Pcos & carbs

Recently diagnosed with food & insulin resistance.
Should I be considering low carb? I feel like when I eat sugar I can't stop then crash really badly after :/
Please note I am 17 and studying aswell is low carb appropriate?


  • chloematilds
    chloematilds Posts: 111 Member
    I think it is better for you to see a dietician
  • jmiles81
    jmiles81 Posts: 10 Member
    I have starting working with an RD and have PCOS. She is having me do a 40% carbs, which for my calories is about 150 grams per day. I have to work on adding protein to all meals and adding less fruit and more veggies, lots and lots of veggies. Honestly, I do not feel as hungry as I thought I would and I have lost 1.5 pounds a week for the last 2. (I just started) I tend to binge on sugar too.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Check out the PCOS and Insulin resistance forums/groups. You'll find quite a few of us that eat low carb for that very reason. I personally keep my carbs between 50 and 80 grams a day -- I've found that to be a good number for me, but it really varies on the person. Some find that they need to go full keto or restrict to levels of 40 g or lower, others can tolerate higher numbers in the 100s. Also, many have found that metformin helps with the insulin resistance -- you may want to speak with your doctor about that.

    That horrible crash afterwards is totally common with insulin resistance, and it's awful. Low-carbing has really helped me in that regard. Best of luck to you!