insanity anyone?

I just started insanity im on day 3 anyone else doing it?I'd love some extra motivation!and does anyone else have success stories to share?


  • ZTazlor
    ZTazlor Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Nataliemm20,
    I've just restarted Insanity again and on day 4. I'll be taking measurements and weighing in at the end of this first week.
    I originally did this through 1 & 1/2 times about 18 months ago and am ready to hit at it again. :)
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    I started my fitness journey with Insanity and lost 17 lbs! It is incredibly hard, but worth it!
  • Nataliemm20
    you both look great! so i guess all that work and pain really does pay on day 4 and loving it but im incredibly sore...i've decided not to weigh myself until the end of month one so i'll be in for a nice suprise
  • HJO1403
    HJO1403 Posts: 188 Member
    I started Insanity on Monday - will be day three for me today too.

    Ive been through it twice already but going through it again with 2 friends to keep them on track
  • tincusa
    tincusa Posts: 3
    Hey guys/gals, new to myfitnesspal. I'm an avid insanity dvd guy and not sure if im not seeing it but are the insaity DVDs not in the fitness database? If not, anyone done the calculations for calories burned per work out?
  • HJO1403
    HJO1403 Posts: 188 Member
    Tincusa, I just use circuit training on my calories burned - not sure if that's right or wrong just what I opted for.
  • Nataliemm20
    Yeah it does help doing it with friends my brother and cousin started with me the same week and we're just a day sister just started month 2. It's fun we like comparing our workouts, gives a bit of a competitive edge