Weight vest

The day after Christmas I seen at least 6 people running with these things on, I even seen a lady putting weights in one. anyone use one of these things? how much weight does it hold, it looks pretty cool


  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I got one for XMAS! Mine holds 20 of these 1lb sandbag things, so I can make mine 1-20 pounds. I'm not using mine for running though. I'm using mine for leg work. I can squat, etc much more weight than I am capable of holding in my hands so I'm using the vest to add more weight without using dumbbells. I just don't have the space for a barbell & plates. I also think I may use it when I do pushups. I'm excited about my little vest!!
  • paragoalie
    I hear it works really well for weight loss and speed. I personally have never used a fitness weight vest but I have used Body Armor while running and patroling. I lost a TON of weight and I had amazing speed after using it about a year
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I got an 8 pounder, there are vests that are 25, 60, ect. Can do push ups with them too.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oooh I woud love to put that on and run with it. Prove to myself that every pound really does make a difference. It would be very motivating!