Don't really know where to start!?

I just got home from college for the summer and I have SO much motivation, just don't really know where to start! I sadly succumbed to the freshman 15 and am currently around 155 and am 5'6... I want to lose about 15 pounds by the end of August and am dedicating my summer to get my body back in shape!

Does anyone have any advice on any simple workout plans to follow? For now I just go to the gym and do cardio for about 30 minutes then do a few machines but I don't feel as if I am pushing myself enough. I really want to focus on toning my stomach area and arms.

I am pretty good when it comes to eating but would it be worth it to start taking protein? Any advice would be extremely helpful thank you!!


  • xxhieixx
    xxhieixx Posts: 89 Member
    I'm a big fan of Jillian Michaels workouts so I recommend her videos. Since you want to tone and lose 15, maybe try the ripped in 30. I'm currently doing the body revolution which is 90 days, 6 days a week but I have a lot more to lose lol and it's also aimed towards your whole body. I like working out at home as opposed to the gym though so I can't help much there if you prefer to keep going to the gym.
    Protein does help, I bought some about 2 weeks ago and it's really helped me feel better. It depends on how much protein you need and if your meeting that goal. I have issues eating enough so I have a protein shake about 3 times a day (24g with each drink).
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    My group is specifically a challenge group consisting of daily, weekly and monthly challenges :)
  • kylsim28
    kylsim28 Posts: 3
    Omg thank you so much for recommending that, I saw great reviews on it and tried it today and absolutely loved it!! It's exactly what I need! :)
  • Vermilliana
    Vermilliana Posts: 42 Member
    One of my personal faves, especially for arms, abs and butt is Les Mills Combat. Its all martial-artsy, fun, the instructors are an absolute hoot and its Amazing for building cardio and muscular endurance while toning every part of your body. Its not easy, but the body adapts to it quickly and its very effective. I personally find Jillian Michaels too abrasive...I'd rather be led by a pair of Aussie butt-kickers *L*
  • Vermilliana
    Vermilliana Posts: 42 Member
    As far as protein goes. Pay close attention to sugar and fat content, as well as ingredients. A lot of drinks have corn syrup solids in them, which can be counterproductive. Whey protein is your best bet, as its the most body-friendly. I personally used defatted Pumpkin seed protein which I LOVE. Its flavourless and blends up well with a banana and milk..good stuff! I've tried a Lot of protein powders in my life, there are some really good and some SUPER bad. Cellucor is a good brand..especially the cinnamon swirl. I could drink BUCKETS of that stuff! *L*
  • xxhieixx
    xxhieixx Posts: 89 Member
    I forgot to mention which protein you should get. As Vermilliana mentioned, get whey protein. There's a lot of different good brands...can't remember all of them but they're easy to look up. I currently use optimum nutrition since it's one of the top brands and also the cheapest of the top brands lol. They have a lot of flavors and I enjoy it, doesn't taste bad at all.