Hypothyroidism - Can't lose weight!!!



  • cuilenya
    cuilenya Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ecotton, i was diagnosed over eight years ago with the same disease & have been on small dose of Levothyroxine since diagnosis. my weight went up rapidly including painful joints and muscles . But the thing i found the hardest to deal with ( & still do) is the debilitating fatigue. At that time i was working long nightshifts ( i'm now retired) and i put it down to shift work, how wrong was i !
    i joined myfitnesspal in the summer of 2012 but to be honest i did not start using it properly until beginning of 2013, I joined my local fitness centre around this time too. i do some cardio workout plus light weights, i also swim 3 times a week, I can honestly say It has not been easy as my energy levels drop after workouts and it takes a full day to get them back. I log everything i eat plus my exercises into myfitnesspal, otherwise, i forget and snack ! :)
    This time last year i was 15st 2lbs and at end of this month i weigh 13st 2lbs .. yeeha ! :) it has been hard work for me but i feel good... So i wish you heartfelt good luck wishes on your journey to maintaining a good healthy lifestyle with Hypothyroid.
  • I am having the same problem. I like to exercise so that is not the problem. I exersice alot. What do I do about my diet? I can't seem to lose weight unless I eat very little. Starving myself is not the answer. It is very hard to stay motivated when I don't see any results. My Doctor says it is very hard to lose weight even with the thyroid meds. He also says since I am getting older that my metobolism has slowed down. I am so self consious about my weight. Sometimes I don't want to go out or see anyone. It is very depressing.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I can't seem to lose weight unless I eat very little. Starving myself is not the answer. It is very hard to stay motivated when I don't see any results. My Doctor says it is very hard to lose weight even with the thyroid meds.
    I like your doctor! My endocrinologist says that b/c I'm taking Synthroid I can lose just like everyone else.

    I lost way more slowly than most MFPers—but I did lose, so don't give up. You must be patient. I was gaining pretty quickly before I was diagnosed w/ Hashimoto's, so I was glad to be losing anything at all. Rather than "I only lost .5 lb. this month," I thought "I didn't gain 2 lb. this month, plus I lost .5 lb. Yay, me!"
  • scg17
    scg17 Posts: 88 Member
    We're in the process of setting me up for treatment of Hashimotos, but before we knew what was going on, I gained 8lbs in Nov/Dec. I lost 6 of them over the last month, eating a 1200 cal day (I eat back about 50% of my exercise cals). So, even unmedicated, you can lose :D I'd strongly recommend strength training, as that is what has helped me the most. I've lost several inches, and starting to feel defined.

    The main thing for me is the fatigue, which I hope gets better on meds. I just plan my day around: must get 8hrs of sleep, must take a nap after work, then go to gym/yoga/ride horse, etc. I spend a lot of time sleeping! But whatever, you have to do what you have to do to be healthy, and I'm hoping after I start meds next week things will be better.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I just got my thyroid tested this morning. I get one every few months or so because I've been hypothyroid for most of my life.

    If you're taking medication and your levels are testing OK, there's no reason why you can't lose or control your weight, so don't get discouraged if you've been diagnosed. My thyroid hasn't affected weight too much give or take a few pounds (aside from chubby, undiagnosed adolescence.)

    There's a lot of annoying struggles when you're a hypo, especially when medication needs adjustment, but just be patient with it and don't let it get you down.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Having hypothyroidism, that is being treated by Levothyroxine, has not prevented me from controlling my weight. Prior to treatment, I put on a bit of weight, but that was it, and I am not a mild case, either. So there is something else at play here, causing your gain, most likely.
  • A few things I learned from my biology teacher + others with Hypothyroidism:
    1. Eating right after you take your medication can affect how your body absorbs it. After taking your pills wait 30 mins before eating breakfast. Wait 3 hours before eating calcium rich food/supplements.
    2. Get a blood test regularly (I get one every 3 months)
    3. Try eliminating gluten, soy, peanuts, aspartame, strawberries, peaches and grapefruit (my coworker's mom tried this and lost a ton of weight)
    4. Always read the labels on medication before taking them. Cold and flu medications usually warn against taking them if you have a thyroid condition.
    5. Because hypothyroidism affects your heart rate be sure to monitor it when you are doing cardio. Weights are a safer exercise.
    6. Try to take your medication at the same time every day.
    7. Don't starve yourself - your body will respond by going into "panic mode" and you will plateau or gain weight.
    8. Eat 5 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones.
    9. Breakfast should be your most calorie filled meal. Dinner should be the smallest and at least 4 hours before you go to bed.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    A few things I learned from my biology teacher + others with Hypothyroidism:
    1. Eating right after you take your medication can affect how your body absorbs it. After taking your pills wait 30 mins before eating breakfast. Wait 3 hours before eating calcium rich food/supplements.
    The manufacturer of Synthroid http://synthroid.com says to wait 30 minutes–1 hour before eating or drinking anything but water, and a total of 4 hours before taking any vitamin or mineral supplements. I read in the Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/770-hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism that one should wait a full hour and take Synthroid w/ a full glass of water. (I had been taking a few sips & waiting 35 mins.) Maybe it's a placebo effect, but I have way more energy now—and less brain fog.
    3. Try eliminating gluten, soy, peanuts, aspartame, strawberries, peaches and grapefruit (my coworker's mom tried this and lost a ton of weight)
    Everybody's different, and weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error, but on the advice of my endocrinologist I haven't changed what I eat at all. I just eat less.
    9. Breakfast should be your most calorie filled meal. Dinner should be the smallest and at least 4 hours before you go to bed.
    When you eat makes no difference, except for taking Synthroid on an empty stomach. I take mine first thing in the morning, but I keep it & a glass of water on the bedside table just in case I wake up in the middle of the night. It's a real treat to get up later and eat or drink whatever I want without waiting an hour.
  • VeganHippieLady
    VeganHippieLady Posts: 5 Member
    First of all, holy bump!

    We're in the process of setting me up for treatment of Hashimotos, but before we knew what was going on, I gained 8lbs in Nov/Dec. I lost 6 of them over the last month, eating a 1200 cal day (I eat back about 50% of my exercise cals). So, even unmedicated, you can lose :D I'd strongly recommend strength training, as that is what has helped me the most. I've lost several inches, and starting to feel defined.

    The main thing for me is the fatigue, which I hope gets better on meds. I just plan my day around: must get 8hrs of sleep, must take a nap after work, then go to gym/yoga/ride horse, etc. I spend a lot of time sleeping! But whatever, you have to do what you have to do to be healthy, and I'm hoping after I start meds next week things will be better.

    I have Hashimoto's, this site are helps me cope with things such as, which questions to ask? and which tests to request?
  • WeakCalves
    WeakCalves Posts: 32 Member
    Basic question: who should I go see in order to have my thyroid checked: Ob/Gyn?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Ideally, an endocrinologist. But depending on your insurance, you might have to see your primary care physician.
  • Mandy_SD
    Mandy_SD Posts: 29 Member
    Hi there,

    I have an underactive thyroid gland too and was on levothyroxine for years which wrecked my body. have recently switched to armour thyroid and feel amazing on it!
    I gained a ton of weight on my previous meds and felt so miserable because no matter how much I dieted or exercised the weight would not come off.

    You should think about switching to armour....
    I could NOT even lose 1lb while on the levothyroxine no matter how hard I tried :(

    Of course everyone is different but I have done a ton of research lately on it all and I believe Armour is the way to go.

    Feel free to add me, I can email you the links to all the info I found if you want
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    Sooooo many post haha. I noticed you did not mention anything about strength or resistance training. On the surface I say lift weights to get some muscle mass. You may gain weight, but it will be good weight. With the new muscle mass your body will be forced to use more calories to keep the muscle and move the extra weight. I would also add spices to my food and drink ice cold water. Both have been shown to burn a few extra calories. Good luck and I hope my info is new and effective for you. Keep going!!!
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Sooooo many post haha. I noticed you did not mention anything about strength or resistance training. On the surface I say lift weights to get some muscle mass. You may gain weight, but it will be good weight. With the new muscle mass your body will be forced to use more calories to keep the muscle and move the extra weight. I would also add spices to my food and drink ice cold water. Both have been shown to burn a few extra calories. Good luck and I hope my info is new and effective for you. Keep going!!!

    ^^ Being Hyypothyroid ^^^^ this is what I had to do ^^
  • That is awesome!! I go back in two weeks to re-check my levels and I already know they will need to up my dosage. The small amoutn they have put me on has helped some, I feel like Ive had a weight lifted off my shoulders but Im still struggling with fatigue and mood swings. Im just trying to stay positive! Keep up the great work!
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    I have Hashi's as well. I'm 27 and have been on meds for about a year and a half. The one thing I've realized is how important being on the correct dose is. Over the last year my thyroid was progressively getting worse, to the point where I was literally in the grocery store one Saturday after having been in bed a day and half, and I literally burst into tears b/c I was so exhausted just being there.

    I was 172 at my absolute highest, which was about a month after I started my new dose (and about 4 weeks ago). I'm down to 163.4, though probably half the loss was just water weight.

    It's a HUGE struggle, believe me I know. But I feel like taking control of my weight when my thyroid is good is the only way to beat this. I already have enough health problems to last a lifetime, including high cholesterol (that's been high since I was probably 20), high triglycerides, and an ever present vitamin D deficiency in addition to my thyroid troubles.
  • I just found out that I have thyroid issues. I know I've always weighed 120-130 and now I am up to 170 so I knew something was wrong. Any suggestions on how any of you had lost weight with this same issue would be greatly appreciated.
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    I have Hypothyroid - I've adjusted my diets countless of times - the only thing working for me was exercuse. I'm now on an IIFYM plan and my weight has been sliding off. I see more results and more muscle definition. If you need help - feel free to add me! I've done everything from the 1200 calorie diet to Medifast =)
  • dottymj
    dottymj Posts: 1 Member
    Ive been diagnosed with Hashimotos 4 months back... Im on Eltroxyn 50mcg .... I have just begun checking my calorie intake....Im doing the following:

    Badminton for 1-2 hours 5 days a week
    Gym - 90 minues - 4 days a week ... (inclused 2min running, abs and leg exercises)

    3 yrs back...., through workouts, I lost 8 Kgs (17.6 lbs) ..took me 6 months for that.... and I put it all back because of stress and work and ofcourse... Eating without control.....

    I really hope it is possible for me to lose weight with this condition....

    Thanks for all the motivating posts.....
  • I'm on 120mg of levothyroxine, I have been on it for a year and half. I have gained 50 pounds in the past year and I am trying, I just feel like people expect me to be loosing more, and I should, with a healthy diet and working out a minimum of 7 hrs a week. I was GAINING weight. I think i'm going to eat when i'm hungry and not eat ANYTHING sugary of fried, and see what happens, good luck!