How can I start eating vegetables?



  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I just posted this on another thread yesterday. Hope it helps!

    For many people, the texture of vegetables is what bothers them--not the taste. This is something I would fix often when my picky son was younger. I would throw two bags of frozen vegetables (usually the cauliflower/broccoli/carrot blend) in a big pot with a box of vegetable or chicken broth and a package of dry onion soup mix and cook until tender. Then I'd add 1/2 bag of sharp shredded cheddar cheese. Threw it in the blender to puree it, and called it cheese soup. He loved it, and went on and on about Mom's awesome cheese soup.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I just posted this on another thread yesterday. Hope it helps!

    For many people, the texture of vegetables is what bothers them--not the taste. This is something I would fix often when my picky son was younger. I would throw two bags of frozen vegetables (usually the cauliflower/broccoli/carrot blend) in a big pot with a box of vegetable or chicken broth and a package of dry onion soup mix and cook until tender. Then I'd add 1/2 bag of sharp shredded cheddar cheese. Threw it in the blender to puree it, and called it cheese soup. He loved it, and went on and on about Mom's awesome cheese soup.

    I'm stealing this idea. My son will eat almost anything pureed, so it is not the taste that bothers him. I have tried cooking things so many different ways (raw, steamed, roasted, grilled, etc). We have been at this for almost 3 years now and at least he can now touch veggies without gagging (he used to be the kid who couldn't play with playdoh without gagging and almost throwing up). He has always been like this. I know it can be hard for people to wrap their heads around if they haven't experienced it.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I also had that problem. The worst thing I Know is sallad.

    But if one want to be healthy (get vitamins and minerals and good energy)one has to incoorporate it in their foods.

    I started making asian dishes, eastern-asian, wok dishes, there's the vegetables are just as important as the meat in the dishes, so it really helped me getting started.

    And for fruit you could just make blogilates belly detox water, she has like a few slices of fresh mint, lemon, orange and cucumber with water in a glas for like 2 hours, then drink it. You will have tasty water that has a lot of minerals and vitamins in it! :)

    Good luck!

    This. Asian and Indian dishes are how I first introduced those evil plant things into my diet at the ripe old age of 18. A friend of mine would drag me to various restaurants and eventually I developed a taste for them in other dishes or even *gasp* by themselves.

    Try to go high quality if you do this, avoid the MSG laced all you can eat places. Since my friend is allergic to MSG, I learned from her. Later, when I ate at places that weren't so healthy, I noticed I didn't feel well after I ate, something to avoid if you're trying to learn to like a food.

    Edit in the interests of being totally truthful: I still have a limited repertoire as far as veggies go. Some of them still bother my tummy and others I don't like the texture unless I alter it. And my favorites are the really spicy, pungent ones. However, those also happen to be very healthy.
  • pinkshiningstar
    pinkshiningstar Posts: 140 Member
    I love my veggies, but I get BORED of them quickly.

    How I solve for it? I cook them/use them in a variety of ways:

    *Fresh (with dip or plain)
    *Roasted (my favorite)
    *Stir fried
    *Hidden (blended into a smoothie, cauliflower pureed like mashed potatoes, spaghetti squash instead of pasta, etc)
    *Grilled (veggie & chicken kabobs = awesome!)
    *The occasional cheese sauce!! Yes, cheese sauce. On occasion when I really, really don't want to eat my veggies, I'll toss on a little shredded cheese, occasionally melt up a T of Cheese Whiz. Whatever gets the job done.

    Overall, I encourage you to just TRY. Try things a variety of ways. One bite at a time. You'll find something you can tolerate, I'm sure.

    Good luck!!! :wink:
  • MichaelRobinson1994
    MichaelRobinson1994 Posts: 83 Member
    My girlfriend and I often boil/steam broccoli and Green beans together, then chop them up so that they're almost shredded and mix them into brown rice, problem solved for me, it's worth a try!
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    Eater with texture issues signing in for this one.

    I can do raw veggies without a problem but have issues with veggies cooked too long (the mushy feeling in my mouth makes me physically shudder). So I steam or stir fry slightly so they still have a bit of crunch or puree and then incorporate into soups or sauces, basically anything to avoid the mushy feeling on my tongue.

    That being said, there are still veggies that I don't like the taste of. Broccoli is one. Just can't stand it. Even covered in cheese sauce...still nope. :)
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    skazen21! Try this cookbook!

    She "hides" vegetables in different familiar dishes.
  • norulesjustplay
    You put them in your mouth and start chewing, a lot of veggies don't even require cooking.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    skazen21! Try this cookbook!

    She "hides" vegetables in different familiar dishes.

    I second this. I use it on my niece (3 yr old) and nephew (5 yr old) and it gets them every time. Suckers!
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    My Mom sent me a cookbook when my fiancé moved in called "The Sneaky Chef". It has some great recipes that incorporates veggies in unexpected ways.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I also had that problem. The worst thing I Know is sallad.

    But if one want to be healthy (get vitamins and minerals and good energy)one has to incoorporate it in their foods.

    I started making asian dishes, eastern-asian, wok dishes, there's the vegetables are just as important as the meat in the dishes, so it really helped me getting started.

    And for fruit you could just make blogilates belly detox water, she has like a few slices of fresh mint, lemon, orange and cucumber with water in a glas for like 2 hours, then drink it. You will have tasty water that has a lot of minerals and vitamins in it! :)

    Good luck!

    This. Asian and Indian dishes are how I first introduced those evil plant things into my diet at the ripe old age of 18. A friend of mine would drag me to various restaurants and eventually I developed a taste for them in other dishes or even *gasp* by themselves.

    Try to go high quality if you do this, avoid the MSG laced all you can eat places. Since my friend is allergic to MSG, I learned from her. Later, when I ate at places that weren't so healthy, I noticed I didn't feel well after I ate, something to avoid if you're trying to learn to like a food.

    Edit in the interests of being totally truthful: I still have a limited repertoire as far as veggies go. Some of them still bother my tummy and others I don't like the texture unless I alter it. And my favorites are the really spicy, pungent ones. However, those also happen to be very healthy.

    Some people have reactions to MSG, but for most people, it's perfectly safe and quite a yummy seasoning. In the 70s, my mom used to keep it in the pantry with her other seasonings.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I really don't get it when people say they don't like/can't eat fruit/vegetables!! There are SO many to choose from and they all have different flavours and textures, and those flavours and textures change depending on how you cook/prepare them so how can you not like them all?!

    This. Does not compute.

    I always have to assume people who say this actually have never eaten vegetables, save for a bad experience with badly cooked slimy spinach as a child, or something. There's no way you can hate ALL vegetables, ANY way they're cooked.

    Well there is a way if you have sensory issues. My youngest son has severe sensory issues with food. Unless the veggie/fruit is pureed, he will gag and throw up. Same with pasta/rice. There are legitimate sensory issues, and once people have a bad experience, it can be hard for them to give things a second chance.

    This would be a small minority of people. A lot of people have texture issues, but can eat them a different way. There are a lot of fruits and veggies that I *have* to eat raw or I *have* to eat them cooked a certain way. But someone with sensory issues that are as severe as your son's is going to be a rare person.
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    My favorite way to prepare veggies so they are soft-ish but still firm and flavorful is to roast them or lightly saute on the stove top. This works best for peppers, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, fennel, and many more.

    The veggies I think are best raw are lettuces, radishes, and carrots.

    Steaming is OK, but usually I prefer the flavor of roasting.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Try roasting with a bit of garlic and EVOO. Add some fresh chopped basil when it comes out of the oven. A bit of oregano and Parmesan cheese, if you like.
    Every time you shop get a new fruit and new veggie. Try the Asian stores for more interest.
    Stir fry greens instead of boiling, doesn't even have to be made with Asian flavors.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My favorite way to prepare veggies so they are soft-ish but still firm and flavorful is to roast them or lightly saute on the stove top. This works best for peppers, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, fennel, and many more.

    The veggies I think are best raw are lettuces, radishes, and carrots.

    Steaming is OK, but usually I prefer the flavor of roasting.

    Sounds like me! I also like to wrap them in foil and throw them on the grill when I'm grilling meats. It tastes very similar to roasting.
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I'm going to tell you a secret.

    Brussels sprouts are friggin' delicious.

    Quarter them, toss them in a little olive oil (or use cooking spray) and salt, put 'em on a cookie sheet in a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes. You will then know heaven.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm going to tell you a secret.

    Brussels sprouts are friggin' delicious.

    Quarter them, toss them in a little olive oil (or use cooking spray) and salt, put 'em on a cookie sheet in a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes. You will then know heaven.

    you're a liar.

    no such thing. will not eat.

    To answer the question- can't believe 2 pages in and no one has said this...


    bacon makes everything better.

    Even my picky *kitten* BF will eat bacon wrapped asparagus or bacon sauteed zucchini. I think he prefers them roasted/seared- but it's still an arm twisting effort to get him to eat them. He's like a child- but he will stomach them with some sort of bacon and garlic.

    I like the steamables- easy peasey- little butter on top S/P/G and good to go.

    otherwise I cook them stove top with bacon grease and garlic. so delicious.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    You put them in your mouth and start chewing, a lot of veggies don't even require cooking.

    Sigh, thank you! Yes, that's how you start....
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I'm going to tell you a secret.

    Brussels sprouts are friggin' delicious.

    Quarter them, toss them in a little olive oil (or use cooking spray) and salt, put 'em on a cookie sheet in a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes. You will then know heaven.

    you're a liar.

    no such thing. will not eat.

    To answer the question- can't believe 2 pages in and no one has said this...


    bacon makes everything better.

    Even my picky *kitten* BF will eat bacon wrapped asparagus or bacon sauteed zucchini. I think he prefers them roasted/seared- but it's still an arm twisting effort to get him to eat them. He's like a child- but he will stomach them with some sort of bacon and garlic.

    I like the steamables- easy peasey- little butter on top S/P/G and good to go.

    otherwise I cook them stove top with bacon grease and garlic. so delicious.

    They're right Jo. Brussels sprouts roasted that way are really good. But now bacon....that sounds like a good addition.
  • stephaniebeaudin5
    HELLO! As a trainer I would say the number 1 thing in fitness success is your diet. First of all congratulations on deciding to take the veggie route you have no idea how many people just don't even try to eat veggies that decision was all you. My advice is attempt to find some awsome recipies that have 90 percent of your favorite ingreedients and then add veggies in small quanitites, start having some veggies on hand in the fridge and take some with you to work. At first this will be hard because yout body is used to snackin on other things but don't allow yourself to give in all the time, take baby steps and really start to see how you feel with veggies suddenly added into your diet. It's so hard to Cut sugar even limit sugar for me but in the end I think about howuch better I wil feel,
    Look, and how much my body really appreciates this first seen sacrafice. CHeck out pintrist and search for delicious recipies and ask friends for advice and recipies too. Good luck I am sure in no time
    You will find yourself chomping down on some amazing veggies.