Desperately Need Support



  • prplebth
    prplebth Posts: 4

    I am new here as well, feel free to add me, we can all use support. I have a few people supporting me but could some more for the kick in the butt i may need.
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    I just started back this week again. I did really well the first time loosing quite a bit of weight and going down 2 dress sizes. Then for health reasons and meds that make you hungry I stopped been careful and totally gained back all my weight. I'm back and hoping to do well again for keeps this time. I have a trip planned at the end of the summer and I have to at least lose enough to feel more comfortable in my clothes. I'll be happy to support you as we are both "Newbies".

    Sending friend request.

  • I am in the same boat. I can't exercise consistently because I have a very bad back so I am limited, besides having to fight hunger and boredom. I have lost weight before but it was many years ago and forgot about portion size and just how carefully I need to count those calories. What I did find to be successful is try to find a routine. In what you do and what you eat; stability in your life really helps. Losing weight has to become as important as having clean cloths and showering everyday , point being; it has to be a priority in your life and has to stay that way for 3 months. Try to make your meals simple to start with so you understand portion control and the caloric intake. Also, if it is too complicated with the meal planning it is easy to walk away, most of us are too busy or don't have the energy for a complicated meal and you can't just eat salad all the time. So, make your meal plans something you can repeat from day to day and week to week at least for the 1st 3 weeks and you see some success. one or two lbs in three weeks is success. It will take about 3 months before you can look at a portion of just about anything and know what the calorie content is. I hope this is helpful.
  • I also found a site yesterday that I thought was fantastic but I could not figure out how to make it calorie count. It did give you the nutritional value and calories of any food.
  • Yeah, I'm all in! We all need a little more support!
  • booksgiver
    booksgiver Posts: 149 Member
    We all need help and that's why we're here too, so be proud of yourself for making this effort. Now, I'm going to tell you something that is completely true. This time next year you could very well be close to or even at your goal weight. Believe it because you can. Start you food diary right away and list everything...all of it and at the end of the day, have a critical look at it and see where you might make changes or better choices the next day. One day at a time but with a vision of what is possible. You can have the life you want, but you must choose to have it.....go get it!
  • I will cheer you on all the way .... I have the same thing going on... No support but I just wanna feel good in my own body so I understand and will deff cheer you one :)
  • beesmall
    beesmall Posts: 15 Member
    Wonderful that youre brave enough to ask for support! you took a step that I should have done ages ago too! Love to be a part of making this journey fun for you:flowerforyou:
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I have dealt with very heavy depression before and the feeling of just feeling lost. If you need anything please feel free to contact me. I know what it's like. You can do this!!
  • Same story here. I'll send you a friend request.
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    I try my best to be supportive and just sent you an add :)
  • Star5mn1
    Star5mn1 Posts: 2
    Don't give up! You are worth it! Visualize what you can become. BELIEVE YOU CAN! Think of it as a journey...a long, lifetime journey. About 8 years ago, I was up to 190 lbs. A friend of mine suggested that a good goal would be to drop 10 lbs a year. I did that for a few years then I got stuck at 170 lbs. I kept trying to find the right program that would work for me. 4 years ago my sister mentioned that she was going to try the Flat Belly Diet. I thought I would try that. .Bingo! That worked for me. The book cost $12 at Target. I started by doing the 4 day challenge. I thought I could do 4 days. I was strict and followed the plan for 4 days. No pop, no cheating. It was affordable foods, simple foods. After 4 days, without any exercise, I lost 7 lbs. Wow! I kept going. I started walking and the weight "melted" off, literally. In 2 months I lost 30 felt like magic. That was so motivating for me. It took me almost a year to believe that the "thinner" person in the mirror was me. I kept seeing the fat person. I liked what I saw. I have kept that weight off for the past 4 years. When I get off track and gain a few pounds I work right away to get it back off. When I fall, I tell myself that it's ok, then pick myself up again. I go back to the Flat Belly Diet off and on because it works for me. Find what works for you. Don't ever give up, YOU ARE WORTH IT and YOU WILL LOVE WHAT YOU CAN BECOME.
  • powellJulie1
    powellJulie1 Posts: 21 Member
    I am all for support and short term goals !! Make it realistic and keep it !
  • camper2022
    camper2022 Posts: 80 Member
    Please add me as a friend! I'd love to help you!
  • KeliKaskie
    KeliKaskie Posts: 9 Member
    Add me too! I am in the same boat...hubby and family are all skinny and cannot fathom what it is like to be in my shoes! I also have depression as well as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, so I could use a friend! I joined up over a year ago and have been on and off because every time I start seeing results, I get sick or need surgery and gain weight back. It is hard to come back, but so far it is working. I am down 24.5 pounds from my highest weight in 2012, and down 21 from last Christmas! You can also find me on Facebook and friend me there...Keli Kaskie
  • Hello : ) I would like to be your cheerleader as you begin this journey . I too am just beginning tonight . I just found the site and entered all my food entries for the day . I was over by about 2600 calories of what is recommended for me . Quite disgusted with myself . I think im ready to do this right this time : ) im going to make short term goals for smaller amounts of weight . Any increment of 5-10 pounds will make me feel better : ) im not sure how to find friends on here , or what to do next , so im up for any good advice :smile:
  • I'm here to help out if you need it. Feel free to add me so we can encourage each other! :D
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    Dear OP
    carrier change, separation,resultant depression made me get out of this site and after a void of 6+ months i came back and picked up the pieces and lost 4 lbs in this short is quite something for me because of thyroid and other issues.
    Write out your profile and be honest,sorting out why do you want to do it is important as it will help to motivate yourself and keep you focused.

    Go through success stories, there is this wonderful people who have risen from the ashes and soared to the sky.
    Good luck and welcome back
  • billhilly1968
    billhilly1968 Posts: 75 Member
    I am here for you.
  • Clintstruction
    Clintstruction Posts: 14 Member
    Shot for taking the time to even start doing something. Least you can stop saying tomorrow and say today. I was 106kg, now I'm 92.8kg. Took me a while (like a year, but the pure laziness of having to start my diet over gives me the motivation to keep going. Post things up so you are held accountable. And have fun with it. IIFYM is a good place to be.
    Keep going hard bro. Good on you.