5 foods to never eat (Trim Down Club)



  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Quite disagree with the notion that whole wheat bread is bad for you and to be avoided at all costs. Sure you don't want to eat half a loaf a day, but a few slices a day of a quality bread aren't bad for you. One thing you should do is check to make sure it is made from whole grains (very easy to do).
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    1. Cauliflower, in any form, but especially not disguised as a substitute for something else like potatoes or pizza crust. That's just wrong.

    2. That spongy orange candy shaped like a peanut. Disgusting in both texture and flavor.

    3. Brussell Sprouts, or sprouts of any kind. They taste like you just picked them up off the ground. You might as well eat maple tree seed pods.

    4. Sauerkraut. Sure way to ruin a Ruben.

    5. Liver. I'm not even going to expand any further on that.
    I strongly agree with your list. Trust me, I'm an astronaut.

    K. Let's have this instead.

  • fxg20
    fxg20 Posts: 61 Member

    Hogwash tastes awful, and I don't think it's sanitary. Stick with the pork, the extra calories are worth it.
  • mwrightstasi
    These posts are hilarious !!