Need to lose 100lbs anyone need to do the same!



  • Rue_Moo
    Rue_Moo Posts: 3
    Hi! I don't need to lose 100lbs but I definitely need to lose a lot. So if you want to be my friend, please feel free to add me :happy:
  • I don't need to lose that much, but at least 50 would be good for me. Always looking for motivation, hard to find my own sometimes. Anyone feel free to add me!!
  • CourtneyK8586
    CourtneyK8586 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't have a set weight I'd like to be at but I definitely wanna lose 100 for sure lol. I started at 320 and am at 313 now...I started this after I started dieting so I'm officially down 7 pounds so far lol. I'd love to be friends! :)
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    My Highest was 300, start weight (on MFP) was 261 with 126 to lose and current weight is 182 with (roughly) 47 left to go. Anyone is free to add me!
  • catecholamine
    catecholamine Posts: 71 Member
    I have a lot of weight to lose. Ultimately, I'd like to be 150. I started in Jan at 356 and am now 302. I'll add you! :) Anyone is free to add me.
  • CleverClone
    CleverClone Posts: 45 Member
    I have about 120lbs to lose, just started this a couple of weeks ago. Happy to have new friends in a similar situation, so anyone can add me! :smile:
  • ton40orbust
    ton40orbust Posts: 155
    I have a little more then 100 pounds to lose, anyone can add me
  • lillybob82
    lillybob82 Posts: 6
    Hi I need to lose 100lbs I lost 45lbs last year but gained a bit over winter I've nearly got it back off and I want to lose another 45lbs this year!
  • amy_letsgo
    amy_letsgo Posts: 42 Member
    Hello! I need to lose 100lbs. looking for new motivating friends....and kicking some but!! Gonna be fit and 40!! :) Please feel free to add me.
  • I3righti3lue24
    I3righti3lue24 Posts: 40 Member
    I don't have 100 lbs. to lose, but I do have 50lbs... which fort me seems like a lot. Anyways, I'd love to have some more friends so anyone can add me!
  • Hi All, I have more than 100 pounds to lose. So far I've lost 34 pounds in the last seven weeks. Would welcome any like minded friends. Could always use a little motivation from someone with similar goals. Ultimate goal is healthy and physically fit. Kinda new to MFP don't know how to add friends yet. So please do add me! Best wishes for success in everyone's weightloss goals! Stick with it. Think out of the box!! Do something a different. You really can start exercising for as little as five minutes a day and lose weight.
  • ltk77
    ltk77 Posts: 8
    I have over 100 to lose. Anyone can add me.
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    HI I have / had 90 pounds to lose. I've lost 7 so far but if you want me as a friend I would love to have ya. I try and support my MFP friends daily but I ask is you to be someone who will show me support as well.

  • terrylhatcher
    terrylhatcher Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I have been on MyFitnessPal for a little over a year now! It has been a great help! I have just started reading the Message Boards and adding friends. It is a great motivation for me to see what other folks are saying and eating. I have an open diary and enjoy reading others' food diaries. I have gotten rid of 122 lbs since Jan 7, 2013!! I do not like to say "lost" because usually when you lose something you want to find it again.....I definitely do not want to find those 122 lbs again! In addition I would like to lose another 80 or so. I have not decided on a final number yet. I really enjoy the encouragement. Anyone please feel free to add me!!
  • horrorfan
    horrorfan Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 18 and 5'3 3/4. My "perfect weight" is considered to be 120. I currently weight 122 so I have about 100 to lose (taking into consideration the fact that I will gain a few pounds back when I shift to maintenance). It seems so intimidating, but it's easy if you focus on the fact that you're making lifelong changes instead of temporary ones to lose weight. Look at the big picture and it'll help! Congrats on taking a step towards health! Best of luck
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I have about 91lbs left to lose .....Anyone is more than welcome to add me ....wishing everyone much success in their goals :smile:
  • jankim9597
    jankim9597 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I also need to lose 100 pounds...I have lost 30 so far! Add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other!
  • amygrzelakbaird
    amygrzelakbaird Posts: 1 Member
    I am trying to not lose but make a life style change. I am willing to help motivate and I know I will need the same. Anyone can add me.
  • Nerdybookworm1990
    Nerdybookworm1990 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 23 and on the road to lose about 100 pounds. Anyone can feel free to add me if you would like, best of luck on everyone's weight-loss journey!
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I started here on MFP about a month ago with 100 pounds to lose (maybe more?), I've lost 8 pounds so far. I've noticed that having friends on MFP seems to make all the difference! It's so much better than doing this alone!
    Make all the friends here you can, they will help you get through the rough parts and you will help them.
    Best wishes on your journey!

    Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend.