P90X...Who's with me?!



  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    Thanks for the band advice!!! I'll go check those out.

    Today I woke up feeling "blegh" from all the partying last night, so I switched my Arms &Shoulders with Stretch X. Now my recovery day is just in the middle of the week this time.

    And I hope you feel better blakgarnet!!!
  • lucylorelei
    lucylorelei Posts: 46 Member
    I am almost through with week 3 of p90x lean and have lost 3 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. Pretty happy with that. Today is Kenpo - my fave!!! i am so glad to get a break from the weight training as I head into week 4.

    Question for you guys, though. Any suggestions for me on replacing pull-ups? I don't have a bar. I have bands, but can't attach them to the ceiling. I have been using dumbbells and have been concentrating on the "pulling down" motion - making it tough, drawing it out and trying to focus on my shoulders and back doing the work, instead of focusing on the pushing up part of the motion. Anyone have any idea if this is going to get me similar results?
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    There is a strap built for attaching the bands to a door. It's basically a loop with a foam bar at the other end...you put the loop in the middle of the bands, then you open the door, put it across the top, and close the door. The bar acts as a stop, leaving you with a 2-handed V-band. It works pretty well.
  • I started last week but half heartedly gave up due to Christmas. It's a new year and a new start and I rocked out Day 1 today and was sweating like crazy after Ab-Ripper X....man I gotta say I hate those Diamond Push-Ups!!! I am fine with all the others but the Diamond Push-Ups give me a hard time for sure
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I am fine with all the others but the Diamond Push-Ups give me a hard time for sure

    You can do the decline ones?? And the divebombers? I can't even do one of those!
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Quick update to provide post for my son's YouTube transformation with P90X. His workout buddy is my grandson. REALLY CUTE!!!


    Took a look at your son's vid. He did a great job. I am going to video document my experience now. Hope to have great results like him. Your Grandson was killing the Mason Twist!!! haha
  • blakgarnet
    finally started feeling like eating yesterday, so my BF and I kept our dinner reservation for NYE - only ate a fraction of everything I felt up to - enjoyed the flavor without feeling so full or heavy to push me back into the sick territory. took today off as well, but haven't really been super hungry so am well under calories (probably in starvation mode :/) but am not going to make myself feel full and gross by eating when I may not be 100% recovered. going to restart P90X tomorrow from where I left off in week 4. Normally my BF and I do something fun on Sundays, but I think he might be coming down with the stomach bug now too.
  • I am fine with all the others but the Diamond Push-Ups give me a hard time for sure

    You can do the decline ones?? And the divebombers? I can't even do one of those!

    I love those dive bomber ones they seem to do wonders for my back, every time I do them all I hear is *craaaaaaaack*
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I am fine with all the others but the Diamond Push-Ups give me a hard time for sure

    You can do the decline ones?? And the divebombers? I can't even do one of those!

    I could only do 2 when I first started, I can do 16 divebombers now. Just keep trying.
  • Plyo time!
  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    Just finished the Shoulders/Arms and ARX... I'm afraid I slacked on the ARX. Made it about 2/3 of the way through and then had to stop because my abs were just burning so bad! Oh well... next time I'll kill it! And I'm definitely going to steal my brother's weights when I visit KY this Wednesday. (He's away at college, so he's not using them. Not that he used them while he was at home... but I digress) The 5 pounders I used were just not challenging at all!
  • JHRSr58
    JHRSr58 Posts: 14
    I'm OK with the diamond push ups and can do over 40 regular push ups. But I can't do even ONE one-hand push ups -- not even on my knees. He does these in the plus routines. Very disheartening that I can't do even one on my knees yet.