PCOS, LapBand, Clean Eating- challange -free to join

I'm starting this topic for myself- but mostly for my friend who has PCOS and it's causing her a lot of issues especially with weight loss/gain.

Her Dr. wants her to stay on a dairy free/gluten free diet for 4 weeks. And she is over whelmed . So I suggested to help her and try to do it with her - so she doesn't feel alone and overwhelmed with this.

I would like others with similar issues /experiences to join this topic and share motivation/ experience and mostly - recipe ideas.

What do you eat on " diary free - gluten free " diet ? How do you stay " strict " but not starving yourself on it ?

On top of everything she asked her to eat all " organic/grass fed " etc - which would be nice - who wouldn't like to eat that way - but first in some areas it's hard to get ahold of stuff like that - in others its just too expensive and it's not in our budget to eat that way.

But we will do the best we can.

About Me :
I'm going to do the best I can to support her and follow the diet guide lines but I can't do everything because I have a LapBand since July 2013. So I have some restrictions in my food and I have to follow that . But even with the LapBand I'm having a very slow weight loss .

Please - join.. for support and idea /recipes exchanges. Share something about yourself.

Feel Free to send us friend request.

I'm starting this for her- and I will be holding her accountable - while giving her support.
If you join this topic- please try to be accountable as well - with your food/exercise etc.


  • Deenah30
    Deenah30 Posts: 1
    Thanks :)
    I have been eating better and exercising for the past few months, which resulted in a weight loss of 20lbs.... I have decided that its time to take care of my body, not just loose weight....after further researching on various PCOS diets, supplements etc. I decided to see a herbalist here in town, and as my friend said, she recommended that on top of what iam doing already, to stop eating dairy products-since they are filled with hormones, unless I can get old fashion way milk/cheese etc. which is kind of impossible so might as well quit, which is not a big problem im not a big diary eater, i like yogurt , milk and cheese, but not something i cant live without. however, the gluten part seems that it will be hard on me. But i will give it a try and see how my body reacts.
    I hope others join as well, I'am interested in learning what you all eat, and how you manage with your family's, since we majority of our family's probably don't care about healthy eating and especially about organic food and such, please share any tips, recopies, ideas, anything is welcome.

    Friend requests are welcomed. I'am also starting on a bunch of supplements, such as Vitamin D, Probiotics, Digestive supplements and some tea's as well.

    Looking forward on this new lifestyle hopefully.