new years resolutions...groan!!!

katesp Posts: 19
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all! who can help but try and diet again on the first of january???!!! my name is kate and i'm a 36 year old mother of 3...always hoping to turn into Gloria from Modern Family...anyway going to get a bit of a handle on things...this site seems very easy to use esp for iphone : ) happy new year to you all and all the best : )


  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Happy New Year to you too! Nice to meet you.

    Yep, this was my New Years resolution too but I always find New Years day too much of a 'holiday' to diet so I'm officiaally starting today :-D Just think that if we start now and lose a pound a week we'll be 26lbs lighter by the midle of the year.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • katesp
    katesp Posts: 19
    thank you genie! good luck to you too! :)
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Just take it one day at a time and remember, it you mess up, start a fresh tomorrow.... This site is great for tracking what you put in your mouth and really makes yuo wonder "is it worth it and how will it impact my calories and ultimate goal". That being said, I need a kick in the butt for 2011. So add me if you want a friend to help be accountable with through the journey.
  • So agree with you! Good luck to you as well!!!
  • Best of luck to ya! You are right this site is fantastic and I love the android app for mfp but I still find myself just logging in from the web. never the less this site is a great tool for helping with the journey. Happy New Year!
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Hello! Yeah i know what you mean, this has to be my 999,999,999,999 time trying to restart diet and exercise and always made excuses for myself to not do it. but not today, not now, i am actually gonigto stick to it becuase i have a plan and the support to do it. I know Modern Family also and beleive me, I can only dream of having Gloria's body as mine! She's gorgous and she has the body any woman would kill for! but you know, as crazy as it might seem, you should get a picture of that actress and keep it with you so anytime you feel like giving up or wanting to go for that donut that has been starting at you for an hour, take out the picture instead and use that picture as fuel for your motivation! im doing it right now and i am thinking of using Gloria or Charleze Theron! Such naturally beautiful women! Good luck and im adding you as a friend so we together can keep our resoultions!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • katesp
    katesp Posts: 19
    morning from sunny south australia : ) thanks for all your replies guys : ) i love the idea of gloria as motivation, going to do it!!
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