Exercising with lower back pain

shanster_118 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I started having lower back pain about 2 months ago. I used to run, but that now makes me back hurt a lot. Any suggestions on cardio exercises I can do that won't kill my lower back?


  • I was always told that the recumbent bike was good for people with back issues.
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    :smile: Have you been to the dr. about your back? I have had multiple back surgeries and I started out walking with Leslie Sansone's walk away the pounds. I also use the stationary bike and that helps my knees. (I've had one surgery on them). Look for low impact options they are your best bet with a hurt back.
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    try acupuncture, does wonders for back pain. Otherwise anything that doesn't strain the back, walking, bike, etc.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I had low back issues for about 20 years now. I've had up to two ruptured disks and two bulging at the same time. Never had surgery. Besides a chiropractor and a procedure called Vax-D, I exercise a lot, even stuff that I'd consider high-impact. The key is to keep moving (motion is lotion) and strengthen your core. I not only do a lot of ab work but low back exercises as well, including weighted good mornings. I also do P90X and if you ever saw one of my old MRI's you'd probably think no way in hell can this guy do that but I'm on my 3rd round of it.

    Point is, rather than look at "back friendly" ways of working out, I'd look first into developing a strong core then second doing the same old exercises that work for everybody WITH some exceptions. When you have back problems their will simply be things you probably should not do. Only you can really tell which ones don't "feel" right. Over the years I've found some good Doctor's and chiropractors who get it. Meaning, they know what I want to do and have showed me how to safely do it, and supported me doing it.

    That being said, the one thing that seems to bother me the most is running. That kills me because I'm a former runner. I still do run some but I doubt I'll be doing any long distance stuff ever again. Some people who have back problems can run, just not do other things. Again just focus on getting your core strong as hell and then you'll figure out just what you can and can't do, but I guarantee it will be more than you though you could.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I'd recommend seeing a Physical Therapist who can help you identify exactly what is wrong with your back and design a recovery plan for you. Most important - DO THE EXERCISES that they suggest. So many people go to PT and they get exercises prescribed and they don't do them - or do them for a week and then quit because they don's see improvement. Or they do them enough to feel better but then don't keep doing them for maintenance

    I had back problems so severe that I could not lean over the sink in the morning to brush my teeth. Now I can do 1000lbs (yes, one thousand) on the hack squat machine. No surgery. I had a very good PT and I did what he told me... and in fact, I STILL do what he told me as part of my workout routine - for preventative measures.

    There is hope. Get help and get on the road to recovery.
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