early birds?

Any morning people out there that I could add for motivation? I hit the gym 5am, 6 days a week, sure like to find some like minded people


  • SarahNicoleW94
    im generally in the gym from 6am :)
  • alizamanuk
    Yes 630 am here then back in at 1 pm
  • ilkesa
    ilkesa Posts: 7
    I do not go to the gym but I start the day with my various home DVDs on 6am. That's the time of the day which works best for me :)

  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I prefer to work out in the morning, as later it seems that most of my energy is used up for other repetitive tasks.
  • mandella222
    mandella222 Posts: 114
    I have no idea why I'm up right now, but might as well make the most of it :)
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    My alarm is set for 5.50am Mon - Fri, no breakfast, no coffee, no teeth brushing, no washing lol, straight into workout gear.

    If its warmish and dry I'm out the door for a run or a cyle, if its not so warm or wet I'll find a workout on YouTube to do indoors. Weds is my weights day.

    Ready for the shower at 7am whilst herding children to shower and dress and I'm outta the door at 7.40am to get to work leaving hubbie to feed kis and do the school run.

    I lurve it, I've been doing this 3 years straight and would struggle to work out any other time of day.
  • beckyjbrown2011
    I'm on at all hours of the day. My schedule is all over the place sometimes, so I sleep and exercise when I can. Add me if you would like.

    Becky Jo