Hi! Here to lose some weight/inches!

_L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
Hi everyone!

I'm Lucy, a 23yo (well, near enough, a week tomorrow!) student.

I am 5'7" and managed to get my weight down from 172lbs to 147lbs over 6 months last year. I then had a stressful time and ended up gaining back almost all, going to 170lbs just after Christmas 2013! I'm back on track though and I am down to 157lbs. I'm aiming for 140-147lbs range. Most importantly I'd like to lose inches and be stronger, fitter and healthier.

I go to the gym and I run. I try to exercise 3 times a week but sometimes my timetable prevents this.

I am getting married in August and I last tried my dress on when I was at my lightest/smallest! I have my final fitting in 9 weeks and 3 days so I'd like to get as close as possible to what I was when I last tried it on because the style suited me at that size! I'm aiming to lose 1lb a week, but as I mentioned earlier it's the inches that count for me especially considering I want to get into this dress!

I'm using this site for the really useful calorie counting section, the handy app and hopefully to get some support! I know I can lose weight, but sometimes I lose motivation as I'm sure everyone does, so I'm hoping by getting to know people on here I'll stay a bit more motivated and keen!

Looking forwards to getting to know everyone and reading about everyones advice :) hopefully I'll be able to return the favour and give some advice, not sure if I know enough though!


  • schortey
    schortey Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Lucy
    Add me, we can motivate each other. Welcome to my fitness pal and contgrats!!
  • determinednlh
    determinednlh Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome!! You got this!!
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    Thank you :D I'm a bit nervous because although I know how to lose weight and know that given enough time I can lose what I want to, I don't feel like I have enough time! 1lb a week for me is going to get difficult as I get under 11stone (154lbs) because it was last time! I'll keep trying my hardest though!
  • apgabriel915
    apgabriel915 Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add! Remember not to overdo it for a dress. Being healthy and safe with weightloss is WAY more important than sizing up a dress. I had my dress changed from a zipper to a corset because I slacked and got lazy and I knew it would fit. H loved it, but not the reason I changed it. Congrats!!!!
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    Feel free to add! Remember not to overdo it for a dress. Being healthy and safe with weightloss is WAY more important than sizing up a dress. I had my dress changed from a zipper to a corset because I slacked and got lazy and I knew it would fit. H loved it, but not the reason I changed it. Congrats!!!!

    If I don't manage to shift much in the first few weeks I'm not going to try hard to reach my current goal for the dress fitting, just try to do the best I can healthily :) currently I have 10lbs to lose in 9.5 weeks (to be at the same size as the last fitting), but I'm expecting to lose around 8lbs in that time, those extra 2lbs shouldn't really make a difference! That's just under a alb a week so a healthy target :)

    My dress is currently done up with little glass buttons, they're beautiful! I did like the idea or corset back as it's more forgiving if I change between the final fitting and the wedding! But it's ok, I am having the fitting as late as possible before the wedding and I can't imagine going up as I will be very busy as that time due to my course (I'll be on my feet a lot, and have a bit of spare time for the extra gym sessions too!)

    Sending a friend request now :D