Bought a Juicer

Bought a juicer this week-end and starting yesterday with celery, carrots, beets, garlic, ginger, green apple and orange. Can't say that I love it but I know there are a ton of benefits to drinking this. Does anyone else juice and if so could you please share your recipe's. Thanks


  • Tweetie41581
    Tweetie41581 Posts: 1 Member
    1/2 apple (prefer Fugi), 1/2 lemon (minus rind), 2 stalks organic celery, 5 organic baby carrots, 1/4 cucumber, and any combinations of 2-3 of the following: kale, spinach, spring lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, pineapple, strawberry... (Avoid using more than 1-2 fruits or sweet veggies like beets and carrots.... But load up on green veggies
  • BrightonChick
    BrightonChick Posts: 48 Member
    I'm fairly new to juicing too! My fave so far is (keeping it simple) 2 Carrot, 1/4 inch Ginger and 2 Apple. Yum!
    My taste-buds don't like all the green stuff yet...perhaps one day.

    I'll just stick to popping them in salads :)
  • AllisonB145
    AllisonB145 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks ladies, I will give these both a try!
  • writergirljodie
    writergirljodie Posts: 19 Member
    I used the website for all kinds of juicing recipes, since that's when I started juicing is after I watched his documentary movie. I will say watch out for fruit and root veggies. Yes, they are very nutritious, but they are also full of sugar calories. When you juice the fruits and roots you remove the fibrous parts which slow down the metabolic process in your liver. I actually GAINED WEIGHT from juicing! My husband, on the other hand, never did. He actually lost weight and felt awesome! He doesn't like to eat many veggies so I was slipping in all kinds of veggies with banana and berries or pineapple. Two of those I just listed are very high in sugar content, by the way. So, it really depends on your metabolism. Keep an eye on your weight and if you notice that you're creeping up, take a look at the fruits and veggies you're using to juice. If you're sticking to the greenies, you're probably okay. It's gonna be very different for each person. Good luck with your juicing adventure!! (Personally, I love to juice! Once you find some nice recipes, you'll like it more. I still juice from time to time, but now prefer to make hot soups in my blender instead.)
  • AllisonB145
    AllisonB145 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks for the advice writergirl
  • jsmurawa
    jsmurawa Posts: 1
    Start with or download the book Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. There's lots of good recipes for juicing and smoothying at the website if you don't want to bother with the book. After a while you'll get a sense of what works for you. Also, the book or website has an essential substitute list. What I have found is that beets get too much grit and earth taste in the juice, even after peeling. I save beets for weekend meals when I come off my juice fast during the week...roasted is excellent. Collard Greens are too heavy in grassy greens taste, but Red Chard and Kale are all the green nutrients you'll need and the taste is pretty good provided some sweet fruit is worked into the juice. Keep in mind that the veggie/fruit ratio should be about 80/20. I go half and half for breakfast juicing. My weekly produce list includes 10 Cucumbers, three bunches of celery, one bunch of bok choy, a few bunches of curley parsley or cilantro (for any green juice), one bag each of lemons, oranges, and grapefruit, one cantaloupe (we juice for two....about ten 16 oz. drinks between the two of us), two to three pineapples from Aldis because they're cheap, about five pounds of carrots, two bundles of Kale leaves (Flowering Kale for weekend dinners) two bunches of Red chard, three sweet bell peppers (might make the juice kind of acidic) and a bag of fuji apples. Seems like a lot but between Aldis and a quality grocery chain that offers excellent and fresh produce the total runs about $55 per week.

    My favorite breakfast juice is one lemon, one grapefruit, two oranges, a quarter to a half of pineapple, five carrots, four sticks of celery, a cucumber, two red chard sticks/leaves...this will make about 54 oz, which gets me to lunch. I'll post some other recipes if you want