Fibromyalgia Friends Wanted

I just started back on 5:2 intermittent fasting today. Haven't done it since I got developed Fibromyalgia a year ago. Have recently piled on a lot of weight which I don't think helps my condition so feeling motivated to lose two stone.

Would love to be added as a friend by anyone else suffering with this condition, or anyone who wants some mutual motivation :-)


  • emilyekstrom
    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 5 years ago, although I'm sure I've had it since after my daughter was born, 9 years ago. I stopped going to the doctor about it a few years ago because he wasn't helping. He kept prescribing drugs that didn't help and wouldn't change them after a while, while insisting I stay on them. Exercise has been my only relief and I have been exercising since diagnosed. I put on weight with my kids and have been battling it ever since.
  • downwardtrenz
    downwardtrenz Posts: 14 Member
    I was diagnosed about 18 months ago but had symptoms for years before, just didn't know what the cause was. I find that walking every day, no matter what, helps a lot. If I miss a day, I wake up with that achey, sore all over feeling. I also found that, although I am not gluten intolerant, I feel so much better if I stay away from grains. I find if I have a day where every meal has grains, i.e. toast at breakfast, rice at lunch and then pasta at dinner - then I really feel it the next day, so I limit grains to one serviing a day, at one meal.

    Would love to be your friend :)
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    I was originally diagnosed with fibro, have now been changed to myofascial pain syndrome, arthritis, etc. You can still add me if you like :)
  • Phillippa_B
    Phillippa_B Posts: 5 Member
    I often wonder myself how long I've really had it, although for me the date I can pin down was April last year when I had an ectopic pregnancy plus other complications. I've never been right since, but whether it was going to happen anyway I don't know.
  • Phillippa_B
    Phillippa_B Posts: 5 Member
    I must admit I got tested for Celiac disease but it was clear however my dr did suggest that I may benefit from cutting out wheat anyway. I'm ashamed I never tried it. Right now I'm low enough that I would try anything.
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    I was diagnosed in 2008. I have had many significanct health issues. I find I feel best when I eat lots of fruits and veggies, higher protein and lower grains. I have never been diagnosis celiac either, however I know I feel much better when I eat less grain, lately I have been working toward gluten free but it isn't easy :). I am fighting back now after a very rough year medically. You are welcome to add me as well. :smile: Also Hot Yoga was a life changing find for me!!!
  • jan5500
    jan5500 Posts: 47 Member
    I was diagnosed with fibro sometime around 2006. I became more and more sedentary and gained more and more weight. Four months ago I decided I had had enough of being heavy and feeling poorly. I adopted a low carb/healthy protein diet and began eating more veggies than I have ever eaten in my life. I have cut out all dairy. I have lost more than 40 pounds and am at a healthy weight and body fat percentage (especially the visceral fat!) and I feel SO much better! Most of my inflammatory issues are gone and I have much more energy.
  • tskinner7
    tskinner7 Posts: 24 Member
    I have had fibro for 23 yrs now but was just diagnosed 4 yrs ago. I can pin point exactly what triggered it. I find that getting a good night's sleep ( I have to use amitriptylene), taking meloxicam for my inflammation, & regular exercise keeps most of the pain to a minimum. I find the longer you live with it the easier it becomes to maintain b/c you learn what works best for you. You can friend me if you'd like too :)
  • ellenk1492
    ellenk1492 Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in too. Do I friend you all? Not sure how this works... Dx was two years ago. I don't think I have as much pain as many people - only if I do too much exercise. Worst issues are weird nerve pain, twitches, balance problems. Amatryptaline and accupuncture help. But the weight piles on. Would love to be part of a fibro specific group, as exercise and food is such an issue.
  • karins4
    karins4 Posts: 50 Member
    I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, celiac, heart problems and other problems. I started getting diagnosed with everything 10 years ago but that was after several years of not feeling well. Feel free to add me. I do get a little more quiet during my flare-ups because I just can't type but I'm trying to figure how to at least stay on track during that time.
  • crescentkelly
    crescentkelly Posts: 7 Member
    I have FMS, celiac, and sleep apnea. Diagnosed in 2006 but pretty sure it started in 2004 after a sexual assault. Weight was a struggle before 2004 but it got much worse with the progression of my FMS. Exercise helps unless I push myself too far and then I'm on the bench for a week (and I have to build all that muscle back). It's frustrating but proper diet and exercise is the only thing I can do other than give up. Feel free to add me. And if you know of good standing workouts (floor work is insanely painful) pass them along.
  • numee28
    numee28 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Guys i have FM along with having had a kidney transplant and the fun that goes along with that would love some fellow FM friends so please add me hope we can help each other along the way x
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, I've had fibro for at least 36 and a half yrs, since the birth of my son.. Over the years it has gotten worse & worse. About 2 years ago my doctor told me I needed to lose weight.. So it took me one yr to lose about 40 lbs. I just do walking, can't handle any other exercises.. Now I am trying to lose 5 more pounds, but I can't exercise everyday like I used to.. It's hard but I won't give up.. I am 58 yrs old.. I will help to encourage you and could use some encouragement myself :)
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    FM was my diagnosis over ten years ago. The worst of the flareups lasted about three years. What changed it was giving up juice and diet sodas, and changing to a memory foam mattress. I am guessing that the juice was the ignition on the inflammation because when I stopped I noticed a difference within weeks. With a better night's sleep I was able to start exercising - walking and water aerobics for several years before I got back to anything more strenous.

    I still haven't achieved my goal of running a 5K. Lately I have begun to do aerobics and treadmill in socks or barefoot instead of socks and shoes. No soles workouts are really helping me tune in and prevent injury, and it is like massage from the inside. I have not had that "hit by a mac truck" feeling for about a year. I still feel achy but I know sitting still makes it worse. If I can't do a strenuous workout, I still do a quiet stretching session to keep the blood and lymph circulating. Sometimes I even just rub my arms and legs really hard to warm everything up.

    Best wishes, love the machines that are your bodies.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    Hi! I'm also new to the blogs - and relatively new to MFP... I have had health issues over the years, but most recently diagnosed with Fibro. I am taking Meloxicam which the doctors suggested I try to taper down (at 7.5 twice a day) - but even when I try to cut it in half (one dose a day) I go from tolerable stiffness and pain to really bad don't want to get out of bed pain... so not cutting drugs.
    Started losing weight through life style change (not calling it a diet because there is no way I can go back). July 1st, 2013 - originally committed to going low carb for 2 weeks... 10 months later - I am down 40 lbs - 10 more to go to hit my goal! Then I just have to keep it off... Unfortunately I look alot better - but don't feel any better... I actually don't remember having this much pain a year ago... but anyhow - I do try to walk at least twice a day with my pooch Lucy.... even if it's only 10-20 minutes... and have been trying to incorporate other exercises but it's hard when every time you move it hurts! Would love to have some new friends helping me along the journey! Please add me! Thanks for listening!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I am a fellow sufferer. For as long as I can remember I have had pain. Finally was diagnosed about 10 years ago. Its hard to get up and go when it hurts but when it hurts is when we need to get up and go...

    Feel free to add me any one, Cindy
  • deannajp75
    deannajp75 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I am new to the posting thing! I was diagnosed with Fibro last year. I was also diagnosed with sleep apnea at the same time. I know I have had both for years, but not diagnosed. I have RLS and MFS. My doc is working on shutting off my brain at night and helping the dreams so I can get a good night sleep to replenish my body. I am still working on how to treat and deal with the medicines. I have lost 37 pounds. That is mostly from eating changes because some days I hurt so bad i dont feel like walking but recently i have made myself. I have SI joint disease so my hips hurt. I sound like I am falling apart. LOL. I would love to have some fibro followers and friends. Only we know the pain and hard work it takes each day. I try to keep a positive attitude each day that is the only thing that gets me through.
    God bless each of you!