Getting back on track

So I've only really been tracking and logging my food seriously for about a month. I was on MFP a while ago then stepped away. I'm back and have a new found focus... until recently. I lost about 5 lbs in a month and was pretty psyched about it! Then I went shopping for an outfit to wear to a bridal shower, and wasn't in a new size yet, so had to buy more "fat" clothes. Then I went to the shower and was the fattest one there and felt even worse. For the next 2 days I ate like **** and didn't want to log it in (who wants to see that I hate cookies and animal crackers for lunch AND DINNER - embarassing... ugh).

I hate that I can't seem to stick with this. I'm one of those people who, after a bad day or a slip up, has a "well it doesn't matter now anyway" attitude. I hate that! I get so down on myself so easily and beat myself up, then feel bad about it some more, then it just keeps spiraling down. I've gained back 4 of the 5 lbs I originally lost.

Today, I'm determined to get back on track. The bridal shower I went to is for a wedding in June. I wanted to lose 10 lbs by then, but I guess that's probably unrealistic now that I'm a month in and just about back to where I was. I'm going to get back to weighing and logging everything and I guess I just have to hope I don't have another "bad food day".

I can't be only one like this (or maybe I am!), so how to do you deal with the bad days? How do you quickly get back on track before completely destroying and reversing all the hard work?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    5lbs in one month is a good rate of loss...but 5lbs is typically not a size change...on average you need about 10lbs..and that is not set in stone.

    I think your expectations are a bit too high...settle down and set reasonable goals...

    As for getting back on track...I look at it this day, two days or even 3 days does not derail 1 month of good logging etc.

    I doubt you have gained an actual 4lbs back unless you have eaten 14k over's probably some water.

    You could lose 10lbs by June...that is about 1.5lbs a week, but that depends on how much you have to lose...if you have 10lbs...then no...if you have 20lbs then no...if you have 50 yah it's possible...
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I think most of us have struggled with this every now and then. This sounds corny but I made sticky notes with words/quotes that inspire me and posted them on my bedroom mirror, bathroom mirror and even the refrigerator. There was a post on facebook that I copied to keep me on track and training for a 5k it said:

    I will beat her
    I will train harder.
    I will eat cleaner
    I know her weaknesses
    I know her strengths.
    I've lost to her before, but not this time. She is going down.
    I have the advantage because I know her well.
    She is the OLD Me.

    Just take care of yourself and don't beat up on yourself too much. One day at a time. Feel free to add me on here if you want.
  • Tippy05
    Tippy05 Posts: 43
    Thanks girls. I have about 20 lbs to lose to get to GW, which is where I was when I got married.

    I guess the 10 lbs by June probably isn't realistic anymore, which is fine. I guess as long as I'm losing, it's better than nothing. I have always had unrealistic expectations for myself and end up beating myself up for not being "perfect". It's something I really need to work on, and am hoping to use this time to get centered and settle down.

    Thanks for the feedback and WarriorReady, thanks for the quote. That's pretty awesome and will end up on refrigerator for sure!