Eating less, putting on

So far ive managed to lose 3lbs in just over 2 weeks. I'm not overweight particularly, just looking to tone up.
Last week & the week before I struggled to stay under my calorie goal, but still lost. This week I've been really good, but put on half a pound.
Just wanted to know If if im 200 cals or so under my calorie goal my body is going into "starvations mode"??
Is it good to make up the calories properly or is it ok top be under?


  • filippo85
    filippo85 Posts: 4
    hi, to help you have to tell me some of your physical data, and what kind of power follow when
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So far ive managed to lose 3lbs in just over 2 weeks. I'm not overweight particularly, just looking to tone up.
    Last week & the week before I struggled to stay under my calorie goal, but still lost. This week I've been really good, but put on half a pound.
    Just wanted to know If if im 200 cals or so under my calorie goal my body is going into "starvations mode"??
    Is it good to make up the calories properly or is it ok top be under?

    weight fluctuates, and you should only be aiming to lose 0.5lb per week anyway. you're not going into 'starvation mode'

    do you do any strength/resistance training at the moment?
  • yeah I do strength training for the whole body
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    yeah I do strength training for the whole body

    then just keep at it... losing the vanity pounds is a sloooooooow process
  • thank you! :)
  • So far ive managed to lose 3lbs in just over 2 weeks. I'm not overweight particularly, just looking to tone up.
    Last week & the week before I struggled to stay under my calorie goal, but still lost. This week I've been really good, but put on half a pound.
    Just wanted to know If if im 200 cals or so under my calorie goal my body is going into "starvations mode"??
    Is it good to make up the calories properly or is it ok top be under?

    Muscle puts on weight, as muscle is heavier then fat. Ive been exercising everyday high intense for about 4months now and ive onky lost 8 pound, even tho i dont eat much i do strength training, but i look like ive lost so much weight but im putting on muscle thats why the scales arent changing. Measure yourself its more easier i was a 34 waist im now 30.5 Message me if you need help :)
  • thanks abbie :)
    I keep meaning to measure, I need a tape measure!
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Weight fluctuates.

    That half a pound could be a coffee that you had or a salty snack. It's not linear, you will retain water, eat meals, get constipated, have different hormones coursing around your body, all of these things will do different things to your scale weight.

    Half a pound gain after that kind of loss is really nothing to worry about. This is going to happen again, and next time you'll be able to brush it off a lot easier.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    This is me over the past three months: it isn't linear but it is progress.

    you'll see it goes up and down, in reality there's even more variation than that, but i don't weight frequently maybe 1-2 times a week and my scales aren't very accurate so I only distinguish 0.5-1kg changes

    i can, at the wrong time of the month easily vary 5lb in a day, that isn't real weight gain
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So far ive managed to lose 3lbs in just over 2 weeks. I'm not overweight particularly, just looking to tone up.
    Last week & the week before I struggled to stay under my calorie goal, but still lost. This week I've been really good, but put on half a pound.
    Just wanted to know If if im 200 cals or so under my calorie goal my body is going into "starvations mode"??
    Is it good to make up the calories properly or is it ok top be under?

    Muscle puts on weight, as muscle is heavier then fat. Ive been exercising everyday high intense for about 4months now and ive onky lost 8 pound, even tho i dont eat much i do strength training, but i look like ive lost so much weight but im putting on muscle thats why the scales arent changing. Measure yourself its more easier i was a 34 waist im now 30.5 Message me if you need help :)

    Yah no you aren't putting on muscle sorry....

    Esp while in a deficet.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    - you cannot build muscle at a deficit
    - you can tone and strengthen and preserve muscle at a deficit
    - you can lose muscle and fat at a deficit if you don't eat or exercise enough

    fat is less dense than muscle NOT lighter
  • whtyoupick
    whtyoupick Posts: 16
    I cut out drinking pop and juices and just stick to water. It has helped a lot!