What am I doing wrong?

I'm 43 and have about 35 pounds to lose. I lost 6 in the first month, then up a pound (Easter!), then nada. Nothing. Zip. I know not to eat back all of the exercise calories that MFP recommends, but I do give myself 100-150 total on days when I really push myself at the gym and/or walk in the morning and got to the gym in the evening. MFP gives me 1390 calories a day, which I use. With exercise calories, I never go over 1500-1550. I am struggling with nighttime snacking, but I log it. I drink alcohol once a week. The only thing I can think of is that my carbs are over every day but 60-75 grams. Could that be it? I'm exercising 4-5 times/week.

Help!?!? I know plateaus happen, but after one month??? It's pretty discouraging.

Thanks everyone.


  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Need more info - open your food diary, how tall are you, current/starting weight, etc. Going over on carbs won't matter unless you are going over your entire daily calorie allotment.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Plateaus don't really happen. It's code word for "eating at maintenance and not realizing it". It's likely errors in logging. You may be eating more than you realize. How do you get your calorie totals?
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    the most likely culprit is inaccurate logging of calories consumed reducing your deficit

    by logging my calories accurately, I can eat back all my excercise and i'm still losing at 1lb/week

    the concepts are simple, in practice, it takes a lot of effort and hard work
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I'm 43 and have about 35 pounds to lose. I lost 6 in the first month, then up a pound (Easter!), then nada. Nothing. Zip. I know not to eat back all of the exercise calories that MFP recommends, but I do give myself 100-150 total on days when I really push myself at the gym and/or walk in the morning and got to the gym in the evening. MFP gives me 1390 calories a day, which I use. With exercise calories, I never go over 1500-1550. I am struggling with nighttime snacking, but I log it. I drink alcohol once a week. The only thing I can think of is that my carbs are over every day but 60-75 grams. Could that be it? I'm exercising 4-5 times/week.

    Help!?!? I know plateaus happen, but after one month??? It's pretty discouraging.

    Thanks everyone.

    There is no such thing as a plateau. This is a make believe concept. It means you are not eating at a calorie deficit, which is required to lose weight.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Are you being 100% honest?
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    Another important question, since your diary isn't open: Are you weighing or at least measuring everything? And we do mean everything. Ketchup, oil used during cooking, milk you put in coffee. Those little things add up if you don't log them, and can basically negate a deficit.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Best 3 things I can tell you 1) use a food scale... religiously if you aren't already. 2) incorporate lifting into your routine if it isn't there already. You will have much better results than just cardio alone. 3) For me, results really started coming when I cut the carbs (Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes). I only have these things a few times a week and that's really helped. I know some people go by IIFYM but that just doesn't work for me... I have PCOS and Insulin Resistence. Good luck!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Are you picking the lowest calories for a FOOD and the highest calories for exercise?
  • ProfW65
    ProfW65 Posts: 4
    There *is* such a thing as a plateau, so don't be discouraged. If losing weight were as simple as merely creating a calorie deficit, we'd all be able to do it without any problem.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    There *is* such a thing as a plateau, so don't be discouraged. If losing weight were as simple as merely creating a calorie deficit, we'd all be able to do it without any problem.

    the concept is simple
    weight loss <> deficit

    the practice is very HARD, takes time dedication and effort, but most importantly ACCURACY
    *many* users overestimate their burns and underestimate their consumption, thus wiping out their intended deficit
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    There *is* such a thing as a plateau, so don't be discouraged. If losing weight were as simple as merely creating a calorie deficit, we'd all be able to do it without any problem.

    Not after 6 pounds there aint