Relearning what hunger feels like...



  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I've done some cognitive behavioral therapy in regards to my weight / eating / binge eating and there's an exercise in hunger.

    You eat your normal breakfast, then don't eat again until your normal scheduled dinner time. This exercise is to teach you to 1) feel true hunger and 2) hunger is not an emergency. I found the exercise enlightening.

    Now, I do intermittent fasting. Some days it's an exercise in hunger because I am hungry before noon, my normal eating time. I'm hungry right now, but I will wait until noon. If I was REALLY hungry, I'd go ahead and eat, but I recognize the slight hunger and recognize that an hour is no big deal. Learning to recognize my hunger and accept that hunger is not an emergency makes for much easier traveling, too. No more, I have to pack 500 snacks because I might get hungry. I'll eat when I get a chance.

    Now, if I could just accept that "if the problem isn't hunger, food isn't the answer", I'd be good to go!

    I didn't know that was an actual exercise! I just did it out of curiosilty because I had only just heard of intermittent fasting and wanted to know how doable it was. I also decided it was for me.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    :sad: this is me.

    So tell myself, however many times a day it takes...

    No more eating when we're bored.
    Or think we should eat.
    Or know that we shouldn't eat.
    Or eat because the food is there.
    Or eat because it's convenient.
    Or eat because somebody else is hungry.
    Or eat because it's your favourite.
    Or eat because is socially expected.
    Or eat because everybody is eating.
    Or eat because you were told to.
    Or eat because nobody is looking

    This is my worst one- or because you like the taste. Eat when you're hungry, eat what you like the taste of, sure.
    But not just because chocolate and wine and chips are delicious.
    That's not a good enough reason to get type 2 diabetes/ obese/ heart disease

    I RARELY eat when I'm hungry. It's the TASTE I eat for.