Looking for other professional women on here!

Eating right at work can be a huge pain. Especially when there seens to be a special lunch/breakfast every other day! Let's be friends?


  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    I always find myself going out for lunch instead of bringing it in! I really need to stop that. And yes -- the goodies people always bring to work are just too tempting! The weird thing is -- I hate making my own sandwiches and bringing them in for lunch but I find myself walking to Subway or Potbelly a lot! :indifferent:
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    I am a Financial Advisor , I will add you
  • KatieAwesome627
    KatieAwesome627 Posts: 20 Member
    Ugh, I understand that! It seems like every day someone is bringing in doughnuts, or pizza, or cake. And lets not forget all our co-workers who keep candy dishes on their desks. It's definitely a challenge.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I don't know. Can a cop and a lawyer be friends?!? LOL, just kidding. I pack my breakfast, lunch and snacks every day. A lot of repetition, salads or leftovers.
  • tdubs413
    tdubs413 Posts: 13
    A cop and a lawyer can totally be friends! I'm in a field of work where I have zero involvement with law enforcement... which could be a good or bad thing!
  • Sweetchar417
    Sweetchar417 Posts: 23 Member
    I work in a clinic and drug reps are always bringing in lunches. I'm a sucker for free food.
  • alexandriamarino
    alexandriamarino Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in medicine and it seems like we have seminars with free food all the time. Also, TIME is such an issue for fitness and meal planning with a crazy work schedule. Glad to see some people here who totally get that, and would love to keep in touch.
  • MichiganJen
    MichiganJen Posts: 40 Member
    HR here...and food is everywhere! Meeting bagels, productivity cook outs, monthly birthday recognition cakes, doughnuts just because. I have a group of lovely women in my plant that bring awesome home cooked Vietnamese food...in huge portions...on a regular basis...to my office! My kids know Miss Ena on sight - she makes the best egg rolls ever!!

    So, yeah...I'm in for a support group!
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Accountant....in the basement with a cafeteria wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • tdubs413
    tdubs413 Posts: 13
    My office is adjancent to the break room/kitchen!!! Too easy to sneak all the leftover goodies that get left there.
  • tdubs413
    tdubs413 Posts: 13
    Free food is totally hard to say no to... and it never seems to be free HEALTHY food. I feel like I am surrounded by candy at all times!
  • abrockhausen
    abrockhausen Posts: 35 Member
    Someones always bringing in treats or suggesting a lunch out...sending a friend request your way.
  • Irishb118
    Irishb118 Posts: 25 Member
    I really could use the support! I work in an office where most everyone gets lunch out. I TRY to bring in a salad or some type of veggie every day, but some days I just feel so lazy and think "I will order a salad out" and that turns into Mexican or something else unhealthy!
  • suryamurthy0576
    suryamurthy0576 Posts: 10 Member
    In today's world especially in the corporate circles, people are very fitness conscious. If you opt out of indulgent breakfast or lunches for fitness reasons, people may not be offended. Of course, you then become the target of a few jokes.... but this is better than piling on the pounds.

    I have learnt to say "No"
  • tdubs413
    tdubs413 Posts: 13
    Another temptation around this time everday... the dreaded vending machine! My healthy snacks never look as good as those Twix bars!
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    Payroll manager here. I do my best to bring my own snacks and pack my lunch. I've been 95% successful. I also get up and walk the steps a lot. Thankfully my office knows I'll turn down what ever they offer, so I don't have to worry too much :)
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Training Director here and we are constantly around dounuts and fatty food choices. I just pack my breakfast and lunch and stick to it. We travel a great deal to and I just take what they serve and make it fit into my calories for the day. The exercise thing was tricky at first. I learned to call ahead and see if the hotels had gyms or if there was one nearby.

    Huge adjustment for me and I just started in March. Feel free to add me! Happy losing everybody!
  • Purchasing Agent - The lunches are what kills me. For years I have gone out to lunch with various suppliers and now find it refreshing to just schedule around my lunch instead of feeling guilty for going. And yes, candy dishes, free food.. lunch meetings. with pizza.... its difficult. Generally I just bring my own lunch.. and say things like... oh I forgot we had free lunch today. I will just eat my lunch.. and eventually, people stop noticing or caring so I don't field those types of questions too often anymore. I find that if I have my food with me at work ready to go, Im less likely to cave with all the sweet treats or free lunches.
  • dustynickell
    dustynickell Posts: 2 Member
    I started a trend at work that seems to curb some of the donut woes....FRUITY FRIDAY! I bring in bananas, apples, oranges, pears, and grapefruit every Friday...I buy them from KwikStar so they are cheaper than a box of donuts and everyone seems to enjoy it. I find myself going back for seconds without the guilt.
  • Deb_622
    Deb_622 Posts: 694
    My biggest problem is the "store" at work...chips, candy, freshly baked (huge) cookies, popcorn, soda, coffee, ice cream...need I say more :-( I walk right by every day...multiple times...its SO hard not to go in and buy one of those really yummy cookies...

    I also bring my lunch, but it definitely gets repetitive...
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Oh, yes, the office full of goodies. I've put a bowl of life saver mints on my desk...helps me some. The co-workers in my department have figured out that I don't eat the sweets they put out, so they aren't offended by it (I don't think). They are always telling me, "I wish I had your iron will" (the truth is I don't actually like cake/cupcakes/pastries/doughnuts, etc. I'm totally a fiend for candies though (like gummy bears) and salty snacks like chips and salsa. Luckily it's always the sweet stuff showing up, but on occasion they bring in things I like, too. It's hard! Not to mention group lunches...especially to places with limited "healthy" options (without shredding the menu and re-ordering some made up thing). Anyhow, any of you are welcome to add me :)
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm a legal assistant and work 8:30-5:30 in an office that constantly provides cakes, cookies, and other treats. Seriously, we have cake in this office three times a week every week. I work downtown and am surrounded by restaurants and quick-delivery places. I resist them all. Feel free to add me.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    We do a "snack" for everyone's birthdays in my office. Cakes, pies, ice cream. This month is my birthday- trying to decide what I want. Last year I got soft pretzels. Any ideas besides the ususal cakes,cookies, etc?
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Designer here reporting in for HUGE catered lunches at concept meetings, and the smell of delicious cheap Chinese food wafting in from my manager's cubicle every Friday ;_;
  • CarrieVPDX
    CarrieVPDX Posts: 44 Member
    I work in an office with lots of free food and smack dab next to some delicious food carts. My approach is to avoid the free food as long as possible in hopes that it'll all be gone :) and if not, I take half of something. I also make sure I have a stash of healthy snacks at my desk, like craisins, almonds, etc.

    My office also got together and decided to do our own biggest loser challenge with weekly weigh ins. Now, that means one person gets to know how much everyone weighs and you have to be comfortable sharing. Each week an email goes out to only those involved and shows % lost that week and overall. Good to have others int he office keeping tabs on one another.

    For lunches, I prepare 4 salad jars on Sunday evenings (toppings at the bottom of a big mason jar and stuff the rest w lettuce) and then leave a lo cal dressing in the office fridge. That way I'm not as tempted to eat out cause I know my jars won't keep if I don't eat them. And on Friday I get to eat out if I kept with the jars all week. :)
  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a librarian. I work with all women and several of us are dieting. If any of the staff tried bringing in a cake they'd have books thrown at them ;) Seriously, we do have goodies brought in from time to time. It's getting much easier for me to resist. Most days I bring a lunch and snacks to work--usually a weight watchers meal, an apple or carrots and hummus. The only places to eat out close around the library are fast food.
  • marvelmandy
    marvelmandy Posts: 6 Member
    The radio station I work for is a not-for-profit organization. We do a big fundraising drive twice a year when for 10 days local restaurants provide all the meals and snacks for staff and volunteers. We're actually in the middle of the Spring Fundraiser right now. I've been keeping a box of Quaker Oatmeal packs at my desk. When the call for food comes, I do up an oatmeal pack and use that to replace the starch portion of the free meals. So, no pancakes, but I'll take a sausage link and some eggs. No creamy pasta, but some chicken breast. Sorry cookie, hello fruit!

    Not perfect, but much better than it could have been. And I'm not stewing at my desk while everyone else gets to enjoy.
  • I am a Recruiter (HR) and we are always having lunch catered in, meetings with bagels, etc....I always find lunch to be the hardest part. Add me. I am motivated and on my way to losing weight. I am also friendly :)
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Everyone is welcome to add me, I'll be posting work food ideas!
  • bramley1911
    bramley1911 Posts: 40 Member
    Trainee accountant, working in an office where there's always cakes being brought in. Most days I can be good an resist but then some day something will just take my fancy or I'll be having a bad day and resort to eating to cheer me up. I manage to bring my own lunch in every day, just need to remember my own snacks too.