Recent Struggles - How to Change Your Attitude



  • Good Morning everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have some great news which has be in clouds, I weighed in today lost 7.5 pounds, I still have a lot more to go, but very happy with the results, I am watching everything I eat, going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week, I will continue to do so this is a life change for me. It is a hard journey but I know with hard work and dedication we can do this! Have a great week everyone.
  • TabithaRyan68
    TabithaRyan68 Posts: 25 Member
    Good morning all!!
    Good to see everyone is doing so well!! Way to go team!!

    Scott what supplement are you using if you don't mind my asking. The doctor has suggested I use a powdered vitamin supplement but didn't suggest one and with my fibro foggy brain I didn't think to ask.

    Kleiopatra, your co-worker should be the one embarrassed, you probably have way more energy, and your skin and hair are probably awesome!! Plus you probably aren't suffering from any of those nasty dehydration symptoms such as dizziness, mood swings and low blood pressure!! Good for you!!

    I have been able to get out walking quite a few times this weekend and even managed a small routine on the exercise bike! Considering the fibro had me couchridden on Thursday I'll take it!!
    Have a spectacular day everyone!!
  • Kleiopatra: Indeed nothing wrong with drinking a lot of water! Staying hydrated is super important and don't let you co-working make you feel any different!

    Telladog: First of all way to support your community! I am a huge believer in community service and love that you volunteer at the local food bank! I can see the need to get the weight in check due to working at a gym. Do you follow any certain routine or do you just go and work on whatever you feel needs working on that day? I have to say I wish I could get me a nice workout in and feel that muscle soreness. Call me crazy but I like that feeling of soreness the next day. Gives you a sense that you put the work in.. :smile:

    normacollazo: WOOT! That is awesome news and I am so happy for you to see such great success! Your hard work is paying off and now all you have to do is keep that momentum building. Keep up the great work it is very inspiring to the team!

    TabithaRyan68: Sorry to hear about your fibro issues. My wife suffers from RSD and has been disabled due to the severity of it. So I can relate to how bad that type of disorder can be! I have been using a product called Shakeology for over 3 years and it has been on of the only products that I have found that truly helps with some of my thyroid symptoms. The shear volume of dense super foods contained in it amazing. I am not exactly sure which ingredients in the supplement are the ones helping my symptoms but I drink it every day because it helps with my energy levels and my roller coaster ride of ups and downs. I can send you some information on it if you want. It has also helped my wife lose 41lbs she cannot workout due to her condition so she utilizes it and it has done wonders for her as well.

    Be back later team to check in..

  • MichiganJen
    MichiganJen Posts: 40 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm taking a water break, so I thought I'd check in! I had a good weekend - got a great walk in on Saturday and then yesterday I enjoyed book club with friends at a Mexican place in town. Chips and guacamole - my weakness!

    Today I snuck to the gym at lunch and worked a 20 minutes ab routine in. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow! I've started meeting with my husband at the gym during lunch, which is huge for me. I usually like to work out solo. SO far so good, though. My scale isn't moving at all, so I'm going to take a look at what I'm eating and see if I can mix it up a bit.

    Kliopatra, I am right there with you. Usually I do the water-potty circle once an hour!

    Tabitha, good job on the bike! I have a friend with fibro - it's not fun.

    Norma, Nice job!!

    Telladog, sounds like you've got a productive day on tap!

    Scott, I have heard good things about Shakeology, but I know nothing about it. I have a friend that swears by the Body by Vi shakes. I'm not much of a shake person, but I have been known to do a green monster when it's warm out!

    Hello to everyone else! Happy Monday!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Scott, I want to thank you. After reading your post, I was inspired to write my own titled "What is your Why?" Maybe you have seen it, maybe not. But the response I have received from it was far greater than I imagined. You never know how one person is going to inspire another, but in some unrelated way, yours inspired me. So thank you. Hopefully, I am doing the same in return and inspiring others.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Hi all.
    Managed to get in my 12 miler run on Friday and today a short 2 miles.
    Half is on Saturday.
    I'm not totally up to par. Lots of body aches and joint aches. Over the weekend I had a low grade fever, which isn't unusually for me but I haven't had to deal with that in awhile.

    I had a massage today so I feel amazing currently and it's my day off so I may sneak in a nap before the kids get home.

    Thanks everyone for posting, I really love reading it. Not that others are struggling but having others that get it and I can relate with.

    With females auto-immune problems greatly affects ovulation. I see my Doctor next Monday and I'm hoping to get some answers....One can hope.
  • MichiganJen: Way to sneak into the gym and get some ab work in. I am also glad to see that you are hooking up with your husband as well. It is always nice to have a partner in crime.. :smile: The problem with body by vi is that it is full of artificial flavorings and sweeteners and a lot of extra junk I wouldn't put in my body. Where as Shakeology is derived from super foods and not chemical based or processed ingredients.

    chicam: Nice job on the 12 mile run! I agree having others that are cheering us on and supporting us is a huge motivational boost. Truly is a great thing and such a powerful tool to take advantage of. Good luck with your apt next week. I hope they can provide you with some useful information.

    Mike: Thanks man! I am really glad that something that I have posted has inspired you to do the same! That's what this is all about! I am sure you are inspiring others as well! Keep up the great work!

  • Hi All! I have hypothyroidism, as well. In January, my doctor put me on Armour thyroid. I haven't really noticed a difference. I took synthroid for 10 years. I have serious salty and sweet food cravings, and I feel exhausted all the time. I'd love to join you all to help keep me motivated! I have about 20 lbs to lose.
  • Meganosborn1988
    Meganosborn1988 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Everyone! I do not have hypothyroidism, but I have been struggling with motivation and weight gain. Everyone who is posting on here has been very inspiring! I lost 39 lbs last year.. but have since gained 15 of those lbs BACK! :( I know the issue is that I got engaged and I have been doing so much celebrating that I gained all this "happy" weight, but it's not making me happy! My wedding is in September and I am starting over and trying to get my motivation back! I am having a hard time swinging back into healthy habits and working out! My fiancé and I have joined a new gym so that should help… I was hoping the wedding was enough motivation, but it's not. I need to get healthy and today I am taking this serious and going to try harder :) Thanks for all the posts.. please keep posting everyone, reading everyone's journey has helped get me pumped today!!! :) stay strong everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Addylouise
    Addylouise Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone I don't have anything wrong with my thyroid but I do suffer from chronic pain and I am diabetic. I would love to join your group I am trying to get a grip on things and change the way I eat. Being diabetic sometimes I feel hungry all the time and crave sweets. I am having a battle with my stomach telling it that it's not hungry trying to train it to listen to me and not me listening to it. I have days that I'm so tired I feel like I've been drugged and I feel groggy. There are a lot of stories on here that are motivating me to keep going, this will be my go to place everyday for motivation thanks a bunch everyone for sharing.:happy:
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Wow everyone has been busy! Great to see it!!!

    Scott – great job on the food prep! It certainly makes it easier during the week to have healthy food ready to grab and eat.

    Teeladog – nice work! Love that sore from lifting feeling!!!

    Normacollazo – congrats!!! Hard work = great results!

    Jen – that’s awesome that you are able to get in a workout during lunch!

    Chiccam – sooooo jealous of your run! Rest up this week. There’s nothing you can do this week to make yourself more ready, but there’s lots you could do to make it worse. Trust yourself and the taper, and enjoy the race.

    I'm back at work this week (last week was school vacation) and back to a routine. Survived the weekend with good food choices, and feeling better about it. Prepped all my veggies for the week, and stocked the freezer with meals ready to go! Was planning to do a brick yesterday (swim then bike) but the rain stopped me from jumping on the bike. I was able to do a split workout with my bike in the afternoon, so it all worked out. Only my second ride since surgery, but this time I managed 15 minutes and not too much pain. Was able to get in swim before PT this evening. Things are looking up! :smile:
  • Hey Team!

    Well I just finished off my food diary for the day! I have to say I love when I am prepared because today was so easy! I had everything I needed when I needed it! The only thing I had to prepare was the Spaghetti Squash tonight for dinner. It went really good with the Turkey Bolognese I made yesterday! The toughest part of today was not having any grains. This is week two for me and this week I have started to eliminate grains. This is probably going to be the hardest thing to give up because I am a bread and roll kinda guy! But I know most grains cause my body go to war with itself so the stick is in the sand and I am not going to cross that line. If you want to know more of what I had today please check out my food diary.

    Super excited to see all the activity with this group! It has re-kindled my fire and passion for healthy living. We got some work to do but with a group like this we can do great things!

    Rachlou82mfp: Welcome to the team! That was the biggest problem with my thyroid issues as well but today I don't suffer that bad from lack of energy or being tired unless I stop taking my shake. It has been the one and only thing outside of exercise that has increased my energy and curbed many of my crazy cravings and mood swings.

    Magan: Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! We will do whatever we can to help you stay motivated and reach your goals. I know it is hard to stick to things on your own especially when you are dealing with thyroid issues. It makes that hurdle so much higher..

    Ka97: Thanks it sure does! Kudo's to you as well on getting yours done! Glad to hear you didn't have to much pain on your ride! Keep up the great work!

    Addylouse: Welcome to the team! No matter the struggle we are here to help! are you Type II? I know you have a lot of struggle dealing with diabetes. Trying to find and solid meal plan that is low GI and stick to it is not the easiest thing to do for sure! I am sure with a team this big we can come up with some great ideas to help you achieve success and overcome some of those things that have been holding you back!

    I will see you all tomorrow! Time to go spend a little more time with the kiddo's before bed time!


  • Addylouise
    Addylouise Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Scott, yes it is a struggle and I am type 2 the feeling of being hungry is the worst struggle I have I can eat a full meal and 30 min later my stomach will feel empty even growling but like I said I have to train my stomach to listen to me.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    I'm right there with you. I'm a disabled vet and have a couple chronic issues that I deal with (knee and back). I was doing pretty well going from 302 down to 218 in about a year, when I tore my rotator cuff last summer. After the injury, I put on a little weight, but mostly maintained until after the surgery. At that point, I started down the slippery slope and was having a lot more pain than I expected, so I started self-medicating with food and booze. After 6 months of that 2 things happened:

    1. I had ballooned all the way back to 265
    2. I found out why I was still hurting -- a portion of the surgery didn't work.

    So here I am ~9 months from the first surgery and I'm now 5 weeks post surgery #2. It's going to be another month before I can even start to do anything weight-baring with my right arm. Thankfully the pain is already MUCH better, so I'm less tempted to self-medicate.

    I definitely could use some help and accountability partners if anyone's interested.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Also are you creating an actual group or doing a sub group with the a thyroid group?

    I'm also confused here? Was it your intention to start an actual group over in the "Groups" section, or were you just going to keep this as a running thread?

    Also, are folks adding others that post here to their FL or no?
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    Cordianet: Feel free to friend me if you like! I had a partial tear in my rotator cuff last year that, fortunately for me, did not end up needing surgery. However, it ended up causing me all sorts of problems. Most of my recent weight gain actually happened after that injury and while I was recovering. Last spring, summer, early fall were not good for me...
  • Good Morning Team!

    I hope that none of you have been impacted by the storms that have ravished a few states over the past few days! I am praying for those that have and hoping that these weather cells stop producing these devastating tornadoes!.

    Well after having my first full thyroid nutrition healthy day I am feeling really good! I hit my calorie deficit and didn't really struggle with being hungry to much yesterday. When I did start to grumble a little I just drank 8 oz of water and I was all good! I made my first ever Spaghetti Squash last night and it was amazing and just the ticket for the Turkey Bolognese that I made on Sunday. The consistency of the squash was perfect and I felt like I was eating pasta with my meal. So that is something that I will need to incorporate more often in my diet as I love me some pasta! Great healthy alternative for sure!

    Breakfast: Started off the day with a Vegan Chocolate Shakeology w/Rice Milk.

    Didn't have time to walk the kiddo to school today as I have early calls today so will have to get out during lunch to get some activity in. Over the past couple days I have noticed a reduction in the pain in my hip and back it is not gone but it has lessened. I am going to continue to take it easy for the next 30+ days and see if I can get the pain to go away completely without having to have additional procedures done.. Keep you fingers crossed team.

    Anddylouise: That is the hard part but with some hard work we can get your will power stronger and eventually get those hunger cravings to fade away! Stay strong and remember why you are here!

    cordianet: First of all I want to thank you for you service! It is truly appreciated! I am glad that the pain is starting to fade and glad you are going to be joining us. How limited are you with lower body exercise? The key for us that are in an injury recovery situation is to nail down our nutrition and find out what works best for us and our situations. Looking forward to having you on the team!

    Sorry for the confusion I was not planning on starting a Group page unless everyone thinks that is the route we should go.

    Well time to get back to work! Be back later to check in Team!

  • Addylouise
    Addylouise Posts: 14 Member
    I am so frustrated right now, last night I got on my elliptical machine I just got from my daughter, was only on it for a couple of minutes and I felt a snap in the muscle in my right calf, so now I am in pain. The chronic pain I have is in my muscles 90% of the time they feel like they are stiff and they are sore as if I have been through a vigorous workout. I see my Dr tomorrow and I'm going to talk to him about this. Does anyone have any suggestions for me for cardio till this heals? I think I will do some strength training and calisthenics.
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    Addylouise: How about the pool? Swimming is great exercise. If you don't like to swim, you can also water walk. Lots and lots of people do that during recovery from injuries. If you have access to a pool with deep water, you can strap on a water belt and do deep water jogging - EXCELLENT cardio and works your core at the same time.
  • KrisherLee
    KrisherLee Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Reading your stories helps me think my life could be worse and I could suffer from a physical illness or pain, but I don't . I have PTSD and I struggle to get my life back and most days to even get out of my house to enjoy the sun on my face. Instead I sit in front of the window and stare out at the sun. the warmth that I feel is sometimes the best part of my day. Since the accident I have gained over 50 pounds and it is slowly getting higher. I hate how I feel and look and I am done being afraid to live a healthy life with my family. I need to change my attitude about life on those rainy days and get out of bed. my goal is to make fitness pal a part of my day to day activities. I look forward to reading more about everyone and the solutions that work for them to get out of the negative lifestyle on on the path to a positive and healthy life.

    knocking down wall