Weekend Munching/Laziness

Good Afternoon everyone on the west coast! Good Evening to everyone on the East Coast. After this weekend I noticed, Damn I'm lazy. Not only that but Damn, I eat a ton and I munch constantly over the weekends. I work a regular M-F 8-5 shift. And I am so good at sticking to my, now month long, diet and want to continue it as I have started seeing results! But here is the catch. I am afraid I'll gain it all back over the course of a single weekend! I workout and eat healthy on the week days. Then the weekend hits and I am so lazy and all I do is sleep, eat and smoke herb. I know that doesn't help but boy is it fun. Any ideas on how to WANT to be more active over the weekends? I think that if I am more active over the weekends, I will stick to my weekday eating habits. Also, what kind of fun activities are there to do to help burn calories when it is raining?!


  • Ichasestorms
    Ichasestorms Posts: 24 Member
    You mean besides running around in the rain like a crazy person? No? Just me then. Ahhh you must not be a desert dweller who longs for rain. Think indoors.... skating rink? Bowling? Throw on a workout video? Go old school and play hide and seek?

    I try to look forward to doing things on the weekend, like bowling playing with my 1.5 year old niece. It takes a lot to keep up with that kid LOL. Find something you WANT to do, that'll you'll look forward to and not let the laziness get the best of you because you'll actually want to do it.

    Hope that helps. Also, if at all possible get rid of the bad munchies and replace with healthy munchies.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    stop the herb that creates the munchies

    Get up and MOVE. Its mental. The desire to change has to be stronger than the desire to stay the same.

    Find a program you Love. It helps a ton. Get in a group with others doing what you are if others motivate you. If you don't want to tell others "I didn't do it.... again". Peer pressure still works.

    I Love my home DVDs

    I'm too busy to have a clue what its like to have time to be lazy. Seriously.
  • Ichasestorms
    Ichasestorms Posts: 24 Member
    PS - I love your profile pic. Are you the bride? If so HIGH FIVE on an awesome picture and what probably was an epic wedding. Love it!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    LOL stop blazing out on the weekend and maybe you will have some energy and not have the munchies every three hours..

    is this even a serious post????
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    When I feel lazy I walk or jog in place while watching tv. It gets me up and away from eating
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    LOL stop blazing out on the weekend and maybe you will have some energy and not have the munchies every three hours..

    is this even a serious post????


    I'm sure it's fun and all, but I know all it did to me when I was younger was make me want to eat and then sleep. So unless you can make yourself do stuff when you're high, the only solution is to stop getting high.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Maybe stop getting high?

    At least until you can learn some self-control while high?

    And if that isn't feasible, how about not getting high as often? Maybe take every other weekend off and, you know, do stuff that you don't do when you're high?

  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    If smoking is causing the munchies, give it up for a few weekends and see what happens. I would suggest having the same foods around that you would eat during the week readily available. Maybe switch it up once you've got a hold on things. Maybe don't smoke around food. Out of sight, out of mind?

    As for moving around, trying just getting dressed for working out and either saying out loud or to someone else that you're going to workout. When I tell my husband I'm about to go for a run, I'm more likely to keep that promise. If it's rainy, download the app "You are your own gym". It has a bunch of exercises that don't require any equipment. Make it fun! Get a deck of cards, pick out 4 exercises, and assign an exercise to a suit. Shuffle and divide the cards into four equal piles, taking a break in between each pile.

    hope this helps! :drinker:
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    Work out first. THEN blaze. lol Also, keep tons of healthy munchies on hand so that buying anything unhealthy seems like an incredible waste. It works!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    let me see...

    you're taking drugs - recreationally.

    Get your priorities in order. Which do you want more - the high, or to lose weight?

    Nope - no sympathy from me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Work out first. THEN blaze. lol Also, keep tons of healthy munchies on hand so that buying anything unhealthy seems like an incredible waste. It works!

    great advice…get high, work out, and then binge while on the munchies and proceed to ruin everything you just worked for = brilliant….oh wait this is a pot smoker thread, common sense goes out the window here….
  • jackiesteinlicht
    jackiesteinlicht Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks! Yea, I am the bride and it took so much to get everyone to do the zombie photos! No one took them seriously haha
    PS - I love your profile pic. Are you the bride? If so HIGH FIVE on an awesome picture and what probably was an epic wedding. Love it!