Re-starting insanity


I just did a month of insanity but i am not happy because i missed days and because i didnt eat like i shouldve. (yes, i know MY FAULT)

But when it came to working out, my friend owned the DVDs so i went to her house each night, or came to mine whichever. Well after 2 weeks, her work schedule changed so she was working til 8 and not working out til 930 or 10 at night when we were orginially doing 7 pm. Now, i understand that accidents happen like there were a few times that one of our kids ended up in ER for stitches.

My dad gave me his insanity, because he will NEVER do it and it was a gift to him! So with him gibing me his set, i have decided (if its a good idea ) to restart the whole program again on my own, follow meal plans (to a reason because i dont like half of it) and know ill be able to do it on my own time instead of 10 at night, thats too late when my 4 year old has school at 7 the next morning :)

Sorry if this is long and confusing i kinda wanna know what everyones ideas are.

Should i restart and redo weight and measurements? ( i only lost 5 lbs in the month so not huge diff)


  • dwbotti
    dwbotti Posts: 29
    So you should restart, yes. It sounds like you aren't working with a coach? Are you seeking one? A coach would help you navigate these waters.

    There wouldn't be a HUGE drop off, but to maximize your results, you should start with the Day 1 fit test, measure and crank it back up.
  • logansmummy724
    That is what i figured i'd do is start all over from day one. Yes, i do have a local coach that i talk to but i was looking for other opinons also because i dont like to just agree with one person all the time :)

    Yeah, i slacked off past 2 weeks so i am ready to completely restart
  • richelle42
    absolutely restart. Take your measurements and take pictures. You will be glad you restarted, month two is a beast you will need month one again to get back into it.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    Heck yeh restart Insanity! People do a few rounds of it to really get great results! I did insanity last summer for the 30 days and had great results. I would def encourage you to really plan your healthy meals to really get the maximum benefit of the program. I may have to pull that one out again. I ended up breaking my foot the end of last summer and literally just got the ok to start my HIIT workouts a few months ago. If you start it up again, i will totally start with you too. Interested? Let's do this. Shoot me a friend request if you want to get "insane" together. LOL :smile:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Way to go to be back at it!!!!

    yes, restart. 5 pounds is a great start! do no say "just" 5 pounds!!!!!!
    Glad you have a local coach too. Be sure to keep using that person, see if they can get you into one of their challenge groups. It really helps with the Consistency!

    Good luck!