Hoping to get support whilst breastfeeding

Rynjak Posts: 12 Member
Hi there,
I'm hoping to connect with a few other mums using MFP whilst still breastfeeding. I have a nearly 5month old and am exclusively bf'ing. I've worked out my BMR and added approx 280 cals as cardio each day...not sure if this is right or not. Be great to chat to others in the same boat?


  • SFMegatron
    SFMegatron Posts: 13
    Hi there! I am EBF my 7 month old. I manually set my calorie goal at 2200. I am currently 5'8" and 170 lbs and am hoping to get down to about 150. Let's cheer each other on! :) What are your exercise plans?
  • bptter
    bptter Posts: 5
    I breast fed my son, but waited until he was well established with breast feeding before monitoring my calories. Never had an issue with milk supply once I started counting calories.

    I just stopped breastfeeding him a few months ago. He's 2.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    Yes!! Tandem nursing here (toddlers)... years of experience. Feel free to add! XO
  • Rynjak
    Rynjak Posts: 12 Member
    Hey ladies.
    Lots of exp here then :) kudos to the tandem feeding too.

    Fortunately I've never had a problem with supply, more over supply and exercise and weight loss haven't ever affected it which is great!

    Exercise plans....well my treadmill is sat here looking at me, swearing at me for being lazy haha but I do plan to use it and get back I to my weekend power walks. Was doing 10km every sat and sun morning and aim to use the treadmill twice in the week too. I struggle with the treadmill because my 2.5yr old won't give me half hour on it without trying to climb on so I think it'll have to be 8pm at night when they're all in bed. Unfortunately I've been so tired by that point I just go to bed!!
    I need to break the lazy habit!!
    I'm working on 1600 cals and I add breastfeeding as cardio at 280cals. How do you all include the feeding?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I SUPPORT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    I plan on BF when I have my little one in 12weeks so will be needing support too :smile:
    - sent you a FR :flowerforyou:
  • Napier_mum
    Napier_mum Posts: 88 Member
    You can type in breastfeeding into the food diary and it comes up with loads of different options. You might need to add more than 280 if you are feeding more than a couple of times a day.

    I am nursing my nearly 18 month old still but he only has one feed in the morning so I have just stopped adding calories for that.

    Exercise with young kids is hard! I was putting mine both in the stroller (I have a 2.5 year old as well as the 17 month old) but they want to get out and walk a lot so to get a proper workout I just get up at 5:30 3 days a week. I am home in time to feed the little guy when he gets up around 6:15.
  • Rynjak
    Rynjak Posts: 12 Member
    That's commitment Napier mum, good on you!! Hubby leaves for work at 7:30 so I think evenings are my only way. I don't have a double stroller but then my little one (shes 2.9) wouldn't sit in it anyway. I think it's finding what works through trial and error then sticking to it! I go back to work in 4mth so it'll change again. I've sent you a FR.

    Added you Hannah. How exciting....is this your first?

    Thanks for the support chocolate!! :-)
  • Rynjak
    Rynjak Posts: 12 Member
    I just typed in bf and so many options. Do we really burn 500 cals exclusively feeding? Wow. I'd be walking my butt off to burn that with exercise!!
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm currently bfing a 6 and a half weeks old.I decided it's time to come back to my fitness pal. I'm here and anyone can add me!
  • debdab2008
    debdab2008 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I had my third babygirl three weeks ago via csection and im also breastfeeding with some formula supplementation. I wanted to get a head start on losing weight, although I know I wont be cleared for real exercise for another 3 more weeks. I have a lot of weight to lose and would love to have friends with babies/ kids for support, please add me as a friend.
  • DarthTargaryen
    DarthTargaryen Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I'm ebf my 2 month old and wanting to start watching what I eat again. I used mfp to lose weight before I got pregnant and it worked great for me. Hoping to get back close to that weight again. I gained about 60 lbs with this pregnancy and have lost a little over half of that already with birth and ebf. Glad to find bf in the diary lol. Feel free to add me for support! :)
  • borntonurse
    borntonurse Posts: 4 Member

    Im 10 weeks pp and EBF my first babe. I was 25-30lbs overweight before getting preggers then gained 55lbs! Lost 20lbs right off the bat but it stalled at 3 weeks pp. The scale just wont budge right now! Just started a local gym that has childcare. I wanna lose at least 30lbs in the next 3 months 'cos I have to go back to work in September and part of my job is teaching people to lose weight! Feel free to add me! This will be the 8th or 9th time in my adult lifetime that I have over 40lbs to lose. Just cant keep the darn stuff off.
  • TEEM5
    TEEM5 Posts: 1
    Hello all! Im 6 weeks pp This is my 3rd and I feel like I havent lost anything. With my second out of nowhere the weight was gone,and i was smaller than I had ever been.(I have always had a weight issue) feel free to add me! Im new to this and really want to try and stick with something for once lol! I EBF im not sure how to add that into my food diary.
  • sashadeee
    sashadeee Posts: 8
    Hello! I'm a new mom, 7 weeks postpartum and EBF. On here to lost the baby weight. let's be friends!