Looking for other professional women on here!



  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    Learning and Development Professional in Canada
    Add away!

    Instagram @brosis85
  • ardorrequiem
    My office gets pizza every month and baked goods 2-3 times a month. Muffing tops, cookies, pastries... very hard to avoid. Not to mention all the jerks in here trying to pressure me into a box of girl guide cookies... madness.
  • erelyl
    erelyl Posts: 48 Member
    I am a payroll supervisor/department coordinator with government. We have a small office separate from the rest of our department, our own fridge, microwave, toaster and kettle. Unfortunately since we reconfigured the office the conference/lunch/goodie table is literally right behind me! Along with the toaster.... and every day someone brings in gorgeous home made bread and makes toast. Right.Next.To.ME!! The smell is divine and so very tempting.

    We are also a "let's have cake!" culture. For every birthday there is cake (two birthdays in one week? Well that means two cakes!) If we have a month with no birthdays there is cake just for the hell of it. Add in a few great cooks with no families at home, and one girl who has a mother in law that LOVES to make cupcakes for us... and you can see where it's going.
  • WannaBeCroft
    WannaBeCroft Posts: 94 Member
    Constant traveler here too -- work in multiple cities regularly, sometimes every other day! The worst is trying to schedule good eating and regular workouts around an irregular schedule. Even being able to think ahead and pack a lunch some days, nothing ruins planning like a 3hr meeting scheduled between 11am and 2pm across town from your office. Anyone is free to add me.
  • Frigs
    Frigs Posts: 745 Member
    Engineer working out the house running a business with remote employees...I don't even have the excuse to go visit their cube.....Can you say refrigerator temptation and lethargy during the day? Then traveling and working nights on travel....But no excuses. Feel free to add me....I am getting close to loosing some really old weight thanks to MFP!!!!
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    We do a "snack" for everyone's birthdays in my office. Cakes, pies, ice cream. This month is my birthday- trying to decide what I want. Last year I got soft pretzels. Any ideas besides the ususal cakes,cookies, etc?

    Have you ever seen Edible Arrangements? Maybe something like that? More pricy than a birthday cake (or a basket of fruit) but equally festive! http://www.ediblearrangements.com/?c=1
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Management consultant working for a large national bank at the moment! Spend lots of time at a desk and traveling! A challenge in both arenas! Feel free to add!
  • mjbself
    mjbself Posts: 15 Member
    I work in Finance and I struggle with lunch ideas. I am the person with a candy dish on my desk, but I put all the things I won't eat in it! I love to bake, but I am kucky that no one in my area really eats sweets. I get bored with food easily and don't really care for sandwiches. After two days of salads, they are out the door for a week as well.

    I make a chickpea salad that I can usually eat for a few days. This week is hummus and veggies, but next week - who knows. I rarely eat out even though we have a cafeteria. Mainly because the meals are too heavy for lunch and I don't want salad or a sandwich.
  • Starlynn99
    Starlynn99 Posts: 1 Member
    That's the problem I have, someone will bring something in for everyone and it's hard to say no! I don't pack a lunch, but I bring in fruit. By the time lunch rolls around I am ready for something else. I end up eating fast food. I am unable to go home for lunch, I live so far out of town. I have been thinking I need to cook healthy, easy to pack foods on the weekends to bring in with me to work. I know that would cut a lot of calories. :smile:
  • rorae
    rorae Posts: 34 Member
    I bring a lot of lunch boxes to work. I work shifts, and they are quite long. I have to make sure I eat healthy, not some junk from the vending machine. Since I started using MFP and tracking my carbs-fat-protein intake the food people bring in the office doesn't bother me. Last week I resisted a birthday cake! And it wasn't difficult!

    Plus bringing my own food lets me pre-log it and be sure what and how much I eat that day. Makes me comfortable.

    this is my day also. . .someday's I am here for all 3 meals...and while the hospital cafeteria has made improvements , it remains hit or miss if you actually want to eat what is there...I also like to pre log to know where I stand and realize there is no room for cake, etc.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    Fellow lawyer here; cookies and baked goods abound in the kitchen and TONS of candy on various desks! I bring my own lunch every day and lots of snacks. I think I do a decent job of staying away from the goodies, but I do cave every now and again....
  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    Prosecutors Office here - goodies about in every crevice of our workplace. I allow myself to eat out for lunch only once a week and it does help. I bring my own snacks because planning is essential for me. My co-workers have the candy dishes but when there was 100 days until summer I vowed to not take anything from these dishes. I have succeeded so far :D
  • 03melissa05
    03melissa05 Posts: 44 Member
    Any one can add me :) I am a social worker
  • janinelambiase
    International Project Manager here.
    I learned to say NO and NO and NO. Sounds easy huh?
    It really is not! I do allow myself to be part of our breakfast once a month, but try to fill up on fruit and just dig into the other things a tiny bit ;-)

    Feel free to add me ( just notice compared to others here, I am friendless LOL)
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    We have at least one (or more) catered lunches per week at work (thanks drug reps!). It drives me crazy, but they typically bring salads and I will have that. Otherwise I pack my lunch and snacks. I make soup on Sunday and have plenty for the week. I also drink tons of water. Most of the office staff at my work are dieting as well and cave when they hear "free food", but will power is key!! You can add me for support!!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I'm a client service coordinator - home health care.
    I tend to not be able to get out of the office EVER. So I sit and eat junk and never move. People bring in snacks, candy dishes, social workers bring in lunch. NEVER ending. Candy is usually what gets me!

    Add me if you like!
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Hey ladies! I'm a PR professional, feel free to add me!

    (My helpful hint for work lunching is to look at your checking account history... when I saw how much I was WASTING on lunches it broke my heart!!!!) :)
  • ohlalaitsamd
    ohlalaitsamd Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in nursing..12 hr shifts are tough on the body and patients always come first..sometimes 15min breaks if lucky..add me :)
  • rhonda6374
    rhonda6374 Posts: 38 Member
    I work in IT and sit all day at a computer -- any of you feel free to add me! Good luck.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I'm a CPA and I work out on my lunch breaks. I also unfortunately eat out a lot and trying to make healthy choices is hard! Feel free to add me!