Looking for other professional women on here!



  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    No more vending machines. I bring my own protein drinks, and snack on nuts, dried fruit, and seeds.
  • HazelFit_
    Sales manager for a medical supply company.. New on here :)
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I'm a CEO. Feel free to add me.

    My company provides fresh fruit daily. When lunches are catered in, there are always vegetarian and healthy options provided.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am a RN and work from home. Finally out of the office where there was food almost very day. Glad to be home eating my own food, no temptations.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I'm a school psychologist. My saving grace is that school lunch is not tempting AT ALL. I have been bringing my own lunch and have snacks in my drawer. I also bring a HUGE bottle of water to sip when I'm feeling tempted. I just have to avoid the lunchroom, but really, I never have time for a real lunch so I eat at my desk anyhow!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Sit on my rump ALL DAY LONG. UGH. I work out in the AM, and avoid the food area's.

    Good luck!!! Will send a friend request too
  • tbogart1
    tbogart1 Posts: 4
    I can relate! I work in an insurance office for the past 28 years and there is always a birthday, wedding or baby shower, company celebration to dodge. I have found by logging everything I can have a small serving of something at these events and because I first eat a good breakfast at home, then pack my lunch and all my snacks, I don't always indulge in what they are having. I am super busy at work and what I bring makes me feel good and I find myself thinking I don't want to eat the junk and feel foggy. Hope this helps. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck on your journey! :-)
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    My problem is travel! Blah, blah, I know I should use the hotel exercise room, but really, after driving/flying, working all day, finally checking into a hotel, the last thing I want to do is workout. Travel messes up my whole exercise schedule, and food schedule. Travel three days a week,

    I can get a fairly decent breakfast at the hotel. Usually hard boiled eggs, yogurt, fruit. Lunch, I am usually too busy, or grab something, in a hurry, fast food. If I get any lunch. Dinner, I am beat tired, grab somethIng, hit the hotel, read a bit and crash. So much for the fun and glamour of travel for work!

    Don't get me started on working out of the car, and traveling to different offices. You have to go to the bathroom? Better find the closest Mickey D's! And I do not suggest packing a lunch, especially in the summer, even on ice, it does not last long in a hot car.

    The rant of professional who is constantly on the go for work...
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    Hello! I work in higher education and every get together seems to involve food. It doesn't help that we get emails each morning advertising the special for the cafe. They make incredible food and can be so tempting with their Belgian waffles and homemade stroganoff!

    I do try to pack lunch or pre-log to fit in lunch outings. I also take walks around campus to get movement in. I do have many snacks and packets of oatmeal stuffed away for when I am too hungry to think straight I do not have to run to the vending machines. I also work to stay hydrated because I tend to confuse hunger with thirst. Silly sounding, but possible.

    Always open to new friends to share the journey with.

  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    Truck driver OK?
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    Anyone can add me as well..Marla
  • SoupAndFruit
    I end up spending a lot of money at work on healthy food! Sometimes I'll skip lunch in favour of a huge milky coffee as well -.- Would be great to be friends and get some support here!
  • howebrook
    howebrook Posts: 28 Member
    Another attorney here. I work from home a lot of the time but I have a bunch of networking lunches plus travel. Plus it is hard to meal plan and get exercise when you have a busy job.
  • dlkingsbury
    dlkingsbury Posts: 90 Member
    Oh yes, i understand! there are tons of treats in my office plus many good places around the office.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    Engineer.....and my cube mates love to have SNACK DAY where everyone brings in food to share. It's outta control, and everyone wants you to try their stuff. And I feel ya with the time issues - dual income family here with three little kids...not much time available for working out.
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    im a school nurse.....no one parties with fat food like teachers!!! I pack my lunch every day into the donut, pizza, taco casserole that is the break room. then the afternoon bowl of chocolate candy.....presented by non other than the principal...talk about stress food. add me !!
  • trisha986
    trisha986 Posts: 139
    I'm a b2b operations administrator in a corporate office as well. My coworkers see me with my gym back 5 days a week going to the gym and it makes them want to go. Especially since they see I don't put myself through torture with restricting my diet. I just make adjustments to fit my macros. I treat myself here and there to the goodies in the office but the key is moderation. Nothing wrong with free food, as long as you aren't binging on it!
  • tjohnston14
    tjohnston14 Posts: 18 Member
    I work in a law office and we have an official "break" every day with lots of cheese and crackers and assorted cakes and cookies, etc., that people bring in at random! I usually try to just avoid the break time, but if I do go I bring my own breakfast (i.e. oatmeal, fruit, veggies) so that I have something healthy to eat, but it is still hard since the temptation is always there.

    Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I work in the Compliance department of a large asphalt company... The guys here eat anything and everything under the sun bad for them. I pack my own lunch, have my own mini fridge, and hide in my office with the donuts are whipped out. Survival.
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member
    Higher education and in the village (nyc) here. I keep a pitcher of water on my desk now which is helping and I pack breakfast and lunch as often as I can. I keep bars of dark chocolate to have a piece in a pinch instead of the higher sugar/fat candy or sweets.

    Feel free to add me.