way iv been eating healthy?!

I skip breakfast for im always in a hurry to get out the door to school or work and lunch I skip also for im always in class or at work dinner I have whatevers on the menu for the night

my snacks are strawberries, grapes celery, yogurt greek and I drink a lot of water someday coffee


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I'm always in a hurry too and skip breakfast, but one of my friends on here has made some comments to remind me that I do need to eat breakfast (and remembered to this morning!) It's really important, even if you're only able to have something small. Skipping so many meals is just going to throw you off, and make you miserable down the road. Your body needs fuel.

    I'd highly recommend stocking up on portable fruit (my current favs are oranges and bananas). They come in their own packaging, and all you need to do is throw them in a purse or a backpack. If you don't have time for a sit-down lunch, still pack something to bring with you. It's really vital to fuel your body throughout the day; not only does your body need calories to function, but it needs fuel for workouts.
  • HJO1403
    HJO1403 Posts: 188 Member
    Skipping breakfast is no good... fuel yourself!

    Even if its a smoothie (made the night before) you definitely need breakfast
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Skipping breakfast is no good... fuel yourself!

    Even if its a smoothie (made the night before) you definitely need breakfast
    Actually there is no science to back this up except for in children.

    I personally eat breakfast but that is because I have time and I am starved.

    To the OP plan and prepare...if you are hungry get portable snacks/meals to take with you. If you aren't hungry ensure you get your calories in at some point in the day.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Nah, you don't need to eat breakfast. As long as you're getting adequate nutrition and meeting your calorie goals, breakfast is pretty irrelevant. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-berardi-phd/breakfast-health_b_4436439.html)

    I certainly wouldn't skip both breakfast AND lunch - I'd feel really lightheaded and miserable.

    If you'd really rather be eating breakfast, and it's a matter of time, make some portable breakfasts. Breakfast sandwiches, muffins, smoothies, bars, yogurt... Same goes for lunch.

    But you're not harming yourself by not eating breakfast.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Skipping breakfast is no good... fuel yourself!

    Even if its a smoothie (made the night before) you definitely need breakfast

    No! You do not need breakfast. I eat 1-2 meals a day because I like bigger meals, when I do eat breakfast I'm starving all day long. Meal timing is personal preference.
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    I've been skipping breakfast recently too. I never feel ready for breakfast but I read that you should have it so have been forcing food done - now I've been reading you don't need to eat breakfast so I skip it.
    My cycle to work is much more pleasant and I'm more inclined to cycle as I don't feel full and bloated. I find I'm not as hungry at lunch if I don't have breakfast.
    I probably save 700-800 calories a day by not having breakfast and cycling to work.
    Hooray for skipping breakfast!
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    What exactly is your question?

    You skip breakfast AND lunch. .ok..so? What are you asking? If you're hungry then eat..grab a protein bar or something.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Intermittent faster in the making basically!
    No back to your thread - healthy? Dunno - define what healthy mean to you first.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    As long as you are getting in your required amount of calories in the day, you are fine. If you find that you are leaving hundreds of calories uneaten each day, then you need to look into getting some high calorie snacks in like nuts.
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    I think your general question is "is this healthy?"

    The answer? No, I don't think so, unless you're eating a lot of those snacks to keep you going during the day. I'd pick either breakfast or lunch, and plan ahead so that you can fit it into your day - taking a sandwich with you for lunch, for example. Skipping breakfast and lunch will mean that you don't have nutrients available for your body to draw on at those times of day when you're more likely to be moving around and using your brain.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I think your general question is "is this healthy?"

    The answer? No, I don't think so, unless you're eating a lot of those snacks to keep you going during the day. I'd pick either breakfast or lunch, and plan ahead so that you can fit it into your day - taking a sandwich with you for lunch, for example. Skipping breakfast and lunch will mean that you don't have nutrients available for your body to draw on at those times of day when you're more likely to be moving around and using your brain.

    You can skip both breakfast and lunch and still get your nutrients in, the only way it would be an issue is if you skip and then you overeat too much at dinner, or you aren't reaching your calorie and macros at the end of the day. My brain seems to be functioning fine.

    But can you provide research to back up that skipping breakfast and lunch isn't healthy?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Skipping breakfast or meals isn't a problem as long as you are getting sufficient nutrition and calories over the course of a day and it isn't interfering with how you feel and function throughout the day.
    As your diary is private no-one can say your diet is healthy or not - what is the calorie, macro and micro nutrient breakdown of your "dinner I have whatevers on the menu for the night "? :smile:

    The snacks you list are healthy enough but that's just a part of your diet.
  • ashleybaker737
    okay i just started this diet by calorie thing.. and i am confused.... do u need to have all the calories u are limited to a day or??? or is it just make sure u dont go over?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Skipping breakfast is no good... fuel yourself!

    Even if its a smoothie (made the night before) you definitely need breakfast

    broscience is broscience..

    you most definitely do not "need" breakfast and plenty of people skip it and lose weight….
  • jbaerbock
    jbaerbock Posts: 85 Member
    Wait...since when is skipping breakfast good? Any scientific accredited research I've ever seen says breakfast is essential. And yes it matters if it's McD's McCafe versus bowl of healthy cereal. In the end I only control what smart nutrition choices I make so I guess do what you feel is right for you and good luck.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Wait...since when is skipping breakfast good? Any scientific accredited research I've ever seen says breakfast is essential. And yes it matters if it's McD's McCafe versus bowl of healthy cereal. In the end I only control what smart nutrition choices I make so I guess do what you feel is right for you and good luck.

    what does it matter if your breakfast is McD's or a bowl of "healthy cereal…if the McD's fits your macros and you maintain a calorie deficit, then it does not matter.

    And breakfast is essential….for nothing. Plenty of people do IF, skip breakfast, lose weight, and are shredded..

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Wait...since when is skipping breakfast good? Any scientific accredited research I've ever seen says breakfast is essential. And yes it matters if it's McD's McCafe versus bowl of healthy cereal. In the end I only control what smart nutrition choices I make so I guess do what you feel is right for you and good luck.

    For something so essential, sure seem to be a lot of people getting by just fine without it... not read anything on the news lately about people dropping like flies due to missing breakfast.
  • Remilover23237
    Remilover23237 Posts: 39 Member
    to answer peoples questions on why id don't snack or eat during the day are because I wake up get ready cuz I don't give my self time to eat im a night owl so I stay up all night get a couple hours of sleep this is only because school has been keeping me busy. also I am not allowed to have snacks at work anymore for I work at a daycare so the main goal is to have all attention on the kids and if you bring food they tend to want it as well making them all crowd around me some reaching into my snack so I ended that nuts are something I enjoy but cant have them for there is a child that is HIGHLY allergic at my work so I have to be very careful he doesn't come into contact with me when I have them before work so tends to be to much so I just stopped with the nuts.
    what kind of shakes do you guys make? what do you put in them? I try to bring snacks but just always getting to my classes on time and after ones over I go to the next then after school I go to work so I don't always have a lot of time to myself
  • countcalories1987
    You DO NEED breakfast. there is plenty of research that says you do. that's why its called the most important meal of the day. its called breakfast for a reason. Skipping breakfast damages metabolism. Even if you have a power bar. smoothie, shake or fruit on the way out the door is great. Breakfast is important for fueling your body at the start of the day. People who eat breakfast weigh 30 to 40% less than those who don't. Also people who eat breakfast are much less likely to binge later in the day
  • HJO1403
    HJO1403 Posts: 188 Member
    Skipping breakfast is no good... fuel yourself!

    Even if its a smoothie (made the night before) you definitely need breakfast
    Actually there is no science to back this up except for in children.

    I personally eat breakfast but that is because I have time and I am starved.

    To the OP plan and prepare...if you are hungry get portable snacks/meals to take with you. If you aren't hungry ensure you get your calories in at some point in the day.

    I just believe not having any food from waking up until lunch is a little silly, no science. Usually my "breakfast" is a shake but in my opinion, some form of food/smoothie/shake should be consumed just to get wake your metabolism & stomach up for the day.