I need to lose 150 pounds!



  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Start counting everything you put in your mouth religiously for the next 3 months.
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    I have about 80 lbs to lose...and it's definitely slow going. I've lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks and I'm totally ok with that. I only want to do this once so I would rather lose it super slow and keep it off than lose it fast and put it right back on. I just changed the way I eat and I walk every day. I gave up soda for the most part...I still have one every once in a while, but pretty much try to just stick to water. Speaking of, if you're not peeing at least 3x an hour, you're not drinking enough water:) I try to drink at least a gallon a day. That's going to play a huge part in your water retention. Good luck and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Feel free to add me, I'm active every day and my diary is open:)
  • CaitlinAmburn
    CaitlinAmburn Posts: 6 Member
    That is my goal! Currently I am down 70 pounds. I started at 300 about 13 months ago. It is tough at first,but you really just take it one meal at a time. I feel so much better and I will let you know that it doesn't happen all at once. Sometimes I gain, sometimes I lose. I enjoy my cake when I want it. Its a change that you can stick with. Also, record your calories, even when you go over. :) Good luck!
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    Add me, I too am trying to loose that.

    What I have done is created smaller goals with rewards (non-food related), put them with notes of encouragement in envelope, I shuffled all the envelops and then wrote smaller goal weights on the front. When I reach that goal, I get to open the envelope and use the reward.

    Some items I put in there are:
    A gift certificate for a pedicure
    A gift certificate for a message
    $$ to buy a new clothing item
    A gift card to Barnes and Noble- to buy a new book (I have a serious reading addiction)

    Things that I have a hard time splurging on, but really enjoy.

    I love those ideas for rewards. I'm done with my weight loss, and just maintaining, but I can tell you from experience that I should have saved up the $$ to buy new clothing. I'm now at a great weight, but wearing clothes that are 3-4 sizes too large.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Break it down into small, manageable goals.
    Don't weigh every day... or even every week, if you don't want to. I weigh once every 1-2 months.
    Give yourself permission to indulge in your favourite foods from time to time.
    Don't make excuses to get out of exercising or eating sensibly. Did you plan to work out today? Do you physically have the time and ability? Then do it.
    There's no quick fix to weight loss. It'll be slow and take a long time. A loss of 1-2 lbs per week is considered healthy and sustainable.
    Do some reflecting and make sure you understand how you got to 300 lbs. I think it's rarely as simple as "I like food and hate moving."
    Also, understand why you want to lose the weight. I think THIS is rarely as simple as "smaller jeans".

    Good luck! :)
  • donseennu
    donseennu Posts: 6 Member
    1. This is a slow process. Your body needs to understand and adjust, this takes some time.
    2. It is 80% eating healthy and 20% exercise.
    3. avoid any high sugar, processed food.
    4. eat whole grains, brown over white (brown bread v/s white bread etc)
    5. water is another important factor. when you start working out, your body is most likely to retain water, drink at least 8 to 10 cups of water daily.
    6. try to lose about 1/2 lb a week don't target to lose more than 1 lb a week. that might have negative impact
    7. dont depend on weight scale to measure weight loss, instead use measurement. measure your waist, hip etc over weight. when you workout you'll be building lean muscle which is heavier than fat.
    8. cardio interval training helps burn calories faster and longer. so if you can try this. example http://teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/T25Base?referringRepId=376437
    9. eat 5 to 7 time in small portions. this will make sure your body is receiving consistent fuel throughout the day. you can break this up in 2 hrs interval. i.e. Breakfast -> 2 hrs gap -> snack -> 2 hrs gap ->lunch -> 2hrs gap ->snack-> 2hrs gap ->dinner
    snacks can be handful of nuts, cup of fruits, cup of yogurt, cheese (cottage ), protein bar or shake etc.

    Good Luck
  • sdps720
    sdps720 Posts: 80 Member
    - As everyone else here has said...START SMALL! Finding a new you is not really about the numbers, for me it is more about what I want to look like. Start small and reach that goal, then set another one.

    -Find some friends. Friends can help you along on the journey to a new and wonderful you! They can help keep you accountable even when you want to cheat (which is totally ok in my book once in a great while- we are human you know). They can be there to rejoice with you when you reach a goal that seemed so impossible to achieve.

    -Log EVERY SINGLE BITE YOU TAKE. It might not seem like that 1 chip will make a difference but it will. Even on a bad day- log it! This will give you something to look back on and learn from.

    - Don't give up. This is going to take awhile but that is OK cause we are here for you.
  • lane112409
    lane112409 Posts: 28 Member
    My best advice I can give you is to take one day at a time and to not give up any foods you love just do them in moderation and within your calories this is what I have been doing for almost a month. A lot of people will tell you to cut this out cut that out but don't you no as well as I do this will never last if we can not have what we enjoy. Good luck and I will be here for you every step of the way no matter what. I have lost 13 lbs in 22 days.
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I can relate because I would like to lose over 100 pounds. I've been here 3 weeks and have only lost 5 pounds so far - I was hoping it would come off quicker than that. But I'm enjoying the lifestyle change so if I'm enjoying it, that makes it easier to stick to the long run. Even only 6 pounds a month is 72 pounds in one year, wow!
    I'm trying to set small goals too and also look at the big picture - if I keep going, think how happy I will be next year at this time!

    Also, the most important thing for me has been my friends here on MFP. So encouraging! So send friend requests to anyone you can, anyone who you can relate to and who is active here and encouraging.

    Hope this helps! Best wishes...
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    It's not just about losing weight, it's about being healthy. Keeping track of numbers can be very motivating but I suggest you keep a blog of how you are feeling. Rate your mood/emotions, energy level, motivation, bowel movements, ambition, etc every day. When you feel frustrated because the numbers have stopped go back and read how you used to feel. You'll forget how fitful sleep was and fatigued you always were. Those changes are so gradual that you won't notice them unless you keep a journal or blog. Your friends and family will though! I have people telling me all the time they can't believe how much energy I have now compared to when I was 40 lbs heavier (I still have 90 lbs to go) and how much better of a mood I'm always in. I struggled with really bad depression for many many years and haven't seen my mood swing that low in a good six months now. If you follow a healthy life style the numbers will come in line. Sometimes they don't move right away and you feel like you're doing it all for nothing. Sometimes they move quickly and then suddenly stop or go back up. There are a number of reasons for that. If you keep it about being healthy, that all won't matter. One day you'll look down and realize you only have 10 more lbs before you reach your goal but you'll realize the best changes happened at your core and in your life, not on your body.


    Stick with a support system and remember you only fail when you stop trying. Feel free to add me as a friend. I love seeing people succeed!
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I started at 275 and am looking to get to 125 (I'm 5'1"). Everything people have been saying is spot on. Logging everything (it may seem like a hassle at first, but will become second nature after just a few weeks) and breaking down into small goals is the way to go. I'm planning some rewards for milestones along the way. (First one coming up, at fifty pounds down I'm getting either a new swimsuit, or the tattoo I've always wanted!) :glasses:

    Allow yourself some treats once in a while, or you'll feel so deprived you'll lose it and inhale the refrigerator and then feel terrible (if you're anything like me, that is!) Paying attention to how I feel, mentally AND physically, before and after eating has also been a bit of an eye opener.

    Start adding more movement slowly... park a little further from the store or at work, or take a stroll around the block. It doesn't have to be every day if your knees bother you mine did at my highest weight, and an old injury doesn't help.) Even if you have to go very slowly, you are still moving faster than if you're sitting on the couch. As the weight comes off your knees will feel better and you'll have more energy to go a little farther.

    Utilize these boards! I joined MFP a few years ago and made some half hearted attempts to log but kept dropping off. I only used the phone app and never bothered to use the PC to access all of the other features. But now I still use the phone of course, but I make sure to check in here and browse the boards at least once a day. I also started a blog, not something I planned on doing but one day I just decided what the heck.

    The people on here GET IT. And it's made all the difference for me this time, and I know it can for you, too! :flowerforyou:
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I started at 275 and am looking to get to 125 (I'm 5'1"). Everything people have been saying is spot on. Logging everything (it may seem like a hassle at first, but will become second nature after just a few weeks) and breaking down into small goals is the way to go. I'm planning some rewards for milestones along the way. (First one coming up, at fifty pounds down I'm getting either a new swimsuit, or the tattoo I've always wanted!) :glasses:

    Duckling - unless you are getting that tattoo on a place that your weight won't affect, I'd hold off a while. You don't want to get the one you always wanted, and then have the weight loss change the look of the tattoo - just a friendly tip! Great job on the 50# so far!!
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Choose a regimen (food and excercise) tht works for Y.O.U and stick with it--consistency is "key" and produces SUCESS:wink: .
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    been there. done that. this is how:


    there ya go :)

    This ^
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    Hi, I'm currently at the same weight as you and am ready to go full steam ahead. If you want support and the like, feel free to add me. We can make this happen. Let's do this! :flowerforyou: :glasses: :happy:
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    Great idea! I may use that myself!????
  • NickDoesFitness
    NickDoesFitness Posts: 112 Member
    One day at a time, one pound at a time !

    You will have ups and downs. That's ok. We are here to help. Here to pick you up when you fall, give you a high five when you're doing great. The weight didn't go on over-night and it will not go off overnight.

    Its NOT a Diet, its a new Lifestyle!

    Find healthy food you love
    FInd a workout program you love
    Reach out to us when you need.

    add us as friends.

    Always remember, You Can Do This!!!

    YOU are in control of YOU.
    We can help, but its your journey.

    Welcome to the road of Healthy!

    Could not have worded this better even if I tried!

    Good luck!!!
  • ladylyda
    ladylyda Posts: 14 Member
    Make sure that you utilize your Family Doctor. 150lbs is a major goal and having your Doctor on board with you will be important.

    Find credible resources you trust.

    Know that you are not alone in this goal and network with supportive people.

    Listen to your body.

    Do it for You, not for someone else.
  • srl32000
    srl32000 Posts: 29 Member
    I lost a lot of weight but it took me over 4 years. It was slow at times and fast at other times. Many plateaus will confront you but you have to keep at it, for me it was just one week at a time - and focus on the things that motivate your quest for health. My motivation was my kids and my wife. I wanted to be around for them and wanted to set a better example for them. You have to keep learning and read as much as you can about nutrition and get the real stroy on obesity. You might be surprised. Much of it has to do with low quality foods, becoming insulin resistent (reversible with dietary change), and your body's craving nutrients that might never be satifsied when you eat crappy foods. I got myself a plan, dedicated myself to the cause, learned - and - learned, modified the plan, and kept at it. One of the things I stopped doing was watching Biggest Loser. After a while it was making me feel like a loser. My full on hardcore effortof dieting an exercise was gettin me 1-1.5 pounds a week and week and the guy on TV were getting 10-14 pounds! Baaahh!!!! Its dumbassed as an example because all they have to do is exercise and work out. We have to live in the real world. Also, extreme weight loss, I have learned, causes gall stones and other big problems that slower loss does not. So hang in there, be in it for the long haul. My mantra was that it took me a long time to get out of shape and so I owed myself a fair amount of time and effort to get back into shape. Also, just keep learning about the body, metabolism and how we become fat. For me understanding the problem made me feel less like I failed, and put me in a better placewith respect to finding solutions. Also, get a doctor/nutritionist and have all your hormones checked. Study your blood tests, focus on improving each item either with diet, exercise or supplements - preferable all three, and own the health of your body. It is, after all where we live. Best of luck!