 2. I use to sealed bottles and split a shake between them, add ice,coffee. And I'll. add sugar free torani syrups.

    Cal 165
    Pro 30
    Carbs 4

    Tides me over to lunch....at 10 am
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Oh question... Lol
    If you. Can do it without being grumpy it's fine to hold off eating
  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    I often find that while there are general rules that apply to everyone, some things are best left up to individual needs. If you are not starving or getting a headache or feeling weak then there's nothing wrong with waiting. It's all about listening to your own body.
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    I eat breakfast at 5:30, have a coffee or tea around 8 and sometimes have a small bite, have a snack around 9:30, eat lunch at noon. I try to make sure my breakfast and snacks are protein heavy or else I'm starving constantly. I also eat dinner no later than 6, usually closer to 5.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Oh question... Lol
    If you. Can do it without being grumpy it's fine to hold off eating

    Im totally a morning person, so nope.. doesnt make me cranky!

    I mainly get bored.. lol..