food addict, looking for some journey buddies!

fudie Posts: 45 Member
i have been on the the weight lost journey for some time now and i know that i need some partners along the way so if anyone wants to add me as a friend please do!!!!!

a little about me i was over weight and lost about 30lbs and now i need to lost about 30 more and ive hit a plateau. and i a food addict and i love to eat and im just looking for someone who knows how hard it is and wants to keep eachother or a group of people accountable! best of luck to everyone who reads this!


  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm a food addict too. I love junk food and eat when I'm stressed, depressed, angry, happy. You get the idea:) I have lost about 20 lbs and have tons more to lose. That's not an exaggeration either, I literally have a whole person to lose. Having support from people is what keeps me going:) Good luck! We will do this!
  • Seasidedebbie
    Seasidedebbie Posts: 85 Member
    I too am a food addict and have lots to lose. WE can make this our year.
  • Rondat
    Rondat Posts: 3
    Food is my life...but I have so much more to live for! This isn't a new years resolution, it's just a day to start my new life. I need help...I would love some friends to get through this with.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I'm with you. I have a ridiculous attachment to food. I know that I eat sometimes not because I'm hungry, but because I'm just used to having food there and wanting it. Sometimes it's not even the food that I want, I just need to snack or eat. Hopefully this year I can break this and get to a healthier state. Good luck!
  • Neoneko
    Neoneko Posts: 16 Member
    with the support of each other i am sure we can reach our goals together ^_^
  • danshkee
    WOW. I feel exacly like all of you. I'm a food addict as well and need support too! I'm looking for friends to help and support along the way.
  • imagoofyg00b3r
    Right there with you! I'll add you :)
  • lball2010
    Hi all!

    I'm looking for support with sorting my weight and fitness out! I want to lose around 3stone and start taking regular exercise! I know that I cannot do this on my own! I have tried before and it is always easier when you know others are doing it with you.

    Anyway, happy new year and good luck!

    Lou x
    CHRISSYGRRL Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is chrissy I am addicted to food also . Would love support . I have 60 pds to lose. I need to get healthy.:smile::smile:
  • zoukoda
    What a great way to start 2011! Good luck to all of us!
    I am Annie. I have right at 100 pounds to lose, but admit I'd be very happy with even 50! Like some of you, I also struggle with food addiction. I can thank God that my addiction is one that will probably never land me in jail or cause my children to be taken away, but it is painful none the less. I am so unhealthy and know that I'm not setting a good example for my kids. I hope that with the knowledge and support this website encourages, I will get back to a healthy size and be able to enjoy all the great people in my life even more.
    God bless you all in 2011
  • sweetiekayk
    I'm a food addict too. I love cooking and creating things, trying new things. Not easy to say no. So now i'm trying to find healthy substitutes for the foods I love.
  • ysteb
    ysteb Posts: 1
    Congrats on the 4 lbs. so far! I need to get my current weight (ugh!) so I can figure out what I need to lose. I am excited to do this together!