Are there any 5ft tall females here?

Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I just was wondering if there is anyone that is my height trying to lose weight. I know it seems silly but at 5 ft tall 50 pounds overweight makes me obese. A lot of people say oh wow 50 is nothing but in a small body it is a lot of weight. Anyone my height lose weight how did you do it? I have all my weight in the belly area and need some help.


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Welcome to MFP. There are a lot of us 'vertically challanged' on here, lol. I didn't really have any weight to lose though...just a bit of fluff left over from my pregnancy. But I can be a great support if you need one. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I don't have that much weight to lose, but at 4'11", I do know how terribly we carry weight, and how hard it is to lose it. The support you'll find here is amazing. Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    I am 5' 1" on a "tall day" :laugh:
  • Neoneko
    Neoneko Posts: 16 Member
    I am a teribbly short 5ft 2 and i really know what you mean even a little weight looks like a lot on a small frame :(
  • I'm 5'1 :-( And I have small bones. Being short has its pros and cons. The cons are that even putting on a little bit of weight looks really obvious and awkward. One of the pros is that when you lose weight, you end up looking tiny....I've always wanted to be called tiny.

    I kind of like being short though...or, more like I've accepted being short.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I class myself as 5'1"....................; but it is always possible that I am on tiptoes ;) I have lost quite a lot but have regained a bit over xmas.............. as you do!
    I have simply logged my input and my exercise and it has come off slowly but surely - I too wear a lot around my belly but have lost it off my fingers and feet too (strange but true!!!)
    so I am getting back on the wagon tomorrow feel free to add me if you wanna attack the weight with short arses as friends!!! lol!
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    There is usually a Fit & Fun Sized Thread for each month on here for people around 5 foot tall trying to lose weight. I haven't seen the January 2010 thread started yet. Below is the link to the December thread.
  • I'm 5'0" and I currently weigh 189lbs :/
    The fortunate thing is I'm proportioned pretty well and was blessed with an hourglass figure so it's not as noticeable on myself, but I know how you feel!
    I have 64lbs to go to reach my goal, and even then by standards I'll still be considered "overweight"!
  • Hi Loves418

    I'm only 4ft 10, and like BleacherAddict I also know how hard it is to lose even a small amount of weight. I was given a Wii fit for my birthday two weeks ago and can honestly say I'm beginning to ENJOY exercise. In the past, walking helped me to maintain a healthy weight, but with the cold miserable British weather, haven't done much lately. Please add me as a friend - mutual support's good for all of us. Keep in touch.
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    I'm 5'1 and understand you totally :-( i'm new here as of today but i'm the big 3-0 In may so hopefully the excess belly weight will soon be gone
  • I am 5' 1 1/2" and I am over 100 pounds overweight. Like you said on someone short any amount of weight shows up. I am determined to get it off and keep it off.
  • I am 5ft 2 and also overweight for my height.. I need help to stay motivated
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I'm just just over 5' tall and have about 80 left to lose. It sounds like we carry weight about the same too.. most of mine is in my stomach area too. I agree that a few pounds makes a HUGE difference when you are this short. Sending you a friend request... there are quite a few shorter people around here. :)
  • I'm 5'2" and told I carry my weight well, but how can a small frame carry 50 extra pounds well???? I've always had a big chest (thank you dad's side of the family) so I guess that makes it look like I carry it a bit better. 10 years ago I was 104lbs wheni got pregnant. 3 kids and 70lbs later....time for a change. 50lbs will make me happy.
  • mandymak
    mandymak Posts: 4 Member
    Hi... I just joined the group and I am 5'2" I agree... it is harder... I have 30 lbs to lose and it is a constant battle. One of the things that adds to the denial is that people keep telling me how good I look. Wishing you the best...
  • kris2683
    kris2683 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm 5'1 with 50 pounds to lose too....I really need to get serious about losing weight this year. I'm so embarrassed about the way I look and how my clothes fit, I really don't like doing things with my friends anymore.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Hi ! I'm 4'11" -but I tell everyone I'm 5' like that 1 inch is going to make a difference ! Lol ! At my all time high I was 258lbs !!! I was bigger around than I was tall !!! I look like a beach ball. No shape or deffinition , just round everywhere ! I've lost weight before about 92lbs. Then had a few deaths in my family and gained all plus a few more back. This is the best place for support !! I'm doing great so far. I've lost 23 lbs. I know with this forum , if used correctly you can do great to !! Lots of luck and love to ya !!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'm 5ft exactly! I've always loved being short, except in the weight department. Any extra weight has nowhere to hide!
    It's tough, but just like weight has no where to hide results show up quickly too, bonus!
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    So we need to have our own little mini forum if that is allowed to keep each other motivated check in with each other. I think we can understand each other better then a lot of others. Feel free to add me as a friend who ever wishes!
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    5'2" here!! I love being short! It has never bothered me. The extra weight I carry does. I started out needing to loose about 85 lbs. I have lost around 10 of that already. I will send you a friend request!!
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