Any Runners On Here Dubbed "The Slowest In Gym Class" ?

I know I'm not the only one !


  • gooserocks85
    gooserocks85 Posts: 48 Member
    slow poke here!

    when training for a half marathon earlier this year, my pace was a full minute and a half slower than the slowest pacer group they offered. it was something that i stressed about in the beginning, but once i could see that there was zero judgment from the group about how fast i was going i started to own my last place status!
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I was teased horrendously in high school gym class. I would pass out almost every time I tried running the mile, I never was able to finish even when jogging at my slowest.

    As an adult, I've been diagnosed with heart problems due to an autosomal recessive blood disorder.

    I like running, it's actually healing my heart and good for me (only) with the right diet, but I am also very upset that the teachers didn't see it as a medical red flag at all and made fun of me for passing out.
  • aliceavis92
    I have recently taken up running. And even at it's best it has been sporadic becuase of the weather. I can do a 15-20 minute mile depending on factors. However, just look at the shirt displayed at the link. That's all I have to say lol.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Used to be the slowest kid in school, and hated all forms of exercise (which in my school meant exclusively track and field, and unless you looked promising enough to compete, the teacher lost all interest in you). Also out of some very weird coincidence, I had the same PE teacher 6 years in elementary school, whom I hated, then when I moved to high school, she also got transferred there, so no escape.
    When I graduated, I was convinced that I was not suitable for anything but weight lifting and related "strength" sports, as this was the only thing I ever did with some (very moderate) success (javelin, shot put etc).
    Then a friend convinced me to join a gym, I discovered that actually not all trainers are horrible people and became good friends with a trainer who was also a runner and encouraged me to give it a try. I have been running on and off for almost 20 years now, and while I am not going to win any medals, it is fun and I am not at all bad at it. For me, once you get the competitive part out of the equation, and focus on yourself and having fun testing your limits, most sports become far more enjoyable.
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    I was always the slowest guy in gym class and the slowest guy every time I tried out for sports. We had to run the mile in PE, and I was the slowest guy every single time. At my school, sports was very important and I was teased a lot and called names because of how slow I was.
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    The star kid in the whole class was running a 7:50 and he was treated like some kind of Olympic athlete.

    Now I can crank one out in under five minutes on a good day

    That's a huge improvement! Good work!

    In my school, most of the faster guys were breaking 6 minutes, but none under 5! My senior year, I finally beat all of the girls in my section at the mile run, doing somewhere around 7:30. I was still the slowest guy in that class, though.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Most of my time as a runner has been pretty darn slow. I finished my 4th half marathon last Oct. in 2:30:00.

    I've dropped almost 30 lbs. since then and almost 3 minutes per mile from my long run pace. I did a 10 mile race last Sunday in 1:26:35. Going to run a sub two hour half marathon in two and a half weeks.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I do not run much- I run a pretty consistent 9:30 and compared to my running days- it feels nauseatingly slow.

    I'm happy to be out running at all and happy when I'm there (rather than drudgery) but sometimes I wish I was more motivated to run more just so I could run faster LOL
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I'm slow, but gosh darn it, I run! (or jog) :blushing:
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    I was always one of the slowest in gym class. Hated running then, hate it now. I like push-ups, sit-ups, etc. Running just never did it for me.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I used to have asthma as a kid and running was SO not my thing. I was always nearly the last picked for softball too. But ya know what? I now have two marathons under my belt and several half marathons and 10ks, 5ks.

    It's not always about speed. It's about Finishing what you started.
  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    Super slow runner here. I wear a headband that says "Slow is the New Fast." That about sums it up.
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    Yes! I remember every end of the school year we had to run a 600yrd 'dash' as part of our gym test or whatever it was... I was always last to finish because I could only run about the first 45 seconds and then walk the rest of the way.

    I went on to join the military which involved running all the time and passed my run on my PT tests with flying colors. I am 30 now and still run AND enjoy it.
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I also was never able to finish the mile in gym class. It was Texas and it was hot -- I just remember being out there praying for a fire, the apocalypse, anything to get me off that track. I remember the PE teacher said that those of us who didn't finish would have to do it again "sometime next week," and every single day after that, I dreaded going to gym because ...was THIS the day they were going to make me do it again?

    Now I marvel at being able to do a couple miles at lunchtime and still have time to actually eat lunch afterward.
  • redtreediary
    redtreediary Posts: 69 Member
    I have asthma. I run slow. Always have.

    I'm running waaaaay faster than anyone on the couch, though.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    <raises hand> Me. I run my 10-12 minute mile and I'm happy to be out there doing it. I was always the least athletic person in my high school class (literally, out of 50 girls, I was dead last), but if my last reunion is anything to go by, I'm doing just fine.
  • dbaldwin18
    dbaldwin18 Posts: 1 Member
    Usually DFL....
  • fauxpunker
    fauxpunker Posts: 59 Member
    I was the slow kid on the cross country team. What I lacked up in speed I made up for in being stubborn. In gym class, though, I was the fast one :bigsmile: Yay for a change in competition!
  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    I used to be in track and I threw the shot and disc and was in no way a runner AT ALL! We always had what we called the "fat man relay" which was nothing but throwers running a relay race against each other. I was on a team with 3 really really really fast guys who were and still are nothing but muscle, and then theres me....Chubby McChubkins...Needless to say I slowed us down quite a bit and we never won. So yes I run very slow no matter how fast I feel like I'm running it's still probably about 99.8% slower than I think lol.

    Edited to fix spelling error
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    In middle school I was definitely one of the slowest kids...but you know what? Now I'm up on Sundays running 8 miles while they sleep, plus daily gym time. It's okay if im not the quickest! I get it done :glasses: and I've got good endurance!