Why does it seem so much harder this time?

I lost weight when I first start MFP and it seemed to work so much better!!
Not sure if it is because I am older or maybe my fitbit is messing with things?!

I started March 17th at 173.5lbs and thought I was doing great -- April 16th I was down to 167.1lbs
I was shocked when I weighed in April 21st and it said I was 165 however the last few days I am back to 167!

There is no way I gained 2lbs as I have been at or under my calories so it must have been a fluke BUT if I ignore it then I haven't lost ANYTHING in almost 2 weeks?!

I just don't understand how I can be eating at or under my net and still gaining. I log everything!
My net is set to 1560 calories a day to lose 1lb a week and my fitbit is synced to adjust.

Is it just that much harder as you get older -- I guess I just figured if my calories were restricted it HAD to happen. Who knows maybe in a couple days the scale will balance out. I know the last 10lbs are hard but the first have never been this hard for me!

I just know when I am trying this hard I don't gain -- maybe I don't lose a lot but after 12 days something should have changed :(

Anyway thanks for letting me vent and if anyone has any suggestions I am happy to hear them.


  • Nalgh94
    Nalgh94 Posts: 181 Member
    I lost about 30lbs in high school and managed to maintain a good weight throughout University, until I started working and all the lbs creeped up again. I recently lost close to 20lbs and gained half of it back suddenly so this is my thrid time around trying to get back to my goal. Really, I find something/anything to motivate me even if it's a stupid event coming up that I want to look good but mostly what motivates me is that feeling I had when I accomplished the weight loss and all the terrible feelings I had to deal with before my weight loss.

    I know it's hard, I've given up and started over way too many times but she keep fighting at it.

    As for not losing weight, yes I'm finding eith each go it's a bit harder. A couple weeks ago I had some flu and literally couldnt eat anything all day and flushed everything out of my system, next morning I thought hey maybe I lost something but nope nothing not even a portion of a pound. It takes me days at a time to see any progress on the scale and if I have the tiniest glitch the scale just sky rockets up. It's frustrating but keep changing up your eating habits and excercise.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Body weight can fluctuate a few pounds by the day. Don't get discouraged by this. I've seen mine go up 5 lbs in 2 days. It comes down to what you are eating. If you have something salty, you'll retain water. Give it time and it'll come back down. I think it is a good thing to only weigh in once/week. If you're watching the scale everyday, this kind of fluctuations will drive you nuts. Also, are you tracking your body measurements? These are great measures of progress that the scale completely misses. Sometimes, you can not lost a single pound, but reduce your body fat.

    Also, you say your net calories are ~1500/day. Are you eating back the calories you burn during exercise? How much do you eat TOTAL/day?

  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I am a habitually weigher ...lol

    I think that is why I didn't panic at first -- like when I lost 2lbs then went back up but it has been almost 2 weeks and nothing :( Just feels like I am working so hard with no reward. I took my measurements at the start but not since -- maybe I will do those tomorrow and see if that is where the missing info is.

    Yes I am eating back my calories -- I always try to keep my Net (on MFP) the same or a bit lower then my goal. I don't eat less then 1200 and if I have excess I try to get as close to net if I can -- I mean if I am not hungry I don't force it but I am super conscious of my calories in and out.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Open your diary.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member

    Then I think we all know where the problem lies.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Really? I never had an open diary 4 years ago when I started with MFP and lost over 30lbs.

    If an open diary is the key then I will embrace my chunk! It was open briefly and there is a reason it is private now.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    So you've lost 6 lbs in a month? That's not bad at all. Generally with 40 lbs to lose you should be set to lose 1 lb per week anyway.

    Are you using a food scale to weigh all of your portions and entering your own recipes?
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    If an open diary is the key then I will embrace my chunk!

    butthurt post is full of butthurt

    eat fewer calories than you use during the day. you're either under-estimating what you are eating or over-estimating calories burned during exercise (if any). or both.
  • SummerRain43
    my diary has never been open either.....I know what I am doing right and what I'm doing wrong and I'm working on it.....
  • kittikat1119
    kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
    Large amounts of sodium, a heavy workout (water retention in the muscles), one day of over eating, or a large bowel that has yet to move could all account for 2 lbs. Don't stress, keep tracking. :happy:

    Oh, and I won't open my diary either. Doesn't mean I am overeating, I just don't really like the idea of it. Everyone is different. However, it will be a lot easier for others to pinpoint what could be the cause of the "gain" if they could see your food intake, making giving you a reason easier.
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    That sounds to me like just a fluctuation. The fact that you were losing at a very good rate until 2 weeks ago makes me think you're not in a plateau or anything, just these 2 weeks are kind of slower for your body. Stick to what you're doing and give it to more 2 weeks; if you don't see changes, then maybe incorporate more exercise or take out a couple of cals. But I really think it's just a fluctuation, I have literally gained 3-4 pounds in a weekend and then it just comes off during the week.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I recently had a month long non-scale movement because I started a new exercise with my legs and had a medical procedure done that messed with my hormones. The scale was actually up 8 lbs. I just kept eating at a deficit and exercising and then I finally lost all the water retention and it equaled out to the 1 lb per week loss I am aiming for when the scale caught up.

    If you truly are weighing and measuring all of your food just be patient, weight loss is not linear. The more frustrated you get the longer it will take the scale to move.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    OP take your measurements too! I was stalled out on weight loss for 21 days. Took my measurements from the 1st of the stall to the day before I finally saw the scale moving again and I'd lost an inch in my waist, 1/2 inch in my hips and 1/2 in my legs. The scale doesn't tell all.

    I was recently reading an article that said when you lose fat, your fat cells fill with water. So essentially you have lost that weight, but your body is holding on to some water retention, and then one day you will have a "whoosh". That's why it can appear that you've lost 5 lbs. overnight. But really, you lost it over a period of time, you just didn't know it. :happy:

    I hope that encourages you! If you are still stalled out on the scale, how your clothes fit, and your measurements after a few more weeks, then take a look at your logging, or adjust your goals as needed! Good luck!
  • wayovlife
    wayovlife Posts: 3 Member
    I am back on track to lose the 10 lbs I gained back after losing 20 lbs 3 years ago. I have found for me, low carb-high protein works best even with watching calories. My friend who is in her 40s wasn't losing much until she cut out wheat and processed sugar. But she fluctuates with period weight-5lbs at times. I am sensitive to wheat and sugar-I will binge when eating these foods and have skin problems that go away when not eating these foods. 3 years ago I dropped 20 lbs just by cutting out pop, wheat and processed foods(crackers, cookies, etc) I was at a lower weight even before having 4 children. I gained half back because of my weakness for junkfood :) even though I exercise regularly. I got away with eating quite a bit of junkfood in my teens and twenties because I did exercise but now that I am almost 40, diet has to be changed. I also feel so much better when off of wheat. Sorry, I'm rambling a bit but hoping this helps.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Ok, since you won't open your diary...are you sure your weighing and measuring accurately?? It's really easy to overlook things and if your not logging properly, you could be eating more then you think.

    Either way, weight loss isn't linear. Just because you lost x amount of pounds one week, doesn't mean that will always happen. You need to be patient.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Thanks all -- I do have a great food scale and a pocket scale I take with me and weigh everything! I am really particular about it. I sort of find what I like and stick with it -- this week is baby greens, chunks of chicken and a low cal italian dressing. Last month was chicken wraps.

    I am not saying it is horrible just not how it was a few years back. The first 10lbs were a heck of a lot easier to lose.
    I am on meds now though so wondering if they could be changing how my body works -- but I have been on them from the start of this weigh loss journey.

    I have been walking a lot more so maybe it's inches lost as opposed to lbs -- I appreciate the help and you have all (well most) have given me some great ideas and tips! No wonder I stuck around here so long <3
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It would help if you told us a bit more about your stats. AGE/height/weight/gender...BMR and TDEE if you know them...activity level...medical conditions that may affect weight loss.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Ok, since your good about weighing foods already, then I'm guessing this is just a fluctuation and will even itself out.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member

    No idea on the BMR or TDEE

    Last time I came here plugged in my data, used my HRM for exercise, plugged it in and netted my goal as MFP told me to -- Went from 174 to 138 in 4 months.

    Everything was good then the last 2 years went to crap.
    Lost my dad suddenly to a heart attack, 6 month later my husband was in a snowmobile accident where he almost died, 3 month after that lost my 13 year old dog, 4 months after that lost my grandmother.

    So ya a bit of depression and I emotionally eat so it got away from me. I am currently taking sertraline -- low dose. I have graves disease however am euthyroid now.

    That is about it.