Please.. Help me?

I just want to cry.
I'm trying and trying to lose weight.

I want to look better. I'm only 23 and I weigh 256 lbs and I don't want this!
I hate how I look most days and I just want to cry..

I keep looking up things and I know I need a set diet schedule and then I'll follow it but I don't know what to even really follow.

I keep seeing that counting calories doesn't work for losing weight but I see so many people on here that have lost so much.
I just need help..

Please tell me that this works..


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    See a doctor and a nutritionist and take it from there. But don't cry.
  • akeboshichan
    I've gone to my doctor and I lost 6bs since I was there but I dont know how I even did that.. o.O..
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    The biggest key is to first become conscious of what you're eating. When you first start, just really pay attention to what you're putting in your mouth. Ask yourself if you're really hungry or just eating because of emotional reasons. Find out what you eat too much of. Do you drink a lot of caloric drinks? Just limiting those can really have an impact. Honestly, before counting calories I lost a boat load of weight just by working out more, cutting out caloric drinks, and eating less. The hardest part isn't what to eat, but being able to stop when you really should stop. I have an iron stomach and can eat more than almost anyone in the world. It was, and still can be, very tough to stop myself.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome back! Check out this super helpful link to get you started. You can do this, OP!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Read these:'re+new+here

    Edit: remove sexy pants link...someone already posted.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    I am sending you an invitation to my group.. we can help.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    The biggest key is to first become conscious of what you're eating. When you first start, just really pay attention to what you're putting in your mouth. Ask yourself if you're really hungry or just eating because of emotional reasons. Find out what you eat too much of. Do you drink a lot of caloric drinks? Just limiting those can really have an impact. Honestly, before counting calories I lost a boat load of weight just by working out more, cutting out caloric drinks, and eating less. The hardest part isn't what to eat, but being able to stop when you really should stop. I have an iron stomach and can eat more than almost anyone in the world. It was, and still can be, very tough to stop myself.

    Read this and then read it again. Then take a deep breath and read it again. ONLY YOU CAN DO THIS! Don't wake up at 45 years old remembering posting this question and having to ask yourself, "Why didn't I take their advice and get control of my life?" Take it one hour at a time if you have to, but do it.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    It works. It WILL take time though. I'm down a lot of weight, but I don't really see the difference in the mirror yet, this is a long-haul thing, so you will definitely need patience.
  • AnnaCVis
    AnnaCVis Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it! Don't let your size define you. If you think you'll feel better about yourself at a smaller size, then treat food as fuel for your body and nothing else. It's hard at first, but it really does get easier and it becomes a way of life, not a diet. The key is not to tie your self-esteem into your weight. I know that sounds obvious, but once you break free of letting food define you, it becomes just food and much less scary. Keep your chin up!
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member

    Yes counting calories work if you really count the calories!! Its simple formula of calories in vs calories out. You don't have to "diet" just eat smaller portions. Be more mindful of the types of food you eat (less processed foods, less chemicals, less sugar (HFCS), less bad fats). Do that and move more and you will see change. But you did not gain over night and you will not lose over night. Its a slow process - a marathon not a sprint. If you truly want it you will succeed. But understand you will have bad days and you will have good days. Don't look at the finish line... look at today - look at how you can change today then carry it on to tomorrow!!!

    Also, seek the advice of a nutritionist to help you if you feel overwhelmed. You can do this!!! Good luck!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    1. counting calories does work. Its worked for a ton of folks on MFP. I'm not sure who says it doesn't work. it works. At a minimum, when you keep a log, you will have a better idea of what you're consuming...and that might help answer some questions of what you could do differently.

    2. I've done some research, some trial and error, and figured out what to eat to: (a) fuel my body; and (b) keep my fuller longer. This is what I focus on:

    A. lean proteins.....turkey breast, chicken, ground turkey or chicken, fish, quality protein powder, eggs, nuts

    B. healthy fats....EVOO, some butter, roasted pumpkin seeds, salmon,

    C. carbs with a low glycemic index value (because they keep you fuller longer)....most veggies (particularly green, leafy ones), all berries, apples, sweet potatoes, some citrus.
  • Moonwillowtree
    I have been on diets for most of my 56 yrs, the best way to lose weight is to change the type of foods you eat and to get support. I went to weight watchers for awhile and it changed to way I looked at food. I started choosing healthier foods. Making sure you record every thing you eat so you are aware of all your choices. It is a life change some of us has to stick to for our entire life. So don't cry just make up your mind that this is what I am going to do and do it. Good Luck!!
  • akeboshichan
    Okay. I'm actually crying right now. I've seen so many great post, and I wasn't expecting this. I was expecting to be told to suck it up and deal with it..
    Thank you all, so much.

    My issue with this is actually one big thing. THE DIET.
    I love working out. I love how it makes me feel.

    But.. I don't like any fruits or veggies. (except for bananas, apples, carrots, peas(kinda), yogurt.)

    I'm just.. screwed..
  • moviestarsara
    The biggest key is to first become conscious of what you're eating. When you first start, just really pay attention to what you're putting in your mouth. Ask yourself if you're really hungry or just eating because of emotional reasons. Find out what you eat too much of. Do you drink a lot of caloric drinks? Just limiting those can really have an impact. Honestly, before counting calories I lost a boat load of weight just by working out more, cutting out caloric drinks, and eating less. The hardest part isn't what to eat, but being able to stop when you really should stop. I have an iron stomach and can eat more than almost anyone in the world. It was, and still can be, very tough to stop myself.

    This this this! When I started, I just started logging my food. I ate the same things I always have, not trying to stay under any certain amount of calories or anything. As I became aware of what I was eating, I was able to make changes to stay within the calories I needed to in order to lose.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Okay. I'm actually crying right now. I've seen so many great post, and I wasn't expecting this. I was expecting to be told to suck it up and deal with it..
    Thank you all, so much.

    My issue with this is actually one big thing. THE DIET.
    I love working out. I love how it makes me feel.

    But.. I don't like any fruits or veggies. (except for bananas, apples, carrots, peas(kinda), yogurt.)

    I'm just.. screwed..

    Fruits and veggies are great for your health but they aren't essential for weight loss. And you already have some that you know you like, so that's a great starting point!

    Don't get overwhelmed by this process. You can take it a step at a time. You can eat the foods you like in smaller portions and slowly add things to your diet to give you more healthy options. You don't have to eat 100% healthy and you don't have to be perfect 100% of the time.

    Start small. Log your food. Make small changes. Set small goals as you go. And don't let the whole thing overwhelm you right now.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Don't get overwhelmed by this process. You can take it a step at a time. You can eat the foods you like in smaller portions and slowly add things to your diet to give you more healthy options. You don't have to eat 100% healthy and you don't have to be perfect 100% of the time.

    ^ This (and the rest of Dianne's post) is great advice. Don't think about THE DIET and then freak out. Think about eating what you are eating now, only less of it, and gradually swap in some healthier alternatives over time.

    For many people, "diet" means restrictions; it means cutting things out, having no fun, renouncing pleasures. Those people may lose weight when on that diet, but when they reach their goal, they give up the restrictions and end up gaining the weight back. Those who are successful think of "diet" in terms of the food that they eat on a regular basis, and that they follow all of their life. If you want to not only lose weight but also keep it off, it helps to reframe what the word "diet" means, so that it is closer to the second.

    I've lost over 50 lb. in the last 16 months by eating less, but I haven't cut anything out of my diet. I eat chocolate from time to time, I have bacon, I spread butter over my toast and cream cheese over my bagels. I have a drink or two most days. I just eat less of everything, and pay more attention to whether I am truly hungry or whether I just feel like eating because something looks good or I want a distraction.

    Veggies are good, but you can take it slow with them. Eat the ones you like, and try small portions of new ones. It takes 12-20 tries before most people learn to like a new food (unless it's full of fat and sugar), so don't give up easily.

    You can do it if you put your mind to it! It's not easy, but it can be done. Good luck!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member

    But.. I don't like any fruits or veggies. (except for bananas, apples, carrots, peas(kinda), yogurt.)

    I hate vegetables. They are the worst thing in the world and I rarely eat them unless they are cooked in with something else.
  • kdaughertyfp
    kdaughertyfp Posts: 49 Member
    For me carbohydrates are not nice / good for me. I can eat same amount of calories but if my carbs are too high I will not lose. I talked with a dietitian and what I generally follow is eat three meals, each meal should you should not have more than 45 carbs, I eat three snacks per day (morn, afternoon, evening) each snack should not be over 15 carbs. You are welcome to look at my diary if you want. This has helped me. Everyone is different but you might try this. Also make sure you have protein at every meal, if you don't get protein you may not feel as full. Sometimes I use almonds 1/2 serving of cocoa roasted almonds to get me past a "I want something" craving.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    You can do this. You've gotten lots of good advice. Read the links and just try one new thing at a time.
  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    Apples and bananas are great! I particularly like the "Pink Lady" variety of apple if you can find them at your store!

    As far as other veggies go, maybe try 1 new one a week. Or blend them up with some yogurt and a little juice and drink them. :) Or just stick with what you like. :)

    You're going to do great. Add me if you like and we can help each other. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying and that's all any of us can do, right? :)