Looking for other professional women on here!



  • only1bones
    only1bones Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I'm in government as a AP/Payroll supervisor. I'm gluten free right now so that pretty much cuts out all the treat that people bring in. I buy a lot of bagged salad mixes and add my own chicken or ham. I eat alot of greek yogurt and have either protein shakes or bars on hand for my snacks. I get a free day on the weekend but have found I don't tend to splurge except for wine. When I do tend to try a Mc Donalds french fry, it makes me realize it doesn't taste all that great after not having it for a while. I try to change my thinking about food and just keep saying it's used to feed my body and not my emotions. Although I'm not losing weight as fast as I would like, slow and steady wins the race.
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    Architect in NYC...I typically bring lunch, but often forget to eat or only get to eat a portion of it. Too busy!

    The men in my office are the snack providers...or the vendors who come in to do 'Lunch and Learns' or hawk their carpets, wall coverings, etc. They ALWAYS come in with treats- sometimes I make it fit into my day, sometimes I don't take any. The men have a habit of candy dishes and bringing in treats weekly from pretty killer Italian bakeries.

    I pass on some, take some- I always log!
  • Amy01Liz
    Amy01Liz Posts: 73 Member
    I work at an engineering firm and there is free breakfast, lunch, goodies EVERYWHERE!!!!! I struggle with the same issue! Add me ladies! I am on this site reguarly, too.. its not a once a month thing for me! :)
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I am in advertising sales - lots of client dinners, especially during "conference season" which just started. Clients LOVE to eat, drink, and order dessert. I usually do not partake in sampling the after dinner sweets, but lately it has been a bit tougher. When I travel, I try to choose hotels that have decent gyms and bring snacks (protein bars, almonds) with me.

    When I am in the office, I am sitting most of the day. I have a very strict routine that I adhere to when it comes to working out (early AM before work) and meal times. For me, having this routine is very helpful. I also bring in snacks for every day and lunch 4 days/week.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Pffft....Im in field sales. Totally get that. Add me!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I'm the purchasing manager for a day spa in Vegas. While our company preaches healthy lifestyles, when they offer lunch or treats it's usually pizza and candy. Go figure! But what kills me is the delicious food available outside our company in the casino resort. The restaurants are top notch, and all the food is unbelievable. It's really hard to find something that is lower in calories.

    Y'all feel free to add me! :)
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    Work at a law firm.

    I bring my lunch whenever I can and try to make good choices when I have to eat out.

    One big help is exercising in the AM to build up a cushion of extra cals in case I get tempted by a treat at the office.
  • dcroberts3
    dcroberts3 Posts: 8 Member
    Instead of a sub at Subway, I find that making it a salad instead really is good (with oil and vinegar). I'm going to go back to that!! It's really almost as good as just a sub if you get all the veggies....and water of course!
  • rljohnsufl
    I work at a government agency in a downtown area. Thankfully the gov't is not supposed to buy food so that cuts down on free lunches. There was a buy-out and lots of people are retiring, so that means lots of retirement parties. At the last one I managed to resist the cake and pastries and only eat some strawberries and herbal tea. Next week the party is going to be at a Chinese restaurant.

    I also have a coworker who keeps Doritos and Oreo cookies in his file cabinet and offers them to anyone who comes by. He's either eating junk food or on the Atkins diet. I don't indulge in the treats often, but I've been known to finish off half a bag of Doritos that I found in his cabinet, along with a half dozen Oreos.....thankfully not often and definitely not since I started tracking again!

    BTW I love the Fruity Friday idea someone had.
  • nicki3us
    nicki3us Posts: 4 Member
    I am an Inventory Control technician for a large bakery/cookie company. I believe that just the smell of the cookies baking in the air as I get out of my vehicle every morning makes me gain 20lbs!! And as you can guess there is no end to the temptations here! But I do bring my lunch everyday and try to stay away from the goodies. The job requires a lot of walking and I do try to avoid the enrobe cookie area. That chocolate waterfall...feel free to add me!
  • rebeccatackett
    rebeccatackett Posts: 37 Member
    I am a paralegal in a law office. I'm the only "assistant" to two attorney's, one of which is hardly every here. I stock the fridge (on my dime) so that I don't have to pack a lunch or snacks and no one brings free food to my office. I feel left out!!! The only bad day I have is Friday's when I work in another office and the boss takes us to lunch almost every Friday.
  • Karen64Lynn
    Karen64Lynn Posts: 32 Member
    I work in an Financial Planning/Accounting office. I bring my lunch/snacks every day but I tend to snack as soon as I get home because I am waiting for everyone else to get home from their activities so we can eat as a family. I need to find something else to do during that time! I go to the gym before work in the morning so that is a great start to my day but then I sit in front of a computer all day. I got a Fitbit Flex that syncs with MFP - that really helps motivate me to get up and walk around whenever I can. Feel free to add me.
  • shiraLA
    shiraLA Posts: 272 Member
    I am a restaurant manager for a large casino/resort- I work between 50-60 hours a week and it is a struggle to not eat at work. I have to make sure to make my lunches ahead of time and log in here for support! Feel free to add me! :drinker: :smile:
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    I`m a health inspector, and moved to a new province almost 8 months ago now. When I was with my previous employer, we had a policy that junk food was not permitted in the office because we had to practice what we preached in terms of healthy eating (you were allowed to bring your own junk for personal consumption but not for meetings or functions). The office I work in now is a junk food gong show! When the Christmas holidays were over, people were brining in the extra chocolate they didn`t want, to the office! This week someone brought in cookies, a bag of chips, a box of chocolate and squares! I only had 1 small cookie & have been good sticking to my snacks of fruit or veggies. We also hired a new guy & went out for lunch. I unfortunately live in an isolated ares where there are not a lot of food options. I ended up having chicken fingers & fries. The only good thing was that they were made with their own chicken breasts & the fries were homemade. I believe in being realistic & not cutting all foods out, but it is just rediculous all the junk people bring to work every week! Public health people should know better lol.
  • anneboleynr
    anneboleynr Posts: 23 Member
    I work in an office setting for my county. I bring my lunch most of the time. My main issue is getting time to eat it. :/ I see lots of clients and sometimes am trying to eat a sandwich while reviewing files... definitely not ideal. I think I need to work on taking care of myself better. There's a cafeteria in the building and sometimes I go there if I have the time/ when I am tempted to indulge in some fries.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Sure there's a lot of bad temptations at the office - I admit I have a candy basket on my desk - and it's a rarity that I reach into it. These days I'm focused on how I can increase my protein intake so that the weights I started lifting won't destroy my body instead of build me into a better me.

    I just started working out 3 weeks ago, lots of cardio - and now I'm trying to develop a weight training routine. I keep telling myself I won't think about food yet, and just get used to exercising; setting a habit.

    Being that I have to work at 8:30 - I get up at 4:30 am so that I can do my gym routine before the day begins. I struggle to wake up at that time, but it's easier to commit then than it would be to consistently make it to the gym after work.

    So I'm all about setting habits right now. 3 weeks - monday thru friday - 4:30 wake up. I took a day off yesterday because I caught a nasty chest cold and couldn't imagine being at the gym and hacking away. I felt sOOOO guilty. This morning, I made it back to the gym and felt so much better that I didn't convince myself to take another day off.

    One day at a time... I wish I could sleep better. The exercise routine has screwed up my sleep habits. I wake up 4 - 6 times a night and am starting to use meds to help sleep (that don't seem to be working). Even the Nyquil last night, and I was awake every hour and a half. The people at the gym say that my body will get used to the raised metabolism and eventually I'll sleep well again. I hope it won't take long for this - 3 weeks of dragging at 9:30 am and eating peanutbutter for energy seems a bit much...
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I'm an accountant and I bring my breakfast & lunch. Hate it when I have to travel or take clients out or attend reception events.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Financial Analyst here. Anyone feel free to add me. :)

    We have various foods brought in almost daily and then always have the usual birthday cake, donuts, etc.

    This is the first I have worked in a setting where food is always there.

    Thankfully, we are in health care and the company has free fresh fruit that is delivered daily.
  • forbevvi
    forbevvi Posts: 7
    Accountant here! Just had to buy a cake today for a staff birthday. Yay! People seem to give you a really hard time if you don't partake.
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    I'm an office manager/bookkeeper/property manager lol, many hats I wear! On good weeks (sometimes I just don't have time) I meal prep on Sundays for the entire week! It's a saving grace! Also have my Graze boxes delivered to my office for snacks to be on hand!