Shorties Unite!!! 5'3" and under!!



  • danielle3285
    danielle3285 Posts: 1 Member
    29 yrs old, 5 ft.

    SW: 120
    CW: 109
    GW: to maintain 105-107

    Almost to my goal, next up is some strength training focused on arms & stomach! Any recommendations on exercises?
  • 21, 5'
    weight constantly fluctuates between 95-100 lbs
  • i'M 5'3"
    23 years old
    wanting to loose 80lbs

  • 5,3", Im 144lbs, my goal is 117lbs :)

    So much harder to be shorter :'(
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    5ft 1"
    I'm 36 and I really not sure what I want to lose. I just want to get a lot fitter.
  • I'm 5'2" and I'm looking to lose about 100lbs. Anyone can feel free to add me! :D
  • Emb2Day
    Emb2Day Posts: 1
    Hello I'm around 5'1 I am from Australia & work in metric so SW 70.6kg I only just joined yesterday.I had done Bodytrim a few years back & lost 15kg which was awesome but unfortunately didn't maintain & piled back 10 :( oh well lets see how it goes this time round with the calorie watching/counting.This site is fab makes it quite easy.I am looking to lose enough to be comfortable in my clothes & not constantly telling myself I'm fat in the mirror :/
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Let me correct myself. I am on prednisone which makes it hard to lose weight. I have been trying to keep the calories around 1200 calories. I am also looking at sugar and carbs. The doctor is concerned with my carb intake. I no longer have any chocolate in the house or any snacks except unsalted cashews. Now looking into some new recipes.
  • brbbringingsexyback
    brbbringingsexyback Posts: 39 Member
    5'1 - need to lose 60 lbs. feel free to add me :)! I've lost 11 lbs so far. And I'm always active on MFP! I need more friends.
  • lmmathis86
    lmmathis86 Posts: 223 Member
    5'2 cw 173..starting weight was 196...Goal weight is 165....then 145. Started this journey january 2014
  • kaiiibeee
    kaiiibeee Posts: 15
    I'm 5"2' and 70.9 kgs (156lbs) and my goal is 60kgs or (132lbs). Ive only been tracking my diet for 2.5 weeks, but at my last weigh-in I had lost a total of 1.6kgs or (3.5lbs). Very stoked with that loss!
    Looking forward to being a more active member of this community!
  • candace71
    candace71 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Ya'll I m 5"1 and 149lbs. Wanna get back to 120's. It's tough to be all short *kitten* cause we show every pound!????
  • BeTheChange352
    BeTheChange352 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm just over 5' and very stocky. I need to lose a minimum of 50 pounds by the end of this year. I was here a couple of years ago and lost weight and loved every bit of it but have a brand new account now and need new friends to join me, so feel free to add me if you're looking for more accountability partners!
  • lin88arcia
    lin88arcia Posts: 2
    I am 5' even and very small build, CW 145 - my heaviest ever. Being this short means that a lot of the extra pounds are around my mid-section. And so lazy with exercise :(
  • jess431983
    jess431983 Posts: 7
    I'm 5'2" CW 152 I am trying to get down to around 125 like I used to be. Add me. :-)
  • I'm 24yrs old
    I'm 5ft 3in
    I'm 155lbs

    And I'm very unhappy with myself!!

    Trying to get to 115lbs. Need more friends and motivation!! Please feel free to add me :)
  • pharmwench
    pharmwench Posts: 3 Member
    Well, I'm putting myself out here. I am 40 years old and 5 foot-nothing. SW was 201, CW 193, and GW is 125 of which I struggle to even visualize. Been 175+ for so long, I'm not sure what it looks like to be in the 160s and lower. Can't wait to find out though! Thanks for inspiring stories ladies!!
  • Ginaxx22
    Ginaxx22 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5ft 2 and one of the things that motivates me to loose weight is the struggle to find jeans that are short enough for me. mainly the ones that are short enough are too small for my waist!
  • jwhalen05
    jwhalen05 Posts: 2
    Yay! 5'2 here. Just joined and love the support via threads. Shorties rule!
  • qgrosa
    qgrosa Posts: 8
    I'm Rosa who is 5'4 can I follow you? I have always thought of myself a shorty person. Its so hard to fine pants my length and size. I just got started with this program. I started 4 days ago. I weighed in at 205. I'm already seeing some loss weight. I fine the cardio very hard at this time. I'm up to 35 minutes of walking and three kinds of strength exercises.