How do you curb cravings?



  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    also, just because i think it's legit relevant: I ate chocolate every single day of the first five months where I lost almost 40 lbs. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

    I just ate only 70 calories of it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I eat all the foods. :drinker: :ohwell:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I eat about 5-6x's daily and still find myself starving at times. I usually will start downing the water. It never ends. UGGGGGG
  • KourtneyLee
    KourtneyLee Posts: 45 Member
    Clean your pantry and fridge out of all the crap.
    NOW, I have to say I still have some junk items in my fridge/pantry

    No one should ever eat "crap" or "junk" under any circumstances. Ever. Full stop.


    Tasty treats and other delicious high calorie foods that fit into their overall calorie goal, however? Those are totally fine.

    But please, people, don't eat crap or junk. And don't keep it in your pantry because it might get into your food! How do you handle the smell??? And why? Why would you put crap in your pantry or your fridge? Well, I mean, I guess I could understand in the fridge if it was in a sealed container because you needed it for a medical test of a stool sample, but other than that, under no circumstances should you put these things anywhere near your food.

    (Does this really need to be said? I mean, don't people already know this???)

    what you first see when you open your fridge/pantry is crap

    Miss, please, if this is what you see when you open your fridge/pantry, then seek professional help. This is a serious problem.

    I'm getting the impression that you think I have these junk items in my pantry or fridge, but I clearly stated multiple times that I don't...the items that are left are what I listed (goldfish, deli meat) and stated right after that they're being eliminated, I only still have them because someone picked them up for me on a grocery outing thinking I would want them, and haven't discarded them yet because I felt bad :/

    As far as people needing to be told to get rid of bad things in their fridge, yet, actually a lot of people should hear that advice because 1. some people have family members living with them that don't eat the same way as they do 2. some people believe having a little of what you crave is okay, which I pointed out in the very first part of my post. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I eat about 5-6x's daily and still find myself starving at times. I usually will start downing the water. It never ends. UGGGGGG

    Are you trying to adhere to too great of a calorie deficit?

    Are you eating too little fat?

    Are you deficient in a particular nutrient?

    Is your calorie tracking accurate? (For example, are you sure about your homemade chicken? I don't know the details of it, obviously, but something doesn't look right about it. That's a lot of calories for just 5 oz of chicken.)
  • KourtneyLee
    KourtneyLee Posts: 45 Member
    Good nutrition, a solid nutrition plan, protein snacks, and self discipline. If you can achieve these things, it will make it easier, not that I'm saying it's easy. Eating clean is hard to do, no matter who you are, but the fourth thing I mentioned is the most important thing. Without it, eating clean gets harder.

    Eating clean??? At what point did the OP say anything about trying to eat clean?

    But as long as we're on the subject (that you decided to make a part of the discussion), how do *you* define "clean"? I've heard a lot of different definitions of the word, many of them completely incompatible with the other...and I've found that without a clear definition of what I'm trying to do, it becomes nearly impossible to do it...and even if I were to accidentally do it, I wouldn't know it.

    You can use my diary as an example...because I do *not* eat clean...(or at least I don't think I do, depending on how you define it, of course):

    Yesterday is probably a better representation of my "normal" diet though:

    Eating clean essentially and basically refers to eating whole, unprocessed foods. It's a very popular and common concept as of late. And, it's a good recommendation because these "clean" foods provide more sustainable energy while keeping your glucose at bay as compared to say, cookies and white breads/pastas.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i eat them, i just log them. i tried cutting them out and felt like a miserable failure when i couldn't stick with it. i do what one poster suggested - i log them first and decide if i really want to waste that many calories on chocolate, ice cream, etc.

    if you really want to break the habit, it can be done. i did Dukan for a number of months and it worked really well - i just got tired of such rigid restrictions when we had family functions, etc. (and coming from a large family, we have something nearly every weekend). i got tired of getting derailed and having to play catch up all week.

    since going back to calorie counting, i am not ashamed to admit that there have been days (around that TOM) that half of my calories may come from the candy drawer my boss keeps at work. but i log them and i hit the gym if i want dinner.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I think this forum can be divided into two groups:

    (1) dieters

    (2) lifestylers

    I'm a lifestyler. I don't ever make a decision to do something I can't do for the rest of my life with ease and contentment. My work out schedule is as much a part of my life as taking my vitamins and brushing my teeth. My eating does not eliminate anything but the things I dislike and things I have decided to never eat again for political reasons. I have never thrown out food for being "junk" unless "junk" means it's mouldy. I have ice cream in my freezer. I bake (in between work sets, actually). I will never go on a "diet" unless it is medically necessary for me to.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Clean your pantry and fridge out of all the crap.
    NOW, I have to say I still have some junk items in my fridge/pantry

    No one should ever eat "crap" or "junk" under any circumstances. Ever. Full stop.


    Tasty treats and other delicious high calorie foods that fit into their overall calorie goal, however? Those are totally fine.

    But please, people, don't eat crap or junk. And don't keep it in your pantry because it might get into your food! How do you handle the smell??? And why? Why would you put crap in your pantry or your fridge? Well, I mean, I guess I could understand in the fridge if it was in a sealed container because you needed it for a medical test of a stool sample, but other than that, under no circumstances should you put these things anywhere near your food.

    (Does this really need to be said? I mean, don't people already know this???)

    what you first see when you open your fridge/pantry is crap

    Miss, please, if this is what you see when you open your fridge/pantry, then seek professional help. This is a serious problem.

    I'm getting the impression that you think I have these junk items in my pantry or fridge, but I clearly stated multiple times that I don't...the items that are left are what I listed (goldfish, deli meat) and stated right after that they're being eliminated, I only still have them because someone picked them up for me on a grocery outing thinking I would want them, and haven't discarded them yet because I felt bad :/

    As far as people needing to be told to get rid of bad things in their fridge, yet, actually a lot of people should hear that advice because 1. some people have family members living with them that don't eat the same way as they do 2. some people believe having a little of what you crave is okay, which I pointed out in the very first part of my post. :)

    If anyone in my family puts either junk or crap in my fridge or pantry, we're going to have to have a serious family meeting. That is unsanitary and will *not* be tolerated in my house. Period. The end.

    I'm confused about your reference to goldfish, deli meat, and things like that. Did someone get their crap on your goldfish or deli meat? If so, throw it out!!! You can't just wash crap off of food. This is a serious health risk. However, if you can keep the crap and junk away from your food storage areas, you can safely eat goldfish *and* deli meat (just keep it within your calorie and macro targets).

    I just can't believe that it's 2014 and we're still wrestling with proper food storage. Egads.
  • MistressBoop05
    MistressBoop05 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm new to the site. Here is what I can suggest and you can see if it helps. Every time you think of junk food immediately drink a glass of water. Water helps fill you up and then you will be too full to want something else to eat or drink (at least for a little while) or do some sort of exercise activity that will make you too tired to go to the kitchen and grab some junk food. If that doesn't help then try eating some fresh fruit/ veggies every time you want junk food. Try to replace those things that you want with something that you need. You can learn to find healthy snacks or recipes online to make that can curb those cravings as well. It is also about having the will power to not give our bodies what it wants, but instead to force it to give it what it needs. otherwise you will probably feel horrible afterwards because you ate that snickers or last scoop of ice cream and now you have to burn it off. I hope this helps a little bit.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Good nutrition, a solid nutrition plan, protein snacks, and self discipline. If you can achieve these things, it will make it easier, not that I'm saying it's easy. Eating clean is hard to do, no matter who you are, but the fourth thing I mentioned is the most important thing. Without it, eating clean gets harder.

    Eating clean??? At what point did the OP say anything about trying to eat clean?

    But as long as we're on the subject (that you decided to make a part of the discussion), how do *you* define "clean"? I've heard a lot of different definitions of the word, many of them completely incompatible with the other...and I've found that without a clear definition of what I'm trying to do, it becomes nearly impossible to do it...and even if I were to accidentally do it, I wouldn't know it.

    You can use my diary as an example...because I do *not* eat clean...(or at least I don't think I do, depending on how you define it, of course):

    Yesterday is probably a better representation of my "normal" diet though:

    Eating clean essentially and basically refers to eating whole, unprocessed foods. It's a very popular and common concept as of late. And, it's a good recommendation because these "clean" foods provide more sustainable energy while keeping your glucose at bay as compared to say, cookies and white breads/pastas.

    what you refer to as "eating clean" i just call eating. Though sometimes I will also include cupcakes and potato chips and ice cream, which I'm guessing doesn't count. :)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Hello, I'm new to the site. Here is what I can suggest and you can see if it helps. Every time you think of junk food immediately drink a glass of water. Water helps fill you up and then you will be too full to want something else to eat or drink (at least for a little while) or do some sort of exercise activity that will make you too tired to go to the kitchen and grab some junk food. If that doesn't help then try eating some fresh fruit/ veggies every time you want junk food. Try to replace those things that you want with something that you need. You can learn to find healthy snacks or recipes online to make that can curb those cravings as well. It is also about having the will power to not give our bodies what it wants, but instead to force it to give it what it needs. otherwise you will probably feel horrible afterwards because you ate that snickers or last scoop of ice cream and now you have to burn it off. I hope this helps a little bit.

    these things have pretty much never helped me with a craving once it's started. I'm not saying they aren't good ideas for others, but for me, I have had a belly full of water and carrots and was still wanting a cupcake. Two days later, I still wanted the cupcake. So i just ate the friggin' cupcake. Then I was cool with no cupcakes for a good while.

    The only things that work on cravings for me is: (1) eat the friggin thing, or (2) just decide to not eat the friggin thing then don't eat it. LOL.

    I guess this goes to a personal thing I have about how much power we have to make decisions and stick to them.
  • KourtneyLee
    KourtneyLee Posts: 45 Member
    Clean your pantry and fridge out of all the crap.
    NOW, I have to say I still have some junk items in my fridge/pantry

    No one should ever eat "crap" or "junk" under any circumstances. Ever. Full stop.


    Tasty treats and other delicious high calorie foods that fit into their overall calorie goal, however? Those are totally fine.

    But please, people, don't eat crap or junk. And don't keep it in your pantry because it might get into your food! How do you handle the smell??? And why? Why would you put crap in your pantry or your fridge? Well, I mean, I guess I could understand in the fridge if it was in a sealed container because you needed it for a medical test of a stool sample, but other than that, under no circumstances should you put these things anywhere near your food.

    (Does this really need to be said? I mean, don't people already know this???)

    what you first see when you open your fridge/pantry is crap

    Miss, please, if this is what you see when you open your fridge/pantry, then seek professional help. This is a serious problem.

    I'm getting the impression that you think I have these junk items in my pantry or fridge, but I clearly stated multiple times that I don't...the items that are left are what I listed (goldfish, deli meat) and stated right after that they're being eliminated, I only still have them because someone picked them up for me on a grocery outing thinking I would want them, and haven't discarded them yet because I felt bad :/

    As far as people needing to be told to get rid of bad things in their fridge, yet, actually a lot of people should hear that advice because 1. some people have family members living with them that don't eat the same way as they do 2. some people believe having a little of what you crave is okay, which I pointed out in the very first part of my post. :)

    If anyone in my family puts either junk or crap in my fridge or pantry, we're going to have to have a serious family meeting. That is unsanitary and will *not* be tolerated in my house. Period. The end.

    I'm confused about your reference to goldfish, deli meat, and things like that. Did someone get their crap on your goldfish or deli meat? If so, throw it out!!! You can't just wash crap off of food. This is a serious health risk. However, if you can keep the crap and junk away from your food storage areas, you can safely eat goldfish *and* deli meat (just keep it within your calorie and macro targets).

    I just can't believe that it's 2014 and we're still wrestling with proper food storage. Egads.

    I am unsure if this is your attempt to be funny/witty, but no, my goldfish and/or deli meat does not have anything on it. I am referring to my goldfish and deli meat as bad foods, as they are processed, high in sodium, include nitrite, etc. I'm talking about what's already IN these items that makes them bad choices. I sincerely hope you continue to post in this thread in the hopes of helping the person that created it instead of commenting on others' advice with unappreciated humor/sheer idiocy.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Clean your pantry and fridge out of all the crap.
    NOW, I have to say I still have some junk items in my fridge/pantry

    No one should ever eat "crap" or "junk" under any circumstances. Ever. Full stop.


    Tasty treats and other delicious high calorie foods that fit into their overall calorie goal, however? Those are totally fine.

    But please, people, don't eat crap or junk. And don't keep it in your pantry because it might get into your food! How do you handle the smell??? And why? Why would you put crap in your pantry or your fridge? Well, I mean, I guess I could understand in the fridge if it was in a sealed container because you needed it for a medical test of a stool sample, but other than that, under no circumstances should you put these things anywhere near your food.

    (Does this really need to be said? I mean, don't people already know this???)

    what you first see when you open your fridge/pantry is crap

    Miss, please, if this is what you see when you open your fridge/pantry, then seek professional help. This is a serious problem.

    I'm getting the impression that you think I have these junk items in my pantry or fridge, but I clearly stated multiple times that I don't...the items that are left are what I listed (goldfish, deli meat) and stated right after that they're being eliminated, I only still have them because someone picked them up for me on a grocery outing thinking I would want them, and haven't discarded them yet because I felt bad :/

    As far as people needing to be told to get rid of bad things in their fridge, yet, actually a lot of people should hear that advice because 1. some people have family members living with them that don't eat the same way as they do 2. some people believe having a little of what you crave is okay, which I pointed out in the very first part of my post. :)

    If anyone in my family puts either junk or crap in my fridge or pantry, we're going to have to have a serious family meeting. That is unsanitary and will *not* be tolerated in my house. Period. The end.

    I'm confused about your reference to goldfish, deli meat, and things like that. Did someone get their crap on your goldfish or deli meat? If so, throw it out!!! You can't just wash crap off of food. This is a serious health risk. However, if you can keep the crap and junk away from your food storage areas, you can safely eat goldfish *and* deli meat (just keep it within your calorie and macro targets).

    I just can't believe that it's 2014 and we're still wrestling with proper food storage. Egads.

    I am unsure if this is your attempt to be funny/witty, but no, my goldfish and/or deli meat does not have anything on it. I am referring to my goldfish and deli meat as bad foods, as they are processed, high in sodium, include nitrite, etc. I'm talking about what's already IN these items that makes them bad choices. I sincerely hope you continue to post in this thread in the hopes of helping the person that created it instead of commenting on others' advice with unappreciated humor/sheer idiocy.

    You sound fun. :flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Good nutrition, a solid nutrition plan, protein snacks, and self discipline. If you can achieve these things, it will make it easier, not that I'm saying it's easy. Eating clean is hard to do, no matter who you are, but the fourth thing I mentioned is the most important thing. Without it, eating clean gets harder.

    Eating clean??? At what point did the OP say anything about trying to eat clean?

    But as long as we're on the subject (that you decided to make a part of the discussion), how do *you* define "clean"? I've heard a lot of different definitions of the word, many of them completely incompatible with the other...and I've found that without a clear definition of what I'm trying to do, it becomes nearly impossible to do it...and even if I were to accidentally do it, I wouldn't know it.

    You can use my diary as an example...because I do *not* eat clean...(or at least I don't think I do, depending on how you define it, of course):

    Yesterday is probably a better representation of my "normal" diet though:

    Eating clean essentially and basically refers to eating whole, unprocessed foods. It's a very popular and common concept as of late. And, it's a good recommendation because these "clean" foods provide more sustainable energy while keeping your glucose at bay as compared to say, cookies and white breads/pastas.

    Unprocessed? Like, veggies straight from the garden instead of those you would buy frozen in a grocery store? Can I still wash, peel and cut them? What about cooking? Is cooking a process?

    Are breakfast/snack bars whole, unprocessed foods? (If OP had a craving for a breakfast bar, would that be okay for her to eat (assuming it fit in her calorie/macro limits)?

    How about protein powder? It seems like a processed, not-whole food. Is that still "clean"?

    Milk? Olive oil? Coffee creamer? Couscous? Gatorade? These all seem really processed.

    What if instead of trying to adhere to this "unprocessed and whole" restriction, OP just ate food that fit in her calorie and macro limits? Wouldn't that still work just as well (and without all of the confusing labels)?

    Personally, I don't have any problems with my glucose levels (based on medical tests), so how much should I be concerned about that? And given that a diminished glucose spike results in an increase in duration to the point that the net glucose load is similar between the two extremes, is one approach still clearly preferable? I'm not yet convinced.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Good nutrition, a solid nutrition plan, protein snacks, and self discipline. If you can achieve these things, it will make it easier, not that I'm saying it's easy. Eating clean is hard to do, no matter who you are, but the fourth thing I mentioned is the most important thing. Without it, eating clean gets harder.

    Eating clean??? At what point did the OP say anything about trying to eat clean?

    But as long as we're on the subject (that you decided to make a part of the discussion), how do *you* define "clean"? I've heard a lot of different definitions of the word, many of them completely incompatible with the other...and I've found that without a clear definition of what I'm trying to do, it becomes nearly impossible to do it...and even if I were to accidentally do it, I wouldn't know it.

    You can use my diary as an example...because I do *not* eat clean...(or at least I don't think I do, depending on how you define it, of course):

    Yesterday is probably a better representation of my "normal" diet though:

    Eating clean essentially and basically refers to eating whole, unprocessed foods. It's a very popular and common concept as of late. And, it's a good recommendation because these "clean" foods provide more sustainable energy while keeping your glucose at bay as compared to say, cookies and white breads/pastas.

    So with this definition if I eat all my veggies, get enough protein, and still have calories left over cookies would be bad? But what if I baked the cookies myself and they had under 5 ingredients? Does that make them clean?

    And why would it matter if I've already reached my protein, fats for the day and still had room for a treat?

    Since obviously I've been doing this all wrong... now where are those cookies

    OP what I've done is make sure I'm set at a reasonable calorie deficit, and have a night time dessert, knowing I have worked in ice cream, cookie, or whatever it is I want keeps me from having cravings. Some days I have to plan better than others, when I want fried chicken it takes a little more adjusting than if I'm just fitting in a serving of Gelato, but it can all fit in, or I can just say I'm eating it today I'll go over and I'll make up for it over the week.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Clean your pantry and fridge out of all the crap.
    NOW, I have to say I still have some junk items in my fridge/pantry

    No one should ever eat "crap" or "junk" under any circumstances. Ever. Full stop.


    Tasty treats and other delicious high calorie foods that fit into their overall calorie goal, however? Those are totally fine.

    But please, people, don't eat crap or junk. And don't keep it in your pantry because it might get into your food! How do you handle the smell??? And why? Why would you put crap in your pantry or your fridge? Well, I mean, I guess I could understand in the fridge if it was in a sealed container because you needed it for a medical test of a stool sample, but other than that, under no circumstances should you put these things anywhere near your food.

    (Does this really need to be said? I mean, don't people already know this???)

    what you first see when you open your fridge/pantry is crap

    Miss, please, if this is what you see when you open your fridge/pantry, then seek professional help. This is a serious problem.

    I'm getting the impression that you think I have these junk items in my pantry or fridge, but I clearly stated multiple times that I don't...the items that are left are what I listed (goldfish, deli meat) and stated right after that they're being eliminated, I only still have them because someone picked them up for me on a grocery outing thinking I would want them, and haven't discarded them yet because I felt bad :/

    As far as people needing to be told to get rid of bad things in their fridge, yet, actually a lot of people should hear that advice because 1. some people have family members living with them that don't eat the same way as they do 2. some people believe having a little of what you crave is okay, which I pointed out in the very first part of my post. :)

    If anyone in my family puts either junk or crap in my fridge or pantry, we're going to have to have a serious family meeting. That is unsanitary and will *not* be tolerated in my house. Period. The end.

    I'm confused about your reference to goldfish, deli meat, and things like that. Did someone get their crap on your goldfish or deli meat? If so, throw it out!!! You can't just wash crap off of food. This is a serious health risk. However, if you can keep the crap and junk away from your food storage areas, you can safely eat goldfish *and* deli meat (just keep it within your calorie and macro targets).

    I just can't believe that it's 2014 and we're still wrestling with proper food storage. Egads.

    I am unsure if this is your attempt to be funny/witty, but no, my goldfish and/or deli meat does not have anything on it. I am referring to my goldfish and deli meat as bad foods, as they are processed, high in sodium, include nitrite, etc. I'm talking about what's already IN these items that makes them bad choices. I sincerely hope you continue to post in this thread in the hopes of helping the person that created it instead of commenting on others' advice with unappreciated humor/sheer idiocy.

    I can assure you that I never attempt to be funny or witty.

    I still don't understand what you mean by "bad foods". What, specifically, is bad about them? Do they not provide carbs, protein, and fat that your body can use for various purposes? Are there no vitamins or minerals in them? Would the deli meat be demonstrably healthier for you if it was in a different form? What about sodium is unhealthy (for someone without hypertension issues)? What is bad about nitrites? (Do you like beets or celery?)

    I believe I already have been helpful in this thread...and that I continue to be helpful. Whether or not you realize it is of no consequence to me.

    Have a good day.

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Clean your pantry and fridge out of all the crap.
    NOW, I have to say I still have some junk items in my fridge/pantry

    No one should ever eat "crap" or "junk" under any circumstances. Ever. Full stop.


    Tasty treats and other delicious high calorie foods that fit into their overall calorie goal, however? Those are totally fine.

    But please, people, don't eat crap or junk. And don't keep it in your pantry because it might get into your food! How do you handle the smell??? And why? Why would you put crap in your pantry or your fridge? Well, I mean, I guess I could understand in the fridge if it was in a sealed container because you needed it for a medical test of a stool sample, but other than that, under no circumstances should you put these things anywhere near your food.

    (Does this really need to be said? I mean, don't people already know this???)

    what you first see when you open your fridge/pantry is crap

    Miss, please, if this is what you see when you open your fridge/pantry, then seek professional help. This is a serious problem.

    I'm getting the impression that you think I have these junk items in my pantry or fridge, but I clearly stated multiple times that I don't...the items that are left are what I listed (goldfish, deli meat) and stated right after that they're being eliminated, I only still have them because someone picked them up for me on a grocery outing thinking I would want them, and haven't discarded them yet because I felt bad :/

    As far as people needing to be told to get rid of bad things in their fridge, yet, actually a lot of people should hear that advice because 1. some people have family members living with them that don't eat the same way as they do 2. some people believe having a little of what you crave is okay, which I pointed out in the very first part of my post. :)

    If anyone in my family puts either junk or crap in my fridge or pantry, we're going to have to have a serious family meeting. That is unsanitary and will *not* be tolerated in my house. Period. The end.

    I'm confused about your reference to goldfish, deli meat, and things like that. Did someone get their crap on your goldfish or deli meat? If so, throw it out!!! You can't just wash crap off of food. This is a serious health risk. However, if you can keep the crap and junk away from your food storage areas, you can safely eat goldfish *and* deli meat (just keep it within your calorie and macro targets).

    I just can't believe that it's 2014 and we're still wrestling with proper food storage. Egads.

    I am unsure if this is your attempt to be funny/witty, but no, my goldfish and/or deli meat does not have anything on it. I am referring to my goldfish and deli meat as bad foods, as they are processed, high in sodium, include nitrite, etc. I'm talking about what's already IN these items that makes them bad choices. I sincerely hope you continue to post in this thread in the hopes of helping the person that created it instead of commenting on others' advice with unappreciated humor/sheer idiocy.

    Just looked at your diary (surprised you have it open since most clean eaters don't) but what's the difference between goldfish processing and your special K protein bars? And I see dark chocolate squares? I'm so confused wouldn't that be moderation?
  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
  • hmanley66
    hmanley66 Posts: 57
    My best advice is to log it either way. Even when you are way off track, write it down. Keep the record. Learn from mistakes.