Any strange looks/comments about your healthy habits?

For example, I was on my lunch break and I was counting out a serving of cashews to go along with the rest of my lunch because if I didn't I would have taken handfuls, and we all know that can be a LOT of calories. My co-worker gave me the strangest look watching me count them...Almost like she thought I had an eating disorder or something. She asked what I was doing and I explained. I even reassured her that I eat anywhere from 1500-2000 calories daily. Her reply being that I am weird and should eat more if I want to. People always think I am starving myself or am on some crazy diet just because I am watching how many calories go into my mouth.


Anyone else have any strange looks or comments about their healthy lifestyle habits? How do you respond?


  • havenoenvyonlylove
    havenoenvyonlylove Posts: 31 Member
    My brother in law told me he didn't think I would be happy until I ate through a feeding tube and I told him that's not what this was about. I had gained 12 pounds at the office, that I wasn't going to take everything at face value and wanted to figure out for myself how to eat right
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    My boyfriend has to comment on my food whether i just feel like eating fruits and veggies or if i want to eat sweets a couple times a week (or every day...whatevs). Even if I'm eating the same meal as him, he'll find my portions mind boggling. I think it's because he's so into protein right now. And he hasn't seen me in my natural habitat--the sushi bar!
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I just smile and nodd and continue what I'm doing. Its frustrating becuse I'm on keto so I eat lots of fat and proteins and ppl give me major stares. I've gotten to the point where I ignore it because my results are my truth I don't seek it through other people. It seems like everyone is an expert on diet advice. I hear ya!
  • jjj6689
    jjj6689 Posts: 10 Member
    I had roasted brussel sprouts, sweet potato oven fries,sauteed kale and a boiled egg for lunch and was asked if I had diet restrictions. :tongue: Actually I love veggies and cook enough for several lunches at a time.
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    All. The. Time. When going out to eat and order steamed broccoli as a side instead of fries like everyone else, they all look at me and say, "You know I am going to enjoy my life, you are depriving yourself of food." LOL, like what the hell? Or, "I think you are way too obsessive over it."

    But I continue to count every thing, measure out all of my food and weigh everything, and continue to let them judge me without losing my patience/religion with them, because in the end, I know I'm still going to win, and they'll likely be coming back in a few months asking me what my secret is.

    You just do you, I promise you you won't regret it! :)
  • jbaerbock
    jbaerbock Posts: 85 Member
    Every co-workers except one goes out to eat everyday. Most of the time it's King sized Burger King. They look at me strange when I pull out my homemade lunch. They also always try to get me to eat out with them. But in the end I am also way healthier than they are and smaller in rotundness than they are so I don't let it bother me.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    My dad still laughs when I measure out my cereal or rice before a meal, but he knows it's for the best.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    My dad still laughs when I measure out my cereal or rice before a meal, but he knows it's for the best.

    I get the funny looks when I measure out cereal. I eat really high fiber/protein cereal and want to know where I'm at with those values, thanks. I also count out pringles or wheat thins- people tend to look at me funny then, too. Junk food is usually measured/counted so I don't go overboard. Otherwise I can eat a whole bag of cheddar-sour cream ruffles in two days.

    I'm someone that makes it a point to always look like I know what I'm doing, and that it aint no thang. They may look at me weird but no one says anything. My confidence tends to keep them quiet. :glasses:
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member

    I think people are just uncomfortable with it - it reminds them that they are making bad choices, eating McD, KFC or a tube of Pringles everyday (especially at the office), and having someone around who makes the choice to NOT do that, well it doesn't give them the validation and pat on the head that they want that they are doing well.

    I remember one office job sitting opposite a young lady who was HUGE. She would eat a pasty, a sandwich and a king size bag of crisps at lunchtime, washed down with two bottle of full fat coke and then tell me I wasn't enjoying life or REALLY LIVING (?!?! WTF?!!!) because I eat salads, veggies and pitta breads and it can't be good for me to restrict myself the way I was and men don't like skinny girls.

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain - no uncomfortable flight seats, and I'm going horse-riding, canyoning, kayaking, rafting in a National Park - all the things I really want to do because I'm healthy from the inside and I can fit into the seats and not squash the horse.

    Apparently, that was me being spiteful and got me reported to HR.

    My husband also likes to make comments about going to the gym 5 times week. If I went to MacDonalds 5 times a week, he would give zero ****s and make no comment.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    Ha, I don't eat meat or dairy so yes...all the fricken time :laugh:
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    I remember one office job sitting opposite a young lady who was HUGE. She would eat a pasty, a sandwich and a king size bag of crisps at lunchtime, washed down with two bottle of full fat coke and then tell me I wasn't enjoying life or REALLY LIVING (?!?! WTF?!!!) because I eat salads, veggies and pitta breads and it can't be good for me to restrict myself the way I was and men don't like skinny girls.

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain - no uncomfortable flight seats, and I'm going horse-riding, canyoning, kayaking, rafting in a National Park - all the things I really want to do because I'm healthy from the inside and I can fit into the seats and not squash the horse.

    Apparently, that was me being spiteful and got me reported to HR.

    I'm not sure it warrants being reported to HR - but I do think you have taken wrong approach here.

    Your reply does just come across as defensive and spiteful IMO..

    far better to go with the flow, someone says something like that to you, just smile and say Oh well, that's me - or something equally inane, and neither agreeing or disagreeing with her food choices - which are really beside the point anyway.

    I think people lose interest fast in teasing if you don't rise to the bait - and they lose interest fast in your eating habits if you don't act all self righteous and over zealous about them.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I work with a bunch of men everyday. I'm lucky when one notices when I've slimmed down. **sigh**. I do get the occasional "IS THAT ALL YOU'RE EATING?!" when I buy small quantities of food or just desert at lunch. The convo ends quickly when they realize I'm just supplementing my home brought lunch with crapeteria food to mix things up.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I premeasure my snack foods on sundays when I meal prep, but people would say something to me if they saw me counting.

    I do get "you're obsessed" a lot and people get annoyed when I add my food at restaurants to MFP.

    Otherwise, people get it.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Always :)
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    People at work have definitely started taking more notice of my habits. There is ALWAYS junk here and they are constantly trying to get me to eat it. "Oh it's calorie free" "Oh just eat it, it won't kill you" or "You're always so healthy"

    SHUTUP! For the love of everything that is good. I KNOW it won't kill me. However, i'm not going to spend 500 calories on a stupid giant cupcake at work with people I'm not even friends with just because it's there. My splurges are on my own time!

    my friends also seem to find the need to make fun of me for going to bed early (I usually go to bed around 10pm) as I get up to go to the gym at 5am. They seem to think I should stop doing this.

    I think everyone should mind their own business. Sorry - it's been really bothering me
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    Because I train to run endurance races like Half marathons and marathons I am constantly asked why I don't eat more. Apparently I should be able to eat whatever I like since I run so much. When I try and explain about proper eating to fuel my runs and calorie counting to ensure I don't have to carry extra weight over long mileage, I get a funny look and get asked"what's the point of all the running if you can't eat what you want". Yeah I have even tried explaining that I like what I am eating when asked something like that and I get a weird look like yuck. Funny thing is when I heat stuff up in the microwave people always comment how good it smells until they find out it is all healthy foods.
  • xRay85Rayx
    xRay85Rayx Posts: 369

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain - no uncomfortable flight seats, and I'm going horse-riding, canyoning, kayaking, rafting in a National Park - all the things I really want to do because I'm healthy from the inside and I can fit into the seats and not squash the horse.

    Yes!! It truly makes a difference in your quality of life when you CAN do anything you want versus having restrictions. WTG!
  • Mbierschbach
    Mbierschbach Posts: 94 Member
    I get a funny look when I unpack my lunch bag and put it in the fridge at work. It's typically comprised of:

    Mid morning and mid afternoon snack:
    Two containers of grilled chicken breast and 1/2 cup of brown rice
    Two bags of mixed raw veggies
    Two 2% fat mozzarella sticks
    (365 calories per snack)

    Homemade grilled chicken sandwich on wheat with lettuce, cheese, mustard
    Large apple
    (416 calories)

    Protein shaker with 1 scoop of Optimum Nutrition 100% whey
    (120 calories)

    A coworker (who is actually somewhat educated on eating right and is on a full paleo diet) laughed at "my little suitcase". TBH it IS a softsided 12-pack cooler. I said "hey...all this food is less calories that a value meal most people around here eat for lunch. I get to eat all day and I feel 100x better all day every day."
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    I remember one office job sitting opposite a young lady who was HUGE. She would eat [...] and then tell me I wasn't enjoying life or REALLY LIVING (?!?! WTF?!!!) [...] and men don't like skinny girls.

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain [...]

    [...] I do think you have taken wrong approach here. Your reply does just come across as defensive and spiteful IMO. far better to go with the flow [...]

    I disagree. Office coworker was RUDE to pp saying that pp wasn't attractive to men--coworker got the pwnage she deserved. No reason for pp to have to stomach that and "go with the flow." Coworker dishes it out but can't take it. Wahh!!!
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    I get plenty of looks from my students, but it doesn't get to me. In fact, it's been interesting watching the more fitness-minded ones start to approach me for workout and diet advice. My colleagues? By and large they're supportive, because some of them have seen my five years' worth of transformation.